Red Icarus - Yuri Gagarin
All the specialists from the lowest to the highest echelon who prepared this flight did not know how it would end. Then, more than 50 years ago, there was no experience, which today are shared among themselves by those who send entire international cosmonaut teams into orbit, keeping them there for many months, and then …
"He called us all into space."
Neil Armstrong, American astronaut.
Every country has its own national heroes - people who at different times have become state symbols. On April 12, 1961, a new symbol soared over planet Earth. He soared over all peoples and nationalities, not limited either by geography, or by race, or by the ideology of his country. His name is Yuri Gagarin. The First Citizen of the Universe, the First Man in the World, who took a step beyond the threshold of Our House at dawn, pushing the "globe of the earth … away from himself, from himself" with the soles of his space boots. He flew into the Universe as an orange moth in a white helmet with ruby letters "USSR", showing the way to the stars for those who found the courage to go after him.

This was the first manned orbital flight into space on the first manned spacecraft Vostok. Gagarin not only went into space: he took off into the air and like a stone - back. He orbited the globe in 1 hour 48 minutes, being exposed to inhuman loads and mortal danger in an imperfect spacecraft, without guarantees to survive and remain mentally healthy. So easily, without batting a blue eye, he took part in the most grandiose - in the best sense of the word - adventure of the 20th century.
All the specialists from the lowest to the highest echelon who prepared this flight did not know how it would end. Then, more than 50 years ago, there was no experience, which today are shared among themselves by those who send entire international cosmonaut teams into orbit, keeping them there for many months, and then …
They had not yet had time to mourn the loss of a difficult war that claimed millions of lives, did not have time to look at those who returned from the camps in the cold summer of 1953, and the country, which had buried the body of its mustachioed olfactory helmsman with "lynx eyes", entered a new period of experiments, in which in Russian soybeans, peas, and the overseas "queen of the fields" were sown in black soil. People from the barracks moved to "Khrushchev's", and the Russian language, at the suggestion of the state oralist, was enriched by the hitherto unknown anal word "pi … s".
The tension between the West and the East increased. The game for possession of the atomic bomb by both superpowers was a draw. No one was scared of the oral promise to "show Kuzkin's mother" - the opponent calmly started placing missiles with nuclear warheads around the entire perimeter of the Soviet Union, aiming them at all large industrial cities and capitals, closing the USSR in a ring. The country remained completely unprotected, the threat of the third world was as close as never before.
Soviet aviation was unable to reach America, the main post-war enemy of the USSR. We needed a new modern shield, or at least a hint of its presence. Only outer space remained a non-militarized zone. Who will be the first in it, he will temporarily knock out the enemy.
A new round of space exploration began, in which two superpowers started - the USSR and the USA. In the late 1950s, several artificial satellites of the Earth were launched with dogs - squirrels, arrows, crooks, stars … Nobody knows how many of them - human friends - flew into space without barking and how many returned. These were great experiments leading up to the launch of the First Man into orbit.
One of the artificial satellites even photographed the moon from behind. By the way, it was this photograph that made the strongest impression on the future cosmonaut Gagarin and pushed him, the polar pilot, to write reports with a request to provide him with work related to space exploration.
"Playing ahead of the curve" was present, most likely, in the fevered imagination of Nikita Sergeevich. He did not fully understand the seriousness of the position of the Land of Soviets and fought for prestige: the first in space should be a Soviet person, and not some "American". But the danger of a nuclear ring around the country was accurately assessed by Soviet scientists and the military. The West, which at the meeting of the UN General Assembly in October 1960 was pointed out with the heel of a shoe in which direction it would be buried, was no less worried about the issue of self-preservation, and hence the mastery of space.

The launch date of the first spacecraft with a man on board has not yet been set, but three versions of messages have already been prepared: "tragic" - in case of the death of an astronaut, "SOS" - in case of landing in an unplanned place and "victorious". The last one won.
Urethralists have the unique ability to concentrate around themselves and carry the flock into the future. Gagarin not only called everyone into space - with his courage and fearlessness, he opened the doors to the New Era of Humanity. Yuri Gagarin did not need the natural oral vector of Lenin or Trotsky, who easily raised the Red Army soldiers to defend the conquests of the Revolution. He did not have the abilities of Vysotsky, who could in one word succinctly and strongly express the pain and thought of a whole generation. Gagarin had his secret weapon - the Gagarin smile.
In every country in the world he was accepted as his own. Where Gagarin appeared, the concepts of "caste" and "class" receded. Gagarin's charm, a young open face with a perky smile and blue eyes conquered everyone who met him. Yuri Alekseevich always smiled. Even when he was chastised for his mistakes, the smile never left his lips. Gagarin was just happy to live, and he shared this happiness, joy and joy with everyone.
Gagarin was a joker and joker, frivolous and funny. He was not an intellectual, although he read a lot. During his short life, he received three educations: technical, military and higher engineering. Only thanks to his exceptional natural abilities, which pushed his dream to fly higher and higher, he managed to reach the heights in aviation, becoming a test pilot, and then an astronaut. From a simple country boy, he turned into a Superstar of all times and peoples.
He was warmly received by the English Queen Elizabeth II, a whole mile away from the prim palace protocol of the representatives of the Windsor dynasty. She willingly played along with the first cosmonaut at receptions when something did not work out, easily, along the way, making adjustments to palace etiquette.

He was his own in India, Brazil, China, the Czech Republic … And every Russian woman considered him her son. Yuri Gagarin has become a symbol that united all people on the globe. Even spiritual leaders - Christ, Buddha, Mohammed - were able to unite only certain parts of the Earth's population with their sound idea. Yuri Gagarin rose above them. The hero of the cosmos was applauded by both the Christian world and the Muslim … and even the Thumba-Yumbian. It was a phenomenal event unparalleled in human history.
All civilizing wars begin and win, if urethral commanders and leaders do not die on the way to glory. The launch of the Soviet man into space accomplished the first peaceful, bloodless expansion, which changed the essence of the existence of civilization on planet Earth. For the Soviet people, with the launch of the first artificial Earth satellite, for the first time since the 1920s, the targets have changed.
The population, tired of the order of 40 years of Soviet power from Lenin's idea of "abstract communism" with the hackneyed formulation "plus electrification of the whole country", received a new incentive not in the development of virgin and fallow lands, but in the conquest of outer space. "Peaceful Soviet space" - now the whole country was working on this idea.
Using modern terminology, Yuri Gagarin was an ideological product of his time. He was one of many boys with a war-warped childhood, who in 13 years from an unknown village boy turned into a Citizen of the World No. 1. Nobody helped him. He had no cronyism or "hand" in the ministry. He created himself.
This suggests that in the 1950s there was a significant increase in the growth of the psychic of Soviet people, the previous framework of their consciousness no longer contained the 40-year experience gained. The words “atom”, “festival”, “engineering thought”, “cybernetics”, “scientific approach” are used in those years, and “physicists” look with disbelief at the “lyricists”, never deciding which of them is more important, not knowing that both those and others with a sound vector.
Yuri Alekseevich Gagarin was just one of the multimillion-dollar Soviet youth of the new approaching era, in which everything is happening rapidly. Yuri Alekseevich himself was a swift and very organized person. Decided - done. Military-demanding of himself and of his subordinates when it comes to work or study, as befits a person with a urethral vector.
High noise immunity - such a property was characteristic of Gagarin's behavior in training. The word "stress" was not yet used not only in everyday life, but also in medicine. At the same time, one of the instructors who taught Gagarin to fly said that he had little masculinity. Softness to Yuri Alekseevich was given the properties of his visual vector. Gagarin was a very brave and risky person, but he did not have the skin impudence, sound arrogance and arrogance, undeveloped visual snobbery, characteristic of the closed club elite of the first cosmonauts.

Khrushchev, who was urging Sergei Korolev to launch a rocket with a man on board, were put on the table three packages of documents from three candidates for the first cosmonauts: Nelyubov, Titov, Gagarin. Before the liberation of Smolensk and the native village of Klushino, Gagarin's family was under occupation, and this fact has already caused the future cosmonaut a lot of trouble.
However, the General Secretary was not embarrassed by the "dark spots" in the biography of Yuri Alekseevich. “If he survived such horrors (occupation), then it means a brave guy,” said Khrushchev, choosing from three Gagarin questionnaires. It was unexpected. With one stroke of the pen, Nikita Sergeevich removed from Gagarin the stigma "during the Great Patriotic War was in the occupied territory", which in fact meant a traitor to the motherland in five minutes. Such a stigma was received not only by people who were sent to camps, incriminated in inaction or aiding the Nazis. The cities received the "honorary title". For example, Kharkov, as punishment for its "betrayal", was deprived of the status of the capital of Ukraine.
In the event of an unsuccessful flight, all responsibility fell on Sergei Korolev. They say that Khrushchev even took a receipt from him that the flight would be normal, and the Soviet cosmonaut would return safe and sound. The start window had to be chosen between April 11 and 17. The Americans, who rang the whole world about the preparation of their cosmonaut Alan Shepard, setting the launch date for April 21 and laughing at the clumsiness of the Russians, did not take into account the significance of the Soviet order: "To carry out at any cost." Korolev's task was to get ahead of America by all means.
The launch is a powerful explosion, on which a rocket flies with a capsule the size of a refrigerator box and an astronaut inside - this is how the Vostok launch was described. The launch of the first spacecraft with a man on board was delayed due to a breach of the cabin pressurization. The technicians were looking for the cause of the failure. Waiting for Korolev's command: “Attention! One minute readiness! " - calmly calm Yuri Alekseevich spent more than three hours. Gagarin whistles, hums and even jokes. It has been said more than once that urethral patients do not have adrenaline in their blood, performing an action that later descendants will call the word "feat."
Gagarin is waiting. Anyone else would have lost their nerves long ago from uncertainty and uncertainty. Yuri Alekseevich is humorous, as always, filling a long pause. "Pasha, look, is my heart beating?" - he addresses the future cosmonaut Pavel Popovich by radio communication. And then: "Music would be!" They turn on the radio broadcast.
Gagarin loved to laugh and sing. True, despite his great love for music and even playing the trumpet in the orchestra, he was not very good with reproduction. He hit the notes badly, but sang dashingly and with a soul, a high, almost childish voice. In his company, he liked to shout at the top of his lungs, across the notes, a ditty invented by the gathering:
I fell in love with Titov, and gave Gagarin, The feeling is
as if in space.
Looking at the fit, reserved military man, you can never say that Gagarin was a big cheerleader in all matters. He, grabbing armfuls of life, tried himself in everything. He enrolled in various circles, and he had enough time to attend them and brilliantly pass all the exams, wherever he studied.

At the age of 14, finding himself alone in a city near Moscow, from where the capital is just a stone's throw away, Yura not only did not "get off track", but intensively engaged in self-education, making up for lost time during the war and pushing the rest of the class.
He just liked doing things for people. He could easily organize his teenage fellow students at the Lyubertsy vocational school and drag them to the zoo, museums, or just for a walk around Moscow. Is it possible to sleep on a day off when the capital is near, and there is still so much unknown in it. Yura wanted to show the timid, shy guys who came from Russian villages, like himself, to study in Lyubertsy, everything that he had already seen himself. He loved to share knowledge, impressions, sensations from life, he was ready to give it all to others, receiving, like any person with a well-developed urethral vector, the pleasure of giving.
His ebullient, active nature knew no rest. The bouncing ball - his comrades called him. Gagarin was so in love with life that he could never stop there and comprehend it in all aspects. Curiosity is his main feature. At first he was interested in what was in the sky, and he signed up for the flying club. The Universe became the biggest mystery for him. He tried to unravel it through the fantasy of Efremov, through the works of Tsiolkovsky, which brought him into space.
For more than three hours, Yuri Gagarin, absolutely calm, is waiting for the command so that his non-statutory "Let's go!" go into immortality. Few believed that the first cosmonaut would return alive. Gagarin was also fully aware of this, adding in an everyday voice: "As it will be, so it will be."
His desire will come true - to see shaggy stars in the velvet "blackness of the Universe" with his visual eyes. And how "the planet sleeps in a blue haze", according to Lermontov - the most cosmic, according to Yuri Alekseevich, poet.
Tell this all later to Vladimir Vysotsky, who eagerly absorbed every word of the first cosmonaut, at some small feast in someone else's kitchen.
Gagarin came there specifically to listen to the semi-legal poet, and he, absolutely sober, wheezed his songs to him until morning, and then quietly asked:
- As there?
- Scary! - answered Gagarin visually.
Only, most likely, it was not scary, but he was lonely in the vast Universe, because his flock remained on Earth to wait for their future hero.

That night, Vysotsky wrote a song about a guy who plowed space, but it has not survived, like much that he wrote on crumpled paper napkins, on torn cigarette packs …
Their meeting was the first and only. They didn't intersect anymore. They walked along different corridors of different state institutions, behind the doors of which one was scolded and fired, and the other was awarded and honored. Vysotsky had his turns, and Gagarin had his own orbits.
Both of these urethralists, according to Russians, are the most popular personalities of the last century. One of them, who lived his life on a nerve, became for us the Civil Conscience of the 20th century, and the other - the First Citizen of the Universe "with a smile on the entire Milky Way."