Vasily Ivanovich Chapaev
Cities, towns, villages, factories and plants were named after him. There are more than 30 thousand streets alone named after him. He was destined for the fate of the national hero, whose name is still covered with legends, and the true life events are still hidden in the State Archives.
It has long been noted that on the eve of great events, nature is experimenting in a special way with the birth of male and female individuals.
This happens several decades before major military shocks, when more boys are born, and among them are urethral individuals who are able to command regiments at a very young age. Such urethral units include Vasily Ivanovich Chapaev.
In Soviet times, Chapaev was a symbol of the Civil War. Cities, towns, villages, factories and plants were named after him. There are more than 30 thousand streets alone named after him. He was destined for the fate of the national hero, whose name is still covered with legends, and the true life events are still hidden in the State Archives.

He was born the sixth child in a Russian peasant family with deep housebuilding traditions, living in the Kazan province. Father was a cruel, domineering man, a real sadist with an anal vector. Everyone suffered from his beatings - both his wife and children. He often beat Vasily, and when his son grew up, he began to seriously think about tonsuring. A pre-revolutionary nine-year-old child can be safely equated with a modern teenager. In peasant families, children accustomed to hard work early became independent. Childhood, spent among people of different nationalities and religions, taught Vasily not to divide people along ethnic lines, but to see in them their true human essence.
After moving to the Samara province, little Vasily was assigned to the local parish school. There were many priests in the Chapaev family, and their life was well known to the future division commander. “The priest deceives the people, that's why he is disgusted with us,” said Chapaev, speaking at a rally in front of the soldiers. These words were not speculation, they were his observations. It is difficult to imagine a child with an urethral vector, who would be ready to comprehend the basics of the Orthodox faith in humility, agreeing with the dishonest behavior of the holy fathers.
The bubbling and rushing outward power of the 4-dimensional urethral libido, the desire to do everything and always in his own way could not but affect his actions. To go in defiance of his uncle, the priest, who undeservedly punished him, barefoot in the 40-degree frost, in one shirt, leaving the window of the punishment cell with his foot, can only be done by a kid with a urethral vector. For those like Chapaev, there are no prohibitions and restrictions, because there is no one above the natural leader and cannot be.
A person with a urethral vector does not feel risk, therefore, he lives so little, ending his life at a young age. For Vasily, the winter escape from the punishment cell of the parish school almost ended in death, but he survived and more than once risked his life, doing what the other brothers did not want to do - they were afraid. Unable to resist on the dome of the church when the cross was installed on its dome, it tore off and flew downward, without a single scratch.
Our fathers are glorious commanders
As befits any person with a urethral vector who provides his flock with a breakthrough into the future, Chapaev was responsible for every fighter who entrusted his life to him. He took care of his soldiers, who, despite the fact that Vasily Ivanovich was younger than many of them, called him their father. This old military tradition, formed on the meringue of the urethral-muscular mentality, exists only in Russia. No other armies in the world have developed such powerful ties between the muscle army and its skin commanders and the urethral commander, who, not by order, but by a simple appeal: "Soldiers, we will not spare our lives …" - could raise entire regiments to attack.

Chapaev received this experience of communicating with soldiers on the fronts of the First World War, having risen to the rank of non-commissioned officer. Showing examples of courage and heroism, Vasily Ivanovich returned home as a full Knight of St. George. This military science, having gone from a soldier to a junior officer, on the fields of the war with the Germans, was comprehended by more than one peasant guy. She was possessed by a whole galaxy of future brilliant military leaders who later won the Great Patriotic War, among whom was Marshal Zhukov.
The muscular army always dissolves in its urethral commander, taking his ideas as their own, and his righteousness as his own. Few in the history of military affairs took such care of their fighters as Chapaev. Passion for his servicemen is what distinguishes the natural urethral leader from the top-appointed careerist commander. He created a well-trained army out of hungry peasants, in which the fighters turned to him as "you" and were ready to die for their Chapay, and he, in turn, took care of them as if they were his own family.
“I am your commander, but the commander is only in the ranks; in the wild I'm your comrade. Come to me … after midnight … I will always talk to you … I dine - sit down with me to dine, drink tea - and sit down to drink tea … , Furmanov wrote down his speech at the rally after Vasily Ivanovich.
Chapaev, knowing perfectly well the plight of the newly created Red Army, thrown into the defense of the young Soviet Republic, understood that there was nowhere to expect help. Then he, having contrived, did not hesitate to dispossess his own wealthy brother, persuading him to sell the shops and put the money in the bank at high interest rates. The deal took place, and the dermal Mikhail Chapaev, who hoped to derive his "benefit-benefit" from it, had to say goodbye to the money.
Vasily Chapaev, who, after the sale, was given a tidy sum for investment for the growth, spent it on the development of the Red Army and the creation of hospitals. The interests of the pack took precedence over the interests of their own brother and family relations.
Chapai had unlimited power over the army, people trusted their father-commander, they knew that he would never leave them. His inspiration by the ideas of liberation, equality and help to the poor was passed on to the entire army, and then “with his Chapay at the head” it became invincible. Whole liberated villages left with him, some residents were sometimes taken by force. However, they soon realized that by doing so, Vasily Ivanovich saved their lives from possible repeated raids and revenge of the White Guards. What is this if not the leader's concern for the preservation of his people?

Dangerous bandit
Napoleon's army was 18-20 thousand people, the divisional commander Chapay had more than 30 thousand people. Partly due to the constant increase in the size of his army and the growing popularity among the fighters, he began to pose a serious danger not only to whites and Cossacks, but also to the Bolshevik elite in the Kremlin.
Chapaev did not delve into the internal political and Bolshevik jungle, instinctively realizing that the revolution makes it possible to help the poor and support the poor. “We took a hundred cows away from the bourgeois - we will give a cow to a hundred peasants, they took away their clothes - and we will share the clothes,” the commander explained: everything should be distributed according to shortages. Fighting to ensure that the flock was provided with everything necessary and did not starve became the work of his life.
There were a lot of such Chapaevs - unpredictable, unauthorized, easily changing the tactics of the offensive in order to save people and leave the battle with the least losses, ignoring the orders of the Revolutionary Military Council, headed by Trotsky - in the Civil War there were many. The urethral specimen actively manifested itself in all regions and provinces of Russia and, merging with muscle strength, represented a great danger. Unable to control the urethral freemen from Moscow, Trotsky introduces a new leadership position in the Red Army - the people's commissar. Officially, the people's commissars were called upon to conduct party propaganda among the fighters, but in fact they were overseers who controlled every step of the red commanders.
Many of the representatives of the urethral vector were successfully "pacified" by sending commissars to them, who dictated the will and orders of the Bolshevik government. Batka Nestor Ivanovich Makhno remained "uncontrollable" and did not receive the commissar. Chapaev also resisted, and his relationship with Dmitry Furmanov was not always brilliant, especially if he, who did not have any military skills, "intervened" in the discussion of the plan for a future offensive, demanding to follow orders from Moscow, where the situation on the ground was not always timely and accurately assessed …
The well-known surprise of the attack and the ruthlessness with which Chapaev fought, leading an army completely under his control, who adored their commander, greatly worried the leaders of the revolution. Trotsky called him only a bandit, and through Furmanov's reports he understood that “Chapay's actions are distinguished by extreme independence; he hates all sorts of plans, combinations, strategy and other military wisdom,”and was very afraid that one day this uncontrollable mighty force would turn on Moscow.

It cannot be said that Vasily Ivanovich was an illiterate man, as he is presented in the cinema. He possessed his boundless urethral courage, grip and bestial instinct, the natural skills of a great commander. He was just upset that "he did not pass the academies and did not finish them," but this did not prevent him from answering Furmanov's provocative question that he was ready to command all the armed forces of the Soviet Republic. Of course, like any owner of the urethral vector, he was characterized by some bragging, but the 32-year-old commander was able to assess his own strength and agreed to “learn first from his Russia”, becoming a commander over all the troops, and then begin to command all the armies of the world, “here it only remains to master the languages."
The seemingly naive words of the red divisional commander of the 25th division served as an absolutely sound self-esteem, which is hardly surprising. After all, it was part of the plans of the urethral Trotsky to kindle the fire of the world revolution, and there, you see, Chapaev would have come in handy. Vasily Ivanovich, according to his time, was, although insufficiently educated, but a very modern man and commander, keenly interested in technology, military affairs, history …
Instant reaction, good professional skills of a participant in the war with the Germans, the ability to think quickly, instantly navigate, "always and quickly find a painless way out even from the most critical situation", firmness and inflexibility of decisions distinguished Vasily Ivanovich, highlighting in him the signs of a urethral leader. He was able to convincingly convey to the peasants, most of whom formed the basis of his army: "Do not touch someone else's faith, it does not bother you."
The urethral leader cannot have conflicts on national or religious grounds; in the international army, no one is interested in who is next to you: a non-believer or an Orthodox Christian. The same order was established in the armies of the urethral Genghis Khan, Napoleon, Alexander the Great, where any unfriendly attitude towards a comrade in arms, any sidelong glance, insult on a national or religious basis was punishable by death.
In contrast to the jokes told about Chapaev, Vasily Ivanovich was a teetotal and nonsmoker. The strongest drink he consumed was tea. He drank it a lot and liked to invite locals from national minorities who were familiar with this drink. A kind of urethral feast for the whole world, which the leader likes to ask.
When Stalin needed a national hero of the Civil War to maintain the patriotic spirit of the youth of the 1930s, the choice fell on Vasily Ivanovich Chapaev.
On the screen, a popular image of a dashing rider with a saber bald and an outstretched hand towards the bright future was created. This is how Chapaev entered the life of pre-war youth, this is how he remained in the memory of subsequent generations, having nothing in fact to do with the original.
Vasily Ivanovich, like any representative of the urethral vector, was interested in the future with its new fantastic life, in which there is electricity, a wireless telegraph, cars … The cinematic image of an unbalanced, hysterical Chapai, created on the screen by Boris Babochkin according to a script more than once agreed with Stalin, absolutely does not correspond to the true image of the division commander, in whose subordination was the ultra-modern military transport at that time - airplanes, cars, his own armored detachment.
This peasant son, without special military training, realized faster than Frunze or Tukhachevsky that it was impossible to win a battle with the old methods, without the latest technology. Chapaev himself preferred to drive a Ford, developing a speed of up to 50 km / h. The division had a large fleet of vehicles and high-level specialists serving it, who were often sent to Moscow to work as drivers for members of the Government.
No matter how they tried to restrain, lead and control Chapai through the sent commissar Dmitry Furmanov, nothing came of it. Although Vasily Ivanovich listened to his opinion, he did a lot in his own way.

Dmitry Furmanov, a skin and sound fanatic of the ideas of revolution, Trotsky's confidant, attracted Chapaev with his erudition and the amount of university knowledge that he himself lacked. There are always sound and olfactory advisors near the urethral leader. The second was empty. Furmanov, having fulfilled his role as an informant, was recalled back by those who appointed him to Chapay. A replacement was sent to the People's Commissar who had left.
A few weeks later, Vasily Ivanovich Chapaev was gone. To this day, there are disputes about how one of the most influential and desperate urethral heroes of the Civil War died, and if he died at all. And why, in the early 1930s, a deceitful and manipulated image of the commander of the 25th division in the film "Chapaev" was unexpectedly created, according to the script of the same Dmitry Furmanov. Why is the Chapaevskaya 30,000 army represented by a handful of pitiful ragamuffins-marauders, and the author himself occupies a dominant place in the film, pointing out to an experienced divisional commander how to fight and win.
It is possible that such a castling of the people's commissars' figures became a key fragment in the middle part of the middlegame game in the big game called "The Elimination of Chapaev". Well, we'll find out when the archives are opened.
The slandered, squeezed in the grip of socialist realism, the image of Vasily Ivanovich had nothing in common with the real Chapay. And yet he was the only military leader everyone knows and remembers to this day. As befits a great urethral hero, he was and continues to be the idol of entire generations. Are there many commanders whose names are named after modern computer games for children and adults? Brave, handsome, courageous - his short life hung like a bright comet over the ancient steppe, leaving behind an endless train of legends, songs, tales and myths, which descendants rethink to this day.