The star and death of Vladislav Listyev. Part 2
On the first day of spring 1995, he hosted his last broadcast, as always giving viewers hope for the future. Indeed, many associate hopes for changes for the better with the arrival of spring. This was what the Russian audience wanted so much, frightened by the chaos and collapse of the post-perestroika period. Hearts calmed down from his words. His smile penetrated into the soul.
On that day, he did not want to go home, as if he felt that he was waiting for him. He thought about the possibility of such an outcome, but did not fully believe that it would happen.
Part 1
Television is created by people with a visual vector. First of all, because television is a "picture". And a person with a visual vector gets the greatest pleasure from contemplating it, from the perception of light and color. After all, it is his eyes - the most sensitive sensor. And television is also about impressions and emotions that are necessary for any visual person.
Leading talent
Vladislav Listyev stood at the origins of the new television, in which an ordinary, simple person became the main character. The "Look" program, in which Vlad first appeared before the audience, became revolutionary in this sense. And in order to lead it, the new presenter had to have communication skills, empathy, the ability to find an approach to each person, to make him open up in front of the camera.
Skin-sound-visual journalists are in great demand on television, where the ability to adapt to a rapidly changing situation, the skills to feel the mood of another person, to speak convincingly and to capture everyone's attention are required. It was he who set the mood in the "Look" program created in 1987, being the brightest of all the presenters. The audience loved him the most.
In his attitude towards the audience, one could feel not only visual empathy, but also a sound ability to focus on a person. He understood and respected people. He was interested in people. He once remarked: "It's just always important to remember that you are not the main person on a TV show."
Vladimir Pozner spoke about the professional qualities of Vlad Listyev: “Of course, he had the main talent of the presenter, namely, the ability to“break through”the screen and be sitting next to each individual viewer … Every time he was the host, the program received absolutely tremendous popularity … He found the key to the viewer, knew how to interest this viewer, and he did it in a highly professional manner."
The soul of the company, the favorite of women
Everyone who knew Vlad always noted his ability to be the soul of the company. He was very sociable, amorous, joked a lot. Despite the tragic events in his life, he was a very light person and women always liked him, because he surrounded them with dizzying care.

On the one hand, his love of love was associated with the visual vector, which is characterized by a state of polylobia. On the other hand, in a woman, he greatly appreciated development and intelligence, and this is the need for a sound vector.
“If a woman has a zest, if she is smart, then I already like her. This is the main thing, everything else is secondary, - he said. - I cannot fall in love with eyes, I cannot fall in love with hair. I can fall in love with what is here,”- points to Vlad's head in an interview. These words show the priority of the sound person.
Such was his third wife Albina Nazimova. They said that it was she who helped him to concentrate on his work, get out of the binge, which was the result of the tragic end of his two past marriages. However, she herself denies this.
Albina says that at some point a person becomes an adult - after all, we all do not grow up immediately. Perhaps, just love for her helped him concentrate on the main thing - on people, on what he brings to this world. And start taking full responsibility not only for your own life, but also for the life of society. And the woman he loved supported him in this endeavor.
Director and producer - rare and large-scale talent
Since the closure of the Vzglyad program, Vladislav Listyev's career has taken off. TV presenter, author of new projects, producer - tasks grew exponentially. Each time he faced a new choice, each time he expanded his capabilities.
As a talented author, he made a real breakthrough in television, creating a number of leading programs at that time, surprisingly maintaining a balance between the entertainment and public functions of television, completely changing the format of television broadcasting in Russia. The highly popular at that time programs "Field of Miracles" and "Guess the Melody", "Tema" (the first talk show on Russian television) and "Rush Hour" reveal the full breadth of his sound and visual talent.
The appointment to the post of CEO of Russian Public Television was the peak of his career. A very young man by today's standards - 38 years old - got his hands on a megaproject and a chance to do what he had long dreamed of. Here his leadership talent was manifested - a rare and large-scale one. He introduced a completely new form of government, which had never been here before.
He always set tasks clearly, because he knew his work thoroughly. On the one hand, he understood how programs are made, he was an excellent host, a talented producer.
On the other hand, he proved himself to be a grasping businessman, organizer and manager from God. Here Vlad's developed skin qualities were manifested.
Thanks to playing sports, at a young age, he perfectly developed the properties of the skin vector - organization, the ability to limit himself in order to achieve a goal, the ability to quickly adapt. And also competition, the desire to be the first in everything, the desire to win.
Up the social ladder
The fate of Vladislav Listyev clearly shows us the effectiveness of the system of social elevators that worked in the USSR, when any citizen of the country, no matter what social day he was on, always had a chance to break out into the people, thanks to a well-functioning education system, circles, specialized boarding schools. Not a single child was left to himself. Even if his environment did not create conditions for his development, the state took care of him.

System-vector psychology of Yuri Burlan notes this fact as a vivid manifestation of the urethral collectivist mentality of our people, in which there are no other people's children, all children are ours. This was especially clearly manifested with a social formation suitable for our mentality, which was in the USSR.
In this sense, Vlad Listyev was lucky, and, despite the given initial unfavorable conditions, he was able not only to adapt well in life, but also to realize himself to the maximum.
The three leading "Vzglyad" were considered "golden youth", natives of intellectual circles. Zakharov and Lyubimov were indeed from semi-diplomatic families, but Listyev did not belong to this circle. He only seemed lucky and lucky. His achievements are the result of the state's care for children and its own hard work, constant overcoming of difficulties.
It is thanks to this that he became a “legend of Russian television”. And if not for the tragic denouement of Vladislav Listyev's life, who knows what Russian TV would be like today.
Causes of fearlessness
Vladislav Listyev developed new television and took over the leadership of the leading television channel in the difficult 90s for Russia - the years of the collapse of the economy, the flourishing of banditry and corruption.
He realized that he was involved in a dangerous game for television broadcasting, in which spheres of influence were divided, including criminal structures. Vladislav Listyev wanted to destroy the established monopoly of individual advertising companies and make television not a mouthpiece for advertising and propaganda, but a public educational and cultural media.
He supported the decision of the management of the TV channel to moratorium on broadcasting advertisements on ORT, after which the number of threats against him began to grow. Many of his entourage said that before his death, Vlad felt that this could cost him his life. And yet he did not abandon his idea.
What made him so fearless? He was driven by love for people and the idea of a better life. Here again we see the manifestation of his sound-visual vector bundle.
Vladislav managed to maximize his visual properties. And the positive pole of emotional amplitude in his case manifested itself very clearly: when a person loves people, he is not afraid of anything.
And his idea to make television more human, bearing eternal values, and therefore interesting to everyone, helped him to forget about himself in his striving for the future.
Konstantin Ernst recalled the meeting of the latter for Vlad in 1995. On New Year's Eve, they stood with him at the window, watched the snow fall, and talked about philosophical topics. And suddenly Vlad for some reason started talking about death …

Life interrupted on takeoff
On the first day of spring 1995, he hosted his last broadcast, as always giving viewers hope for the future. Indeed, many associate hopes for changes for the better with the arrival of spring. This was what the Russian audience wanted so much, frightened by the chaos and collapse of the post-perestroika period. Hearts calmed down from his words. His smile penetrated into the soul.
On that day, he did not want to go home, as if he felt that he was waiting for him. He thought about the possibility of such an outcome, but did not fully believe that it would happen. After all, how can you encroach on the public's favorite? Friends asked him to hire a bodyguard, but he refused. That evening he was returning home alone and was killed in his entrance with two shots.
Albina Nazimova: “There are people who perceive their own life and work as a miracle. Vlad belonged to such people. He was a happy man. He knew how to enjoy everything: from work, communication with friends, delicious food, a good book, from the fact that the sun is shining on the street. He adored his profession, thought about work all the time. *
That is how he will remain in our memory - smiling, bright, fully devoted to his beloved work, believing in a better future. A man who, despite all the difficulties of life, managed to reveal his talent for great love for people and warm their hearts with it. A person who has realized his mission as much as possible, despite the number of years released by fate. A man-legend, a man-epoch, incredibly close and dear to every Russian person.