A.S. Pushkin. South Link: "All Pretty Women Have Husbands Here." Part 4

A.S. Pushkin. South Link: "All Pretty Women Have Husbands Here." Part 4
A.S. Pushkin. South Link: "All Pretty Women Have Husbands Here." Part 4

A. S. Pushkin. South link: "All pretty women have husbands here." Part 4

I'm not happy to serve, it's sickening to serve. Boredom and shocking. Cards, no money, two barrels, three muses. Duel with cherries. Paying for Passion - New Link. A banquet feast. Champagne bath for the chief. Some a collegiate assessor, and some “something else”.

Part 1 - Part 2 - Part 3

I'm not happy to serve, it's sickening to serve. Boredom and shocking. Cards, no money, two barrels, three muses. Duel with cherries. Paying for Passion - New Link. A banquet feast. Champagne bath for the chief. Some a collegiate assessor, and some “something else”.

Pushkin has not changed in the south … Glorious in poetry, terrible insolence and epigrams, headstrong, disobedient, he made a splash (MM Popov).

He rode on the pedestals from the capital to a remote province - Yekaterinoslav. Officially - to a new place of service, in fact - to exile, to correct their behavior under the watchful supervision of General IN Inzov. The young and most famous poet of Russia was riding along the Belarusian highway in a Russian red shirt, a girdle and a bright hat, followed by a police rank, unknown to anyone in an indefinite costume, to look up and report to the authorities.

People perceive the restriction of freedom in different ways, most get used to it and even start looking for benefits: better bunks, closer to the kitchen. People survive both in prison and in exile. For the urethral psychic, survival in captivity is impossible, and it does not matter whether it is Solovki or Bakhchisarai. Placed against his will in the restricted space of even the earthly paradise itself, the urethral at the unconscious level will immediately look for a way out, since his psychic is working out.


Four-dimensional urethral libido - the projection of the recoil force in the eight-dimensional matrix of the psychic - always goes to break through the cordon until it breaks through or dies. So the urethral person brings out his feeling of freedom, making it palpable for everyone. Hence the incredible popularity of urethral people, their fame and admiration, which they cause among others. Anyone who has ever fallen under the charm of a natural leader remembers the powerful attraction of urethral recoil for a long time.

Even enemies and envious people could not help but admire Pushkin. What can we say about enthusiastic friends who are ready to carry him in their arms and bathe him in champagne, about women tearing apart his letters so that each of them gets at least a line. “Rumors about his every step were reported to all parts of Russia” (MM Popov). It was real glory.

I long for one thing - independence

For the first time, twenty-year-old Pushkin felt police surveillance in southern exile. The sensations were so strong that AS immediately upon his arrival in Yekaterinoslav fell seriously ill: "chills, fever, signs of paroxysm" were recorded by the doctor. The apparent reason is swimming in the river. It is known that from his youth Pushkin practiced ice baths, was a physically strong, trained young man, and bathing on a hot day could not harm him.

The inner true cause of Pushkin's sudden illness is bondage. The exile was just beginning, a flock of friends remained in St. Petersburg, Pushkin was alone in a small town at a service that he despised and did not intend to perform, there was no way out, and the indignant mental manifested itself as a bodily illness. Fever was the last chance to go beyond the limited limits. This time it was done by going outside the territory. Inzov, sympathetic to Pushkin, procured leave for his supervised leave. Together with the family of General Raevsky A. S. goes to the Caucasian waters.

A new stage begins in the poet's work - the romantic one. Pushkin creates "Prisoner of the Caucasus", "Bakhchisarai Fountain", "Brothers-robbers", "Gypsy". In the center of these works are the concepts of freedom, will and bondage, everywhere there is passion, the author's eternal companion. It is known that during his southern exile, Pushkin did break away from the prospectors of the third department and wandered with gypsies for several weeks, until the gypsy woman Zemfira, who was in love with the poet, was stabbed to death by a jealous groom.


But there is no happiness between you, poor sons of Nature! -

with these lines, Pushkin ends his "Gypsy", where Aleko is the literary double of Alexander Pushkin.

I am alive, Starov is healthy, the duel is not over …

In the first link, as never before, the duality of Pushkin's character, his urethral-sound nature, began to appear. Periods of urethral excitement are expressed not only in outrageous antics like appearing at dinner with the governor "in muslin trousers, transparent, without any underwear." In attempts to break through the urethra for the flags of his bondage, young Pushkin does not observe any subordination, violates the rules accepted in society and is ready to shoot at every insignificant occasion, equally sharply reacting to attempts at ridicule and paternal patronage.

A happy accident and the vigilance of the sympathetic environment keep the poet from death. During a duel with Colonel ON Starov, a strong blizzard clogs up the barrels of pistols and obscures the eyes of those who shoot from ten paces (because of the mazurka) - both smear twice. Another time Pushkin comes to the barrier with cherries, which he has breakfast with with a smile. The enemy is dumbfounded, his first shot misses. "Are you satisfied?" - asks the poet and, as he was with cherries, he leaves without shooting. Sometimes the seconds' persistent requests for reconciliation find a response in the merciful soul of A. S. - and the duel is canceled.

The still urethral love of life celebrates the victory over the sound voids, hastily filled with verses, women, revelry and poetry again. “From every evening, Pushkin collected new delights and became an admirer of new goddesses of his heart,” recalls the poet's friend V. P. Gorchakov

In the periods between feasts and raptures - "mortal boredom", the absence of really close people, the inability to leave for Moscow or St. Petersburg plunge Pushkin into a state of deep apathy, when he shoots bread crumb at the ceiling all day at home, without dressing.


The only salvation from sound depression is creativity. When Pushkin writes, it is impossible to distract him, the poet raises a cry, and then admits that “something has come over him”. Violent ejection from the "shell" is extremely painful for the sound engineer. The void in the sound must be filled at least for a while, and the urethral desire must accumulate, then a natural change of states occurs within the urethral-sound matrix of the psychic. If, during sound concentration, an irritant comes from the outside, it is perceived as a severe mental pain.

It is vitally important for Pushkin to have the possibility of sound immersion. When he writes, the environment ceases to exist for the poet. The best time is night, until the feather falls out and the head falls in deep sleep. Loves Pushkin and early morning. While everyone is asleep, "in all the nakedness of his natural image" and crossing his legs on the bed, he quickly writes on scraps of paper, which he then casually shoves wherever he can.

In "Brothers-Robbers" there is an amazingly powerful scene when, fleeing from captivity, two brothers, bound in chains, swim across the river. So Pushkin with his urethral-sound psychic all his life fled from captivity, torn apart by two dominant vectors.

Rekli madmen: there is no Freedom, and peoples believed them

Despite the supervision of him, Pushkin continues to communicate with the Decembrists, is in active correspondence with Ryleev, Raevsky, Orlov. Soon the Decembrist circle in Kishinev was defeated, Pushkin was transferred to Odessa under the command of a much stricter overseer than old Inzov, Prince M. S. Vorontsov.

AS plunges into a sound void. A new sensation of sound incompleteness for himself, when (this is what he has!) Poetry is not being written, the poet brilliantly describes in the poem "Demon":

Then some evil genius

Began to secretly visit me

His caustic speech

Poured cold poison into my soul.

With inexhaustible slander

He tempted Providence;

He called the beautiful a dream;

He despised inspiration;

He did not believe in love, freedom;

He looked at life mockingly -


he did not want to bless anything in all nature.


In the verses of this period, for the first time, one can clearly hear disappointment and purely sound aloofness, even arrogance, so unusual for the always involved, passionate Pushkin. Cold blows from these lines:

Graze, peaceful peoples!

You will not be awakened by a cry of honor.

Why do the flocks need thets of freedom?

They must be cut or trimmed.

Their inheritance from clan to clan

Yarmo with rattles and whip.

In the sound detachment and "amid the noisy ball" of Odessa life, a new hero of the time is born - Eugene Onegin, well known to everyone as "an extra person" and "a typical representative". Onegin is often mistakenly identified with Pushkin, forgetting that he is just a "good friend" of the author, tired of life, disappointed in people and weak in feelings:

Who lived and thought, he cannot / In his heart not to despise people.

(Eugene Onegin)

Even in the darkest periods of sound voids, A. S. Pushkin did not think in this way. And in the poet's disappointment, there is always pain for the people, for the flock, for those shortages of it that it is impossible to fill with all urethral passion, because it is higher than human forces. The passionate Pushkin and the cold Onegin are antipodes. Onegin's sonic underdevelopment, weakness of desires, his inability to bestow fill the "young rake" with a sluggish blues. Pushkin, by virtue of his vector properties, powerful urethral temperament and sound genius, was happy with the return until the last days of his life, although at times he confessed in his letters to his wife that he was “moody” (what a word!).


Keep me my talisman

There is no money, and much more is required than in Chisinau. "Odessa is a sandbox in summer, an inkwell in winter", - wrote A. Pushkin in moments of melancholy. After Chisinau, the European life of Odessa - theater, balls, dinners, holidays, communication with new people - at first even interests the poet. Here he met several beautiful women: Karolina Sobanskaya, Amalia Riznich, Elizaveta Vorontsova.

For the latter, the wife of her boss, Prince M. S. Vorontsov, seven years older than A. S., the poet has a real passion. Its profiles adorn all of Pushkin's papers from the Odessa period. The poet's feeling is mutual. As a sign of his love, Prince. Vorontsova gives Pushkin a gold ring with a mysterious Jewish inscription. Pushkin considered this ring to be his talisman and took it off only on his deathbed to give it to Zhukovsky. Let us recall the lines of the poem "Talisman". They sound prophetic:

From illness, from the grave, In a storm, in a formidable hurricane

Your head, my dear, Will not save my talisman.


He will not bestow the riches of the East, And He will not subdue the worshipers of the Prophet


Dear friend! From crime, From new heart wounds, From treason, from oblivion Will

keep my talisman!

It is impossible to hide the passion of the urethral leader for the skin-visual woman destined for him by nature. Such a union is always in sight, even if the participants try to hide in the apartments of friends and send a special boy ahead to see if the cuckold husband is coming. For a long time to remain in the dark about Pushkin and his wife Prince. Vorontsov could not, and although the prince himself adhered to very free views on marriage, it was this connection of his wife that hurt him greatly: the appearance of Pushkin near Elizabeth overshadowed Vorontsov's own insignificance, a skin temporary in the rightful place of the leader.


The locusts flew, flew and sat down …

The prince's revenge is not princely shallow. Vorontsov sends Pushkin on an expedition to combat locusts "to review with what success the means used for the extermination work and whether the orders issued by the district presences are sufficient." In this stupid prescription, Pushkin sees nothing but awkward irony over the satirist poet and an attempt to punish a happy rival. AS immediately writes a petition (and in style - a demand) for resignation: "I'm tired of depending on the good or bad digestion of one or another boss … I long for one thing - independence, courage and perseverance, I will eventually achieve it."

Not to mention the stylistics of this “petition”, demanding resignation in the position of a disgraced collegiate assessor, when the authorities go out of their way to at least somehow mark the would-be official, even if only follow the instructions, is audacity on the verge of insanity. The outcome of the "duel" is a foregone conclusion.

From all sides, well-wishers tell Pushkin that for his own benefit one must submit and go on an expedition. It seemed that Pushkin heeded the advice and really went on the expedition. But it was necessary not to know A. S. at all in order to believe that he would join the fight against locusts, to which, as before his superiors, the poet had nothing to do. The urethra does not see skin grades and cannot serve. The urethral sounder, leading the flock into the future, serves only the idea of the future, where justice appears in its true guise, as the return of the properties of each for the good of the flock. The desire to serve for the sake of momentary benefit is incompatible with this idea.

Immediately upon his return, Pushkin was summoned to the carpet. Angered by his "petition" and strongly doubting that Pushkin was where he was sent, Vorontsov asked if Pushkin had ever seen locusts. The answer in verse finally infuriated the superiors:

The locusts flew, flew

And sat down. Sat, sat, ate everything and flew away again.

Vorontsov immediately reports to the capital about the unrestrained collegiate secretary Alexander Pushkin and asks to immediately expel the impudent man from Odessa. The request is satisfied. Pushkin received his resignation along with an order to go to a new exile - the estate of his parents in the Pskov province, the village of Mikhailovskoye. “Vorontsov saw in me a collegiate secretary, and I, I confess, think of myself something else,” writes Pushkin.


“Something else” was thought of Pushkin and the citizens of Russia who were delighted to recognize him on their way to exile. “Guys, fell! Pushkin! " - thunders in a battery company, where jubilant officers, recognizing the author of "Ode" and "Black Shawl", carry him in their arms to the tents to feast. Neither a red Moldavian cloak nor wide trousers of the same color did not interfere with the identification (or maybe they helped?).

In Mogilev, at the post office, Pushkin “in an officer's greatcoat with a saddle, in a red, Russian-cut shirt” was recognized by the nephew of the former director of the Tsarskoye Selo Lyceum A. Raspopov: “You, Al. W-h, don't you recognize me? " - "I remember, I remember, Sasha, you were an agile cadet." From the joy of an unexpected meeting, Raspopov rushes to the comrades who were walking with him. “The delight was indescribable. Pushkin ordered to uncork several bottles of champagne. We drank to whatever came to our mind … But it wasn't enough for us; we took him in our arms and carried him nearby to my apartment … Pushkin was delighted with our enthusiasm. We lifted our dear guest into our arms and drank to his health,”A. Raspopov recalls.

From the proposed book. Obolensky, A. S. Pushkin refused champagne baths with a smile - it was time to go. Truly, only the urethral leader can arrange a feast for the exiled collegiate assessor.

Read more:

Part 1. "The heart lives in the future"

Part 2. Childhood and Lyceum

Part 3. Petersburg: "Unrighteous Power Everywhere …"

Part 5. Mikhailovskoe: "We have a gray sky, and the moon is like a turnip …"

Part 6. Providence and conduct: how the hare saved the poet for Russia

Part 7. Between Moscow and St. Petersburg: "Will I soon be thirty?"

Part 8. Natalie: “My fate is decided. I am getting married.

Part 9. Kamer-junker: "I will not be a slave and a buffoon with the king of heaven"

Part 10. The last year: "There is no happiness in the world, but there is peace and will"

Part 11. Duel: "But the whisper, the laughter of fools …"
