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Resuscitation Of Family Relations. When Love Is Not Enough

Resuscitation Of Family Relations. When Love Is Not Enough

We got married … What's next? Wedding, honeymoon, life together, grandiose plans for the future … We are sure that the person who is next to us is our soul mate. We will be happy all our lives, because we understand each other this way! We are very lucky to have met. All right, now you don't have to worry about family life and live happily ever after

How To Get Married In The New Year

How To Get Married In The New Year

"Dear santa claus! I appeal to you, as you are my last hope! Even as a child, I did not experience such a thrill as I do now. Don't worry, I'm not going to ask you for fur coats and diamonds. I want to ask for a gift on which my fate depends. I want to ask your husband. Good. Not for a year! And for the rest of your life. This gift is so long-awaited and exceptional that it seems impossible to me

How To Break Up With A Guy If You Want To Break Up And Inject

How To Break Up With A Guy If You Want To Break Up And Inject

The first date was amazing. This guy, restaurant, candles and twilight at the table. And the conversation - eye to eye - my heart skips a beat from the feeling of the mystery of a new relationship! Then there was the first kiss, the first gift, the first sex. And then … how not offensive, but so repeatable - the first scandal. And then a thought: we'd better leave

The State Of Despair - The Ceiling Of Mental Pain: Features Of Existential Despair

The State Of Despair - The Ceiling Of Mental Pain: Features Of Existential Despair

Despair is very difficult to describe. It's so bad that it seems that if I die, it won't get any easier. Well, how to talk about it? One endless pain. The strongest despair, hopelessness burned from within. An unbearable incomprehensible feeling. Entanglement. Impotence. Despondency. Depression. Where is the beginning and where is the end? Lost. Weakness. I fight against the walls of my mind and I can't get out. All attempts are in vain

How To Avoid Cheating On Your Husband

How To Avoid Cheating On Your Husband

To persuade a man to cheat, it is enough to marry him. Jerzy Wittlin

The Mortality Wave Of The 90s. Doctor's Notes

The Mortality Wave Of The 90s. Doctor's Notes

The collapse of the Soviet Union had a strong impact on all segments of the population, but it is possible to single out a special category of people who were particularly affected by the incident. Everything they believed in collapsed in one day. The usual way of life has disappeared. People who were previously in demand and settled in life, who achieved their position through high professionalism, hard work and honesty, suddenly found themselves on the sidelines

Bad Life Experiences Are An Insurmountable Barrier To Happiness

Bad Life Experiences Are An Insurmountable Barrier To Happiness

Experience is the best mentor

Why A Married Man Is Cheating - The Reasons For Cheating And How To Change The Situation

Why A Married Man Is Cheating - The Reasons For Cheating And How To Change The Situation

The husband is constantly delayed, does not look into the eyes, avoids joint affairs, composes excuses, has cooled down

What To Do If The Husband Insults And Humiliates: Advice From A Psychologist

What To Do If The Husband Insults And Humiliates: Advice From A Psychologist

Classics with their "What to do?" and "To be or not to be?" helplessly lost before my question: what to do if my husband constantly insults? You don't want to go home, and you can't not go - it will only get worse. It seems that you are trying your best, but you get another portion of insults

How To Find Your Love If I'm Uncommunicative? Am I Doomed To Be Alone?

How To Find Your Love If I'm Uncommunicative? Am I Doomed To Be Alone?

It is difficult for me to communicate with other people, start a conversation, get acquainted

The Husband Is Cheating. What Should I Do?

The Husband Is Cheating. What Should I Do?

When I found out that my husband was cheating on me

How To Start Dating On The Internet: Reasons, Rules, Dangers - In This Article

How To Start Dating On The Internet: Reasons, Rules, Dangers - In This Article

To start something new, unknown for some of us always causes anxiety, embarrassment and even inner protest. And even more so such a delicate topic, how to start dating on the Internet

Family Crisis: How To Overcome A Difficult Period In Marriage

Family Crisis: How To Overcome A Difficult Period In Marriage

December. Midnight. Asleep house. Fatigue presses against the sheet. I lie and think only about the fact that there is nothing left of us

Silver Wedding Ended In Divorce, Or What Destroys A Relationship In A Marriage?

Silver Wedding Ended In Divorce, Or What Destroys A Relationship In A Marriage?

For the years lived together, fate does not give a guarantee. Divorce after twenty, thirty, forty years of life in marriage causes at least surprise for everyone. After all, it was this couple that everyone around them admired. Such a union seemed indestructible, the feelings were real, and the mutual understanding was complete. Whoever, but they should have stayed together

How To Forget The Girl You Love And Open Up To New Feelings?

How To Forget The Girl You Love And Open Up To New Feelings?

I remember every moment spent with her. I remember her lively laugh, her smile. I remember our long, interesting conversations. And when I remember her, it seems to me that we are still connected so much, although we parted. These memories are all I have. And they make me suffer and suffer every day. How can I forget the girl who was my dream come true?

A Man Does Not Want A Serious Relationship, Why And What To Do

A Man Does Not Want A Serious Relationship, Why And What To Do

You are smart and beautiful

How To Meet Love: About The Psychology Of Relationships In This Article

How To Meet Love: About The Psychology Of Relationships In This Article

How you want to find your kindred spirit in this world! A person with whom it is easy to talk about the most important things, to understand each other perfectly. To love without fear of pain and betrayal. But how to meet him among seven billion people is completely incomprehensible. His Majesty will work. Is it possible to look for the answers in yourself? How to find your love?

How To Get Rid Of Stress - Causes Of Stress And Stress Management Method

How To Get Rid Of Stress - Causes Of Stress And Stress Management Method

Tips on how to get rid of stress quickly and easily are replete with the entire worldwide web. The topic is really topical: in the modern world, people constantly complain of stress. But advice sometimes comes across such that it is just right to laugh out loud. But the consequences are very sad from these advice. Want an example?

How To Live After A Divorce? Psychologist's Advice

How To Live After A Divorce? Psychologist's Advice

“How did you do it then? How to live after a divorce? " - you will be asked one day

Hostages Of Pity. A Feeling That Humiliates

Hostages Of Pity. A Feeling That Humiliates

I feel sorry for him, I can not leave. Without me it will get drunk completely, it will disappear … - It is a pity to wake up the child in the morning. Let him sleep. Childhood will quickly pass. She also learns what chronic lack of sleep is. - I can't refuse her. Sorry for her - she had a difficult childhood. Have to get married