Vector complementarity
Yuri Burlan's EIGHT-DIMENSIONAL model was created to describe all levels of the nature of the physical world (inanimate, plant animals, humans), and begins with 8 basic elements of inanimate nature within 4 quartels of the Hansen matrix.
According to the definition given by system-vector psychology, complementary vectors are vectors of one quartet with complementary properties. The relationship of complementarity and contrariness here is based on the general principles of constructing the eight-dimensional model of Yuri Burlan, which include: 1) the main systemic postulate of Hansen that four characteristics are necessary and sufficient to describe any observable reality: spatial, temporal, energetic and informational; 2) the Hansen-Tolkachev matrix, where 8 vectors / 8 erogenous zones discovered by V. Tolkachev are distributed over 4 quarters.
Yuri Burlan's EIGHT-DIMENSIONAL model was created to describe all levels of the nature of the physical world (inanimate, plant animals, humans), and begins with 8 basic elements of inanimate nature within 4 quartels of the Hansen matrix.
The use of this approach in the description of the human psyche makes it possible to single out in each quarter extraverted and introverted vectors (V. K. Tolkachev), or internal and external parts according to Yuri Burlan:
a quartel of space - muscle and skin vectors;
a quarter of time - anal and urethral vectors;
a quartel of information - sound and visual vectors;
energy quartel - olfactory and oral vectors.
Exactly according to the same principle, certain characteristics are divided, for example, in inanimate nature. For example, time is divided into the past and the future, and in the future there is everything that is not in the past, and vice versa.
An absolute similarity can be traced when transferring this pattern to the mental person. In a quartet of information, for example, the visual vector concentrates all the fear of losing the body (physical death), while the body is of no value to the sound vector. Thus, the external and internal (extroverted and introverted) parts within the quarter completely complement each other, correlate within it as complementary components.
These relationships can be traced in the same way at all levels of manifestation of mental processes: within individuals, collectives, and society. Within the framework of a short article, you can give only a superficial sketch of these manifestations, taking into account the internal complementarity relations that are embedded in them.

The external differences between the owners of these two vectors are very striking and noticeable. The urethral is the leader, that is, the one who leads everyone else into the future. The ability to fulfill this specific role is provided for him by a number of special character traits, properties, innate qualities. He is by nature very decisive, moreover, he absolutely does not need any praise or approval, much less any instructions from above. The urethral person has a hot mind and a hot body, his movements are abrupt, ragged, unpredictable, unpredictable.
A person with an anal vector looks completely different. A viscous, rigid psyche, indecision, a tendency to listen to advice are its distinctive features. These are people for whom the past is always preferable to the future, any changes for them can cause mental stupor. At the same time, a developed anal person has properties that are completely absent from the urethral. First of all, it is a good memory that allows him to literally absorb all the experience of previous generations, and hence the opportunity to become a professional, expert, teacher. Perseverance, patience, perfectionism are characteristic of such people.
The complementary action of these two vectors lies in the field of time, concerns the past and the future, because our common progress, which is always provided by urethral people, is impossible without taking into account past experience, the baggage of accumulated knowledge. Therefore, all the achievements of thought that accompany this advancement are carefully "preserved" by anal people: they are recorded in books, electronic archives, and then they are passed on to the younger generation. Without such work of the collective anal vector, no progress would make sense, for the reason that each new generation would have to acquire all the experience anew.
On the other hand, a society devoid of a urethral passionary charge is incapable of expanding, stops in development and gradually dies.
In primitive times, anal and urethral humans worked together to propel the human flock into the future in space. The first ones accumulated all previous experience about hunting and war and passed them on to teenagers, thus providing a reliable rear. The urethral person naturally took the place of the leader of the pack, took full responsibility for its future, which in those days meant, first of all, the expansion of its living space.
In addition to expansion in space, there are other types of it, for example, expansion in time (implementation of ideas), which was carried out in later, historical times by urethral and anal sound specialists.
These vectors are also harmoniously combined in a person. Urethral-anal people are completely balanced personalities that do not have any innate internal contradictions. The dominant urethral vector gives the most accurate direction for the implementation of the properties of the anal, will never allow the latter to get stuck in a stupor, resentment, own bad experience. Possessing a natural swiftness and instant reaction, being naturally directed to the future, the urethral anal plug, with favorable development, also has a good memory, a serious store of knowledge and everything else that is characteristic of a developed anal vector.
All existing spatial characteristics can be roughly divided into two groups: related to form and related to content. Accordingly, all the spatial characteristics of the psyche are expressed in two vectors - cutaneous and muscular.
A muscular person, due to the peculiarities of his mental structure, does not have individuality, personal opinion, personal initiative. The complete absence of individuality is expressed in him by the fact that he is the only one who even today does not feel his separation from the collective, constantly being in the state of "we". Such people are mentally absolutely aware of everyone whom they include in their "we". The inborn desires of a muscular person (to eat, drink, breathe, sleep) never contradict the innate desires of the anal, urethral and skin vectors, on the contrary, they intensify them. Therefore, muscular people in any situation are ready to help “their own”, moreover, this is their inner need. Possessing a visual-effective way of thinking, the muscle is practically unable to create anything new in its work, but it can very accurately repeat those simple actions that were shown to him.
At the same time, a developed dermal person is initiative, individualism, and innovation in its purest form. He always strives for something new, for a constant change of states. Introducing various innovations and changes into society is practically a necessity for it. The natural function of a person with a skin vector - prohibition and restriction - is provided by his ability to adequately subjugate other people, to be a leader, an organizer. The leather worker is least of all internally connected with the group, he is easier than the rest to endure any human losses, but much heavier than property losses.

In primitive times, skin and muscle people made up the "golden fund" of humanity, since it was they who, in the process of fulfilling their early species roles, provided the primitive flock with the most necessary at that time - food. Skin side hunters (junior commanders), shaped the mentally absolutely guided muscular backbone of the hunting party and thus ensured the coordination of actions on the hunt. The owner of a muscle vector is a born hunter, a killer, but he needs precise guidance, a timely order given.
Until recently, all armies were built in this way. Leatherworkers have always performed the functions of junior, middle, senior officers, and musclemen were the best soldiers due to their endurance, strength and unpretentiousness. Without the skin commanders, the army would not be an army, but only a shapeless, non-initiative mass, incapable of any organized action.
Within individuals, these vectors are also perfectly matched. A musculocutaneous person is a skin man, but reinforced in his skin properties by his own muscle vector according to the same principle as in a team, where the muscle component completely takes the form of a skin one.
Only in the visual and sound vectors there are desires aimed at knowing the world around. The difference between them is that the visual vector seeks to know the physical world visible to the eye, and the sound one - the reasons for its existence, expressed in abstract categories. Therefore, intellectually developed people with a visual vector, as a rule, strive in science, where it is necessary to observe more, study external manifestations, describe (geography, history of painting, archeology, cultural studies, etc.) They are interested in everything that can be seen with the eyes. Sound scientists often realize themselves in such sciences as physics, chemistry, mathematics, philosophy, that is, they reveal the internal laws of the world order.
The differences between visual and sound people are also immediately apparent. A visual person has a huge emotional amplitude that allows him to literally absorb all the variety of colors and shapes around. He, as a rule, is sociable, with high development he has the ability to feel the emotions of other people, to sympathize, to sympathize, to love.
The soundman, on the contrary, is absolutely emotionless, cold, full of face amimia is characteristic of him. There is no visual openness, demonstrativeness in sound, but only complete concentration on one's internal states. These are the most real egocentrics who are not interested in other people's feelings and experiences. But at the same time, the sound person has a philosophical mindset, abstract intellect. His mind is able to operate with what cannot be represented figuratively, intangible categories.

Cognition is a task that sound and visual people always solve by moving hand in hand. Sound philosophical schools existed only on the basis of a developed visual culture, and outstanding sound discoveries in the field of natural sciences were, in one way or another, based on empirical visual observations. Both in a pair and in a group, the mutual attraction between the sound person and the spectator with approximately the same level of development is almost guaranteed. At the same time, the sound engineer always has a great influence on his younger brother in the quartet, which can be both positive and negative.
A developed sound-visual person is always the owner of a powerful dual intelligence. There are especially many such people among outstanding scientists, philosophers, musicians, writers, a little less among cultural and art workers. The sound vector is able to perfectly realize itself in the visual areas, adding its own accents there, creating new directions in the visual arts (abstractionism, cubism, Suprematism), pop singing (rock music), cinema (science fiction, socio-philosophical directions of cinema) and many others, and the visual vector provides a good basis for any sound research, especially scientific research.
Moreover, the nature of such behavior in such people will be appropriately ordered. Responsiveness and emotional openness in a developed and realized sound-visual person is easily replaced by a state of complete immersion in himself, when he strives for solitude and silence as necessary conditions for focusing on his inner states.
Oral and olfactory are those people who are entrusted by nature with a common task - to ensure the survival of mankind at any cost on its tortuous and dangerous path of building up conscious thought. And although both, in essence, do the same thing, they nevertheless cope with this task from different sides and each with their own means. Therefore, representatives of these vectors are completely different and in their mental properties seem to be a mirror image of each other.
The olfactory person is a silent melancholic, a misanthrope, whose displeased facial expression is perceived by those around him as contemptuous (the position of the sound specialist: "I am higher than you all", the position of the olfactor: "You are all lower than me"). He, too, as a rule, is either disliked or simply not noticed. And he strives to be invisible, always aloof from the rest, figuratively speaking, “on a hill”. An olfactory person always has the outermost house in the village, the outermost office along the corridor, even in the room he prefers to sit closer to the exit.

Oral, on the contrary, is always in the spotlight, striving to get as many "ears" as possible at his disposal. Most people are drawn to him, who are ready to listen to his stories, jokes, speeches for hours. The oral person is the only one whom we immediately allow into our personal space - both physical and mental.
A person with an olfactory vector is the owner of a specific intuitive mind, not verbal in nature. His thought is arranged according to a different principle than any other, and therefore it is not spoken out in words. It is not a thought, it is a feeling. This feature is absolutely compensated for by the presence of fully verbal intelligence on the back of the quartet - in the oral vector. The oral person thinks in speaking, being aware of what has been said only during its pronunciation, but not earlier. Therefore, the speech of the oralist is maximally accurate in defining the word of our common animal shortages, and in combination with the property of the inductance of his voice, it is able to build neural connections common to all listeners.
Among the olfactory "tools" for performing the task to survive at all costs: external and internal intelligence, money and finances, politics, the study of possible threats to life in the field of microbiology, volcanology, ecology. The oralist solves the same problem with a different toolkit: verbal induction (group rallying), maturity ("breaking through" the cultural layer), the ability to cause laughter as a release of tension, the burden of culture.
When both of these vectors are present in one person and are sufficiently developed, then we can talk about his special talent. First of all, these are the best politicians, diplomats with an olfactory sense of threats, the ability to think strategically, the ability to see the interests of their country where no one else can see them. Possessing the oral vector, they, nevertheless, will never say too much, at the same time they will easily establish the necessary connections, make a convincing speech, and gain access to personal space to the right people.
V. A. Hansen wrote: "Wisdom is not in many knowledge, but in seeing the common in different." It is only necessary to add to the words of the outstanding scientist that understanding the general, we can simultaneously see any of its particulars. The complementarity and contrariness of vectors expresses itself not only at the level of the particular - one person, interaction of people, but also at the level of the general - the interaction of groups of people and social formations, the interaction of the mentality of peoples. A voluminous and deep understanding of this topic, like the rest of the structure of the mental, can be obtained at the lectures on system-vector psychology by Yuri Burlan.