How To Calm Nerves And Relieve Stress At Home - Read And Decide

How To Calm Nerves And Relieve Stress At Home - Read And Decide
How To Calm Nerves And Relieve Stress At Home - Read And Decide

How to calm your nerves - 3 steps to calmness

Talking about nerves is about our psychological state, but not only. As Yuri Burlan's system-vector psychology explains, we get nervous when we unconsciously feel ourselves at the wrong time and in the wrong place. As if they took on an impossible task. According to the conditions, it is necessary quickly - but we are slowing down. It should be thoughtful - but we are superficial.

An angry hulk with a hammer is sitting in you. The hammer flies at everyone who advises you to calm yourself. How to calm your nerves if things don't go the way you would like? Three steps to your peace of mind here.

Calm the nerves and relieve stress

Step 1. King, shoemaker, tailor - who will you be?

Calm down is the favorite word of all kinds of counselors. In second place after him the sentence "sit down and write everything that worries." It's hard for you to imagine how shattered nerves can be calmed with a pen and paper, and you want to send everyone to the forest and far away.

Nerves to hell? We know who is to blame

You see, the one who calmly sits down and writes what worries him is of a slightly different nature. Calmer, more balanced. His character cannot be called explosive. He needs in life not quickly, but with feeling, with sense, with arrangement. His nerves are not naughty, they lie down. Such a person seems slow and calm, sometimes even too much: you have already finished a long time ago, and he is just about to start. Dealing with such a thing is a real hell for your nerves. And for his nerves, by the way, too.

In Yuri Burlan's system-vector psychology, such people are called carriers of the anal vector. They have many advantages: excellent memory, the desire to do everything efficiently, they are weighed. They have not intelligence, but the intelligence and abilities of a first-class analyst. In general, if everything is in order with them, and they live in their own rhythm and in their place, they are real professionals in their field. But if there is a person with a skin vector next to them, then their nerves fail. They do not throw off their stress as quickly as skin people, but accumulate as much as they can. But when its dam breaks - hold on.

how to calm your nerves
how to calm your nerves

Unlike a person with anality, a skinny person has a flexible psyche. I saw with one eye - in my mind I counted the benefit-benefit. And just as easily from calm to storm and back. Kozhnik got angry, relieved the tension - and okay.

How many people, so many reasons to get nervous

If a leatherman is annoying when he is not in kings, then for the fury of the muscle, it is not necessary to encroach on status, money and ambitions, it is enough to interrupt his sleep at the wrong time or prevent him from eating calmly, humanly. And this is not nervous, but ordinary.

For spectators, imaginative thinking adds pepper to life. I did not have time to cover the stress, and in the head of the viewer the picture is already bright, as if alive. And it's scary to live, what kind of yoga and a bath with sea salt for soothing.

How to calm your nerves at home

Step 2: Nerves, no stress. It happens

Talking about nerves is about our psychological state, but not only. As Yuri Burlan's system-vector psychology explains, we get nervous when we unconsciously feel ourselves at the wrong time and in the wrong place. As if they took on an impossible task. According to the conditions, it is necessary quickly - but we are slowing down. It should be thoughtful - but we are superficial.

Life is not a task and not a scheme, but the recommendation here is simple: in order not to get nervous, get to know yourself better and build your life so that your properties do not interfere with your life, but help you. Change your job, stop fulfilling other people's desires, and you will be happy. More precisely, calmness for the nerves.

Easy to say and easy to do? Not without effort, but real. It worked for thousands of people, the worse you are?

Step 3. Increase stress resistance

The best thing we can do for ourselves is to live according to our needs. By the very ones that our vectors dictate to us. To deeply feel, not hysteria, subtly feel, and not depress, organize and coordinate, and not flicker.

Living in harmony with your nature and fulfilling yourself in your place is the only way to truly increase your resistance to stress. And everyone can learn this.

To ruin health in order to restore mental balance, or learn how to keep stress? The choice is yours. Register.
