Generational Conflict: Who Are They?

Generational Conflict: Who Are They?
Generational Conflict: Who Are They?

Generational conflict: who are they?

Throughout the history of mankind, fathers and children replaced each other almost imperceptibly, but if earlier the father was a mentor for his son in any profession (carpentry, blacksmithing, construction, etc.), then a modern schoolboy himself teaches parents to open an account on social networks and understand with a fancy iPhone …

The problem of fathers and children is as old as cave paintings, but every generation goes through this story from scratch. And if someone grumbles: “In my time, young people were not like that,” it means that he becomes a “father” and begins to become morally obsolete.

Seriously, let's analyze how today's fathers and children differ from generations in the past, the century before last? Do children of today need mentoring as much as they did 20-50 years ago?

Experienced fathers and children from another world

Throughout the history of mankind, fathers and children replaced each other almost imperceptibly, but if earlier the father was a mentor for his son in any profession (carpentry, blacksmithing, construction, etc.), then a modern schoolboy himself teaches parents to open an account on social networks and understand with a fancy iPhone.

The gap is huge, we really live in different worlds. "Trolling", "selfie" and "checking" are the same incomprehensible words for many adults as "major", "samizdat" and "fish day" are for their children.

In demography, social sciences, marketing, the classification of generations is widely used:

  1. Generation X - people born in the period 1965-1982.
  2. Their children are Generation Y, Millennials, born before 2000.
  3. Generation Z are today's kids and teens.

Xs were brought up and raised on the values of the Soviet Union. Their formation took place during the disintegration of the country, when all yesterday's moral and ethical guidelines lost their significance. In a sense, the symbol of this generation was the cartoon character Uncle Fyodor, who settled in the village, started a farm, became an almost independent farmer and could well be a father for his unadapted parents. We can say that fathers and children have reversed roles.

X do not feel the connection with cultural idols of past generations, although their values (nepotism, stability, loyalty) overlap with the values of previous generations. In their work, they are devoted to the leader, to business, value stability, a good family, comfort and prosperity are important for them.

Games who grew up in love and prosperity demonstrate great self-confidence, they are energetic and restless, open and easy - they learn quickly, they adapt easily. They easily change their place of work, there are many freelancers among them, in their personal lives they prefer easy relationships without obligations.

Sometimes the gamers are called the "YAYAYA" generation, sometimes - the indigo children, hiding behind this term a complete inability to understand the essence of this generation.


The Zetas, today's children, grow up even more flexible, open-minded, free, but often infantile, for which they are called the diaper generation.

The reasons for such a sharp difference between fathers and children are clear and understandable to everyone who lives in the territory of the former Soviet Union: the country has collapsed, people with different values have grown on its fragments. Technological progress and the development of information technologies have even more changed the quality of life and influenced the life guidelines of the younger generation.

However, European and American experts distinguish between generations in about the same way, although nothing similar happened to European countries. The difference in moral orientations between fathers and children in different sources is explained by peaks and valleys of cultural trends or the level of fertility - a demographic decline, and then a population explosion, and again a decline. So what's the reason?

A systematic view of the history of fathers and children

It is always more difficult to draw conclusions than to collect material for analysis, and not at all because experts do not take into account something, but because sometimes the conclusion is in a different plane, as well as the reasons for the differences.

For those familiar with systems knowledge, the differences between generations are crystal clear.

The basic concept that systems thinking operates with is the concept of a vector. The vector determines the direction of a person's desires, his abilities and talents. At the physical level, the vector is expressed by the erogenous zone.

There are eight vectors in total: four lower vectors that determine a person's libido, namely muscular, anal, cutaneous, urethral, and four upper vectors that determine human intelligence - visual, sound, oral and olfactory.

You can learn more about the properties that vectors endow a person with, their interaction, development and capabilities at the training "System-vector psychology" by Yuri Burlan. In the context of the “fathers and children” problem, we are interested in two vectors - anal and skin, which, by the way, are analyzed in detail at the free introductory lectures.

So, the famous anal vector. Carriers of the anal vector in good condition have such qualities as reliability, decency, accuracy, dedication to business, family, work, respect. They are afraid of innovations, for them the new is the well-forgotten old at best.

The skin vector gives its owners flexibility, adaptability, adaptability; leatherworkers are innovators, prone to change. They do not sit still, they are afraid of “being covered with dust”, their natural task is hunting and prey (in our time of money).

It is easy to see that the characteristics of vectors almost completely coincide with the main characteristics of generations. X have the properties of an anal vector, igreki are guys who exhibit the properties of a skin vector. Although the set of vectors of each individual person can be any, general trends in the behavior of generations are clearly traced.

Humanity develops from simple to complex, going through stages one after another. If we consider the epochs of the development of consciousness, then, according to systemic knowledge, after the muscular prehistoric era, when the number of people of the Homo species was accumulated, the anal historical era followed.

This era was marked by the formation of ethnic groups, peoples, families. The values of the anal vector were in honor of all mankind. People were proud of belonging to a family, clan, people. They appreciated calmness, strove for stability, passed on knowledge from father to son.

But nothing stands still - a person changes the world, and the world changes a person. The rapid progress and leap of information technology led to the transition to another, skin era of human development, and generations X and Y just found themselves on the border of two eras.


The X, who have absorbed the experience of humanity for two thousand years, are forced to live in another dimension, in another era. Games have absorbed the atmosphere of the skin era and correspond to it more than X's.

Today we urgently need to learn quickly, navigate well, communicate a lot, and this is the norm. The average manager does a lot more work a day than 20 years ago it did in a week.

And children, like a litmus test, reflect the peculiarities of today, not to mention the fact that they are born with great potential, much greater than their parents. All educators and psychologists note that generation Z has an innate flair for gadgets, masters programs at once, absorbing information from the Internet from their parents' iPhones and tablets from the cradle. However, there is another side of the coin: when a situation arises in a child's game where it is necessary to agree, then the children lose all interest in the game, they leave the problem.

Generation Z is not called diapers for nothing. From the point of view of Generation X (anal vector), they are not ready to start a family and scrupulously study their profession; from the point of view of generation Y (skin vector), they have no desire to hunt, make money and make their way up the career ladder.

Who are they, modern children who deny our values, words, way of life? What will the world be like during Gen Z and what will their children be like?

But back to today. What can we do right now? Parents need to pay special attention to children who at some point outgrow adults, and not break the shoots, but help them break through; teachers need to try to catch up with their students in mastering modern technologies and not hesitate to learn from them, and employers should take into account the fact that the current generation wants to do an interesting job.

And first of all, we all need to understand ourselves and the reasons for the processes taking place in the latent mental of each person.

The problem of fathers and children is one of the thousand problems that we face every day. And the most interesting thing is that this problem will cease to exist when most people realize its causes. The problem will just go away.

Finally, the good news: to understand how different we are and how much the same individually, in a team, in a generation, in an ethnos, everyone is quite capable of. It's important not to be late.

Materials used:

  1. 1. Internet edition "Observer", June 12, 2014 "Features of three generations of Ukrainians: why we are like this and in what our children will be better than us."


