Dating trainings: simple and effective
Is the art of dealing with men and seducing them as easy to learn as learning Newton's Law? And is this the solution to all failure in a relationship? Or … is there something else? Something that the leaders of relationship trainings are silent about.
Why do some women easily start a conversation with any man, while others just sit in front of a computer monitor in search of an answer to the question: how to communicate correctly on dating sites?
The presenters of today's popular acquaintance trainings say:
"Any woman can become a seductive predator, you just need to overcome the fear of new acquaintances and know what questions to ask when meeting …"
Is it so? Is the art of dealing with men and seducing them as easy to learn as learning Newton's Law? And is this the solution to all failure in a relationship? Or … is there something else? Something that the presenters of relationship trainings are silent about …
Psychology of dating, or why we are not chosen?
We are used to following external guidelines. We see a brave woman, as they say, “without complexes”. We watch how she easily starts a conversation with a stranger. How he behaves at ease, without embarrassment or fear. We notice how men themselves look at her, begin to look after her, admit their sympathy. Based on this, we conclude: you need to be just as brave and decisive and men will reach out to us. With these thoughts we go to get to know a person and … we notice that we are missing something. Dialogue does not develop, there is no such ease in communication that was observed from the outside. We come to the following conclusion: there are special dating secrets, knowing which we can attract any man.

This idea is immediately picked up by the authors of modern dating training and … promises begin. For those who are afraid of new acquaintances, they promise relief from constraint. They propose to start with getting to know oneself, organize some psychological dating games, which are designed to relieve a person from tightness, embarrassment, fear of communicating with new people. Does it work? Let's leave this question open for now, you yourself will find out the answer to it after you understand what it is -
Psychology of men when meeting
Have men changed? Have they become afraid of women's independence? Does the fear of being rejected prevent them from approaching the woman they like? Some people bother, yes. But still, the vast majority of modern men take what they want to have. And if a woman suffers from a lack of attention from men, if everywhere - at work, in a circle of acquaintances, in casual companies - she remains invisible, then something in her repels men. And this "something" is not at all an inability to maintain a conversation or start a conversation herself, but her inner state. The state of her psyche, which determines her behavior, manner of communication, model of building relationships.
When we are realized, when our properties are in a normal state, people feel it. A happy, contented person is always seen. There is no repulsive negativity in him, hostility to other people, he is pleasant in communication, you want to be with him. When our mental properties are in bad conditions and prevent us from receiving joy from life, this is reflected in everything. We, without noticing it, push people away from ourselves. Somewhere a coarse word that does not seem rude to us at all. Somewhere with distrust, which, we think, is successful, we hide. Somewhere just inappropriate phrases, tightness, inappropriate behavior.
Not a single dating training in a group, or even personal coaching, will teach us how to change our inner states. They cannot be hidden behind deliberately bold behavior and understanding what questions to ask when meeting, not disguised with silence and obedience. The training "System-vector psychology" by Yuri Burlan very accurately and demonstratively shows how our internal states influence our choice of a partner.
Here is a girl with masochistic tendencies in the skin vector (the terminology of "System-vector psychology"). In childhood, they tried to educate her through physical punishment - and now she knows how to get pleasure only from pain and humiliation. Her inner state is reflected in her behavior, it also shapes her life scenario, giving her an unconscious attraction to a man with sadistic aspirations.
And here is the frightened owner of the visual vector. In the amplitude of her inner experiences, she constantly fluctuates between "scary" and "not so scary", unconsciously she is looking for support in a man. And there are many men ready to give it. But looking at her not always adequate states, they simply do not react to her.
At the trainings, they promise to teach us the intricacies of dating by psychotype, but they do not explain how our properties, desires and their states affect the choice of a partner, our own attractiveness. They do not tell why some women remain completely unattractive to men, even with all their external beauty and wealth.

The key to a happy relationship is inside
Yuri Burlan at the training "System-vector psychology" not only shows how our internal states affect our relationships with other people, but explains how to correct these states. Changing yourself from the inside, you begin to behave differently from the outside and you yourself wonder how at one moment everything changes in your relationship with the opposite sex. By the way, this applies to both men and women.
Here is one of hundreds of similar examples. Listen to what Svetlana has to say about how the attitude of men towards her has changed after the training. How strangers much younger than her began to see her as an attractive woman:
Many women are looking for psychological dating sites, go to trainings in the hope that they will be taught the secrets of dating, but they remain invisible to men. This happens only because they do not know how to correct their inner state. "System-vector psychology" effectively solves this problem. Check it yourself. Register for the free lectures by Yuri Burlan "System-vector psychology".