No Friends, Only Conflicts? Universal Means Of Combining

No Friends, Only Conflicts? Universal Means Of Combining
No Friends, Only Conflicts? Universal Means Of Combining

No friends, only conflicts? Universal means of combining

A person who is able to share his pleasure in life is never alone. Having realized for ourselves and taught the child the correct attitude to food, we give him the opportunity to become more contact, extroverted, socialized and happy among people …

The child perceives daily trips to kindergarten or school as a punishment. He has no friends there, and therefore no joy either. We ourselves well understand how difficult it is to go to work and deal with unpleasant people again. Yuri Burlan's "System Vector Psychology" helps to avoid loneliness - both for children and adults.

The skill of sharing food with pleasure will help to fit into the team. You will be able to implement this simple principle - and the child will never again feel like an outsider in life.

Learning from nature to be part of a team

Remember how joyful it was at school joint tea parties, when everyone treats and treats each other? It fills you with pride when classmates smack their lips and praise the cookies you baked with your mom the day before. We mentally like to share food at a common table. And in contrast, we have an irrational dislike for someone who chews his sandwich secretly alone, hides a chocolate bar under the table, or rustles chips in the corner so that we don't have to share.

The correct attitude towards food is the basis from which a pleasant contact with others begins. By sharing our tidbit with another, we attract and accumulate common joy. At a common table, we unite on a positive basis that has deep roots. Why is that?

Our ancestors were sorely lacking food. To get food and survive, they built a system of social relations. Each received a piece of mammoth from the leader for his contribution to the common cause of saving the flock. Someone hunted, someone guarded the cave, someone guarded from predators during the day, someone at night, someone watched the internal climate of the pack, not allowing hostility to each other to destroy everything. The leader united everyone: he gave the most desirable thing - a guarantee of food and safety. Everyone was drawn to the leader. After all, he used his power not for himself, but to preserve the pack.

Sharing food after a successful hunt felt like a holiday in honor of the fact that the flock managed to get food together and survive. And to this day, the opportunity to eat together is very close: we invite a hearty chosen one and potential business partners to the table, celebrate family holidays and work achievements. We share a common joy by sharing food.

And the one who is ready to share his piece, on the psychological level, is perceived as an attractive leader of the pack for everyone, for whom not personal, but common interests are primary. Nothing is scary next to such a person. The chief enjoys giving back to lack.

Most of us are naturally different. But there is a way to learn for themselves and show children how to get the same unlimited pleasure out of life as the leader of the pack.

No friends, only conflicts picture
No friends, only conflicts picture

How to teach a child to share food with pleasure?

Gradually instill a skill

Giving your candy to your little sister reluctantly is not what is needed for proper socialization. Only if a child learns to enjoy what he has shared will he be able to enjoy teamwork.

We start small, for example, you can play "dishes" at home: so that the child regularly treats the whole family to toy cakes with tea. Next, we teach to share what the baby really loves, but has in sufficient quantity. It's easy enough to donate three pieces of a huge New Year's gift for family members. At the same time, a positive response is needed from adults to receive what the child has torn from the heart.

Every time he shares, the kid should record positive emotions. System-vector psychology shows exactly how to encourage each child according to his natural desires: to caress someone, to praise someone, to give an emotion to someone, to someone - a kind word in a whisper in their ear.

We are gradually building up the tension. There is only one candy left. Leave for yourself or share with your mom? The child's inner calculation is triggered: what will he get more pleasure from - from candy or from mother's joy and smile? Over time, the second should win.

This skill is brought to the team. And the child learns that ten candies eaten alone are less pleasing than if they are distributed to the children and receive a warm response from everyone.

Have a family meal ritual

The family starts at the table. There is no common table - there are no psychological foundations for a strong, friendly, psychologically healthy family. This means that there is no base for interaction with people outside the home.

A joint meal should be a pleasant and desirable event for all family members - at least twice a week. Beautiful table setting, mother's favorite tablecloth, father's favorite dish, compote loved by children. Everyone at this table should be fine. On the basis of the general emotional uplift at the table, you need to share positive news and family plans, calmly and engagingly discuss the meaningful for each family member. The tradition of the common table clearly shows the child how pleasant it is to share and be part of the “pack” that together can do everything.

The training "System-Vector Psychology" by Yuri Burlan also reveals the exact rules for distributing food at a common family table. For a comfortable psychological climate in the family, it is better for mom to put food on. The first portion for dad is for the breadwinner (even if the woman earns more). Then - boys by seniority, then - girls. Impose yourself last.

When we invite guests, we often want to give them the best. This does not mean that you need to put him on the first plate. The dear guest will feel much better if he is allowed to be involved in the business and to lay the dish himself.

A psychologically unmistakable relationship with food gives us the basis for pleasant interactions with people.

Taking everything from life - how is it really?

Depending on our vector set, we strive for different types of connections with other people: family, business, emotional, spiritual. If we cannot achieve this, we are unbearably lacking in life. Yuri Burlan's "System Vector Psychology" reveals that the only way to integrate into society with pleasure is to realize your natural qualities.

The ability to give your knowledge, skills, emotions, ideas to other people begins with the skill of sharing food with pleasure. If in childhood you learned to give away the last candy, you will be able to share your qualities with society and receive feedback in the form of recognition, friendship, love and decent earnings for adults.

A person who is able to share his pleasure in life is never alone. Having realized for ourselves and taught the child the correct attitude to food, we give him the opportunity to become more connected, extroverted, socialized and happy among people.

You can learn all the psychological subtleties of a person's relationship with food at the thematic lessons “Food. Psychology on food.
