Differentiated approaches to teaching younger schoolchildren, disclosed in the system-vector psychology of Yuri Burlan
The publication is devoted to the actual topic of teaching in elementary school …
In the collection of works of the II International Scientific and Practical Conference "Continuity between preschool and primary general education in the context of the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard", the work of specialists of the Portal of System-Vector Psychology Yuri Burlan, dedicated to differentiated approaches to teaching younger students, is published. The conference was held on April 17, 2015 under the auspices of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation, the organizer of this event was the A. P. Chekhov Taganrog Institute (branch) of the Russian State Economic University (RINH).

The collection of conference proceedings is indexed in the Russian Science Citation Index (RSCI) database. ISBN 978-5-9906281-9-9
The publication is devoted to the actual topic of teaching in elementary school. For the attention of teachers, the newest methodology is offered, taking into account the differentiation of innate properties of students on the basis of the system-vector psychology of Yuri Burlan. Undoubtedly, this technique has great potential in practical application.
We offer the full text of the publication:
Differentiated approaches to teaching younger schoolchildren, disclosed in the system-vector psychology of Yuri Burlan
To successfully complete tasks in the educational process, the teacher must take into account the natural properties of the students entrusted to him, focus on those features inherent in each child, with the help of which it is possible to optimize the methods of achieving the learning goals. [one]
Each person from birth has a certain vector set that cannot be changed, but it is quite possible to develop the qualities that he has in a child. If development is inhibited, complex and irreversible changes in the child's mental state can occur, affecting his entire future fate and, accordingly, the fate of society as a whole.
There are eight vectors in total, of which four are so-called. lower: muscular, cutaneous, urethral, anal. At least one of the lower vectors is present in each person, separately or in combination. The four upper vectors: visual, oral, sound, olfactory - are much less common and not in everyone. [2]
Coming to class, the teacher must understand both the nature of the attitude of different children to the learning process, and their own expectations and aspirations. It is impossible to prioritize the ideals inherent in the teacher himself, but one must understand all the diversity of human qualities and desires. [3]
Not too often in one person quickness and thoroughness of execution are combined.
A child who quickly rushes to solve any problem, the owner of a skin vector, usually does not care about the accuracy and accuracy of the results. You can motivate such a student by focusing his attention on the benefits, even benefits, of the knowledge gained. [four]
In contrast to the "skinners", the owner of the anal vector is slow, checking every little thing in his work. Such a child has difficulty adapting to new conditions; novelty causes stressful states in him. At the same time, the "analnik" is able to assimilate and work through the material very deeply, bringing the work entrusted to him to perfection. For such a child, a high assessment of his work is very important, motivating him for further work, he needs to feel school as a “second” home.
The presence of children with urethral and / or sound vectors in the classroom requires special attention.
The first type is quite rare, it is a natural leader (not to be confused with a "skin" leader) who defies any restrictions, with an explosive character, prone to outbursts of anger, at first glance, unreasonable. Motivation in this case should be a respectful approach to the responsibility of the child, his readiness to understand and take into account the interests of the entire group. It is necessary to correctly direct the great natural potential of the urethral child for the common good, inextricably linked with his own. [five]
There are not many owners of the sound vector in the world, but it is they who provide the greatest number of ingenious inventions and civilizational breakthroughs. Quiet, silent, absent-minded students, if misunderstood and mistreated, may close in themselves and refuse to communicate, which is usually perceived by teachers as extremely negative and may serve as a reason to diagnose mental retardation. In fact, "sound scientists" are distinguished by a very powerful intellect, the ability to comprehend concepts that are absolutely incredible for the generally accepted order. Such children are very sensitive to raising their voices, they cannot be shouted at, the increased sound background, which is usually present at school, is in itself a stress-forming factor for such a child. "Sound specialists" need tasks of increased intellectual complexity,from the solution of which they receive colossal, not always clear to others, pleasure.
A rather big problem for a teacher can be the presence of an oral vector among his students, who endlessly jokes about everything and everyone without any fear or embarrassment. Such a joker cannot be curbed by imperative instructions, notes in a diary or a call to parents. This child gets too much pleasure from the very process of speaking. Therefore, the best way to direct the potential of the "oralist" in the right direction is to entrust him with oral reports, participate in singing or conduct school events: matinees, concerts, etc.
Another type that requires increased attention and a special approach is a boy with a skin vector in conjunction with a visual one. If girls with the same skin-visual ligament are forgiven and even welcomed for their cuteness, vulnerability, sensitivity, often weakness, then other children can be quite cruel to boys with such qualities. With the right upbringing, such guys become wonderful actors, singers, dancers, subtly feeling beauty, able to express it with their bodies. Their emotionality and sensitivity, with proper development, grow into love and compassion for another person, especially for people who are deprived of anything in life: the elderly, sick children, the disabled.
The system-vector psychology of Yuri Burlan provides the key to understanding the innate properties of each child, as well as the ability for the teacher to become aware of his own properties and desires [6]. The teacher must abandon the haphazard projection of his ideas on how to achieve the best result with each child, and take into account the uniqueness of each student, highlighting the effectiveness of classes.
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