Differences In Mentality. Stunning Clues

Differences In Mentality. Stunning Clues
Differences In Mentality. Stunning Clues

Differences in mentality. Stunning clues

The word mentality comes from the French Mentalité, which means the direction of thoughts. The formation of certain mental characteristics depends on the living conditions of the society, which determine both its general priorities in thinking and general values.

The word mentality comes from the French Mentalité, which means the direction of thoughts. You can also say - this is a collective way of thinking of some communities of people (not necessarily peoples) and their group characteristics derived from this thinking: cultural, social, ideological, everyday and others.

There are various theories of the emergence of mentalities, but it is still generally accepted that the concept of the decisive influence of climate and other natural conditions on their formation is generally accepted. What really makes the difference in the mentality of different nations?

System-vector psychology of Yuri Burlan, having the ability to accurately differentiate different properties and manifestations of the human psyche, makes its own amendments to these theories.


Indeed, the formation of certain mental characteristics depends on the living conditions of society, which determine both its general priorities in thinking and general values. It is around these values that the natural unification of large groups of people takes place, which later takes the form of a people, a state.

In this regard, the attempts of some governments to artificially form a state out of people of different mental values are interesting. As we understand systematically, such attempts are always doomed to failure. And it's clear why. It is impossible to unite large masses of people for a long time under the flag of life guidelines that are not characteristic of them. Such education will not be viable, because the glue that holds it does not penetrate deep into the psyche of each individual unit in this union. This adhesion is superficial and breaks at the first impact.

System-vector psychology shows that the unification of people at the level of ethnic groups, peoples, states occurs on the basis of properties that form the basis of the human psyche and come from our additional desires. Additional desires form eight groups, which are called vectors in system-vector psychology. Basic desires (to eat, drink, breathe, sleep), fulfillment of the task to survive at all costs and continue oneself in time, plus additional desires (each vector has its own) - this is the human psyche, his life. In addition, for us, by and large, there is nothing and, relying on this, we interact with each other at all levels: in a pair, group, society. Based on the same properties of the mental, ethnic groups, states, and the mentality of different nationalities are formed.

  • Vectors are divided into upper and lower.
  • Upper: vision, sound, orality, sense of smell.
  • Lower: urethra, anal, muscle, skin.

In the context of mentalities, we are primarily interested in the lower vectors. The four lower vectors correspond to the four "excretory" erogenous zones - the urethral, anal, cutaneous and muscle vectors. This is libido, life, survival, the components of which are divided into two quartels: a quarter of space is the preservation of the mass and form of living matter, survival at the moment (hunters and hunters in the primitive savannah, skin and muscle people), and a quarter of time - continuation living matter into the future (leader of the pack) and preservation of past experience (teacher) - urethral and anal people.

People are not born without lower vectors, because such a person would not be viable. Any property, desire in the upper vectors draws strength for its development and realization below. A large social organism is not capable of long-term preservation of its integrity, if it does not unite around one of these “lower” groups of desires, properties (and therefore values, priorities), does not form common neural connections on its basis. Thus, we are dealing with four kinds of mentality: urethral, anal, cutaneous and muscular.

The muscular mentality ensures the build-up of "mass", a large increase in the population (China)

Anal mentality focused on preserving the traditional way of life (Arab countries)

Skin mentality focused on accelerated innovative development, building a consumer society (Western countries)

Urethral mentality focused on securing the future, a breakthrough into the unknown (Russia and partly the post-Soviet space)

In a single mentality, other value systems can also develop, which are only an addition to the main ones. For example, in our urethral mentality, value systems of the anal vector complementary to it (decency, respect for traditions, history) often manifest themselves. The skin value systems are alien to us, we despise them, because the urethral vector is opposed to the skin one (the best example is our attitude to greed, which in the West is called "reasonable economy"). Until recently, in the Western skin mentality, anal value systems were weak, but they were still present, but with the lightning-fast development of consumer societies, they are a thing of the past.

On the basis of different mentalities, different development and direction are acquired by social institutions created by these or those upper vectors. So, for example, on the basis of the urethral mentality, an elite visual culture and sound spirituality develops. Olfactory finance and standardized popular culture thrive on the basis of the skin mentality.


In addition, in system-vector psychology, there is the concept of "mental superstructure". Born in a given country with a given mentality, a person, no matter what vector set, absorbs the values of the society in which he lives. This is called the mental superstructure.

For example, any person born in Russia has an urethral mental superstructure. The famous breadth of the Russian soul, generosity and hope for a fair trial and the father of the tsar - all this is in the blood of the Russian people.

From the great Chinggis Khan to the mysterious Russian soul:

There are still many different details that complement this picture, but in any case, the understanding of certain mental characteristics of different social formations is based on the primary idea of eight vectors and an understanding of the patterns of their interaction with each other at different levels (person, couple, group, society). On the basis of this understanding, a completely new understanding of the geopolitical picture of the world and the main trends in human development is being built.

You can learn more about vectors, their essence and influence on a person at the free online lectures on system-vector psychology by Yuri Burlan. Register here.
