The star and the death of the intelligentsia in "this country." Three thieves chords
They hung portraits of Uncle Ham in their bedrooms and sang to the accompaniment of a guitar in cramped kitchens: "He who raised a sword against our union …"
It's a shame, brothers, to steal!
(P. P. Ershov. "The Little Humpbacked Horse").
They hung uncle Ham's portraits in the bedrooms and sang to the accompaniment of a guitar in cramped kitchens: "He who raised the sword to our union …" Some of them became "superintendents of perestroika", for the majority the reality turned out to be soberingly disgusting, illusions dissipated quickly, ideals were hastily subjected to correction, the past was reworked in accordance with the conjuncture of the newborn market.

But it did not help. The fee was too high. From now on, their children and the children of their children will call their Motherland “this country”. The children of the sixties disillusioned with their naivety, so as not to disappear one by one, will rally into "brigades", forming the very gap that Bulat Shalvovich warned lyrically about. A breach in the cultural layer of the nation will bring down the seemingly indestructible society of the never-coming future.
They were drafted from the first year, they will never return to universities. From the army, they came to another country, where there is no need to learn bookish wisdom. Everything that is required - to drive a car and hold a weapon - was taught in the army. While the Soviet intelligentsia is depressed on the couch, obediently takes a queue for humanitarian aid and brings in the buy-up table cupronickel, well-arranged by the street, sports and the Soviet Army, boys born in 1969 go to war together for a place under the new sun. Athletes, rooftops, racketeers - they will all become cannon fodder in this war. Few will be able to survive.
It seemed that there was no organized crime in the USSR. Where did all this dubious public in crimson jackets and pood gold chains come from overnight? Why did “chanson” about the north wind poured from the restaurant-style radio cassette recorders, and the whole country suddenly began to live according to the laws of the zone? It is possible to argue on these topics from different positions, but nothing will be fully clarified if we do not consider the aspect of the psychic, for we are talking about an animated subject - a special Russian person.

It would be a mistake to think that organized crime began in Russia with perestroika. Specifically, Russian relations between the criminal and the authorities have developed historically. Bribery of officials in Russia, the root cause of total corruption, is a traditional thing. Of the Russian tsars, perhaps, Peter I punished embezzlers in the most cruel way, but it was under him that bribery and abuse flourished in an unprecedented color. Any action by the authorities in Russia always gives rise to fierce opposition, if there is no additional force restraining the primary urges - mass culture, social shame.
In pre-revolutionary Russia, where the difference between the standard of living of the elite and the people was monstrous, it was impossible to create a meaningful deterrent to criminalization. The socially unprotected strata committed massive crimes, the cause of which was, first of all, the unbearable living conditions of people. Of course, there were both thugs and robbers, but the overwhelming majority of the exiled-convict people were victims of social injustice and unhappy circumstances. This is evidenced by A. P. Chekhov in his research "Sakhalin Island".
Servitude, "an institution predominantly of a peasant," was a reign of tyranny of the administration, for which only profit mattered, and the life of an exiled meant nothing. The Russian intelligentsia made attempts to change the situation, journalists and writers came to Sakhalin, tried to influence public opinion, but … Culture was the prerogative of the elite of society, and the criminals were "men". The efforts of the intelligentsia did not bring any visible benefit.

By the beginning of the 20th century, a clear thieves 'hierarchy had formed in Russia, which later became the “thieves' law” or organized crime as such, although this term will come into use much later. Let's consider the steps of the thieves' hierarchy from the standpoint of the System-Vector Psychology of Yuri Burlan.
The top of the hierarchy in the thieves' pack was occupied, as it should be, by the urethral. Here they can be called leaders only conditionally, they did not lead anyone anywhere, they were lone wolves, the so-called "Ivans who do not remember kinship." During interrogations, their favorite answer was "I don't remember." Choosing the path of thieves, these people deliberately put themselves outside of society, they were leaders against the pack, they easily abandoned traditional values, family, children, and their unpretentiousness in everyday life was explained by the properties of the vector, the nature intended for giving, not receiving.
Thieves' law even now does not welcome an authoritative thief to boast of his wealth. Urethralists enjoyed the greatest authority in the thieves' skin environment. "Tramps", that is, nomads not tied to a place, to the earth, one of the thieves' addresses to each other, clearly demonstrates the desire of the skin to imitate the urethra. Getting into a criminal environment, the urethral becomes the main thief or dies. Having become a thief, the urethral leader loses his natural preoccupation with giving, which inevitably leads him to collapse.
A high position in the thieves' hierarchy was occupied by swindlers and counterfeiters. Forgery of shares, securities, bills of exchange required remarkable talent and a risky nature. Here, anal-dermal artists of a criminal orientation, thieves' elite flourished. Counterfeiters were most severely persecuted under the law of tsarist Russia.
The main composition of the thieves' pack was represented by professional leather thieves, among whom their own hierarchy reigned. A higher rank was occupied by burglars, whose profession required good technical skills and ingenuity, a little lower were cunning pickpockets, then porters and other "specialists". Horse thieves, as a rule, gypsies, the prototype of today's ethnic groups, stood apart here.

The lowest level of the hierarchy was occupied by robbers and murderers. The thieves' case involved murder only in extreme cases and was not welcomed by "vagrants". However, it is not necessary to say that the thieves did not kill. The Skin Legionnaires easily recruited a large muscle army under their banners, used for physical reprisals. This trend was especially flourishing in the dashing 90s.
Summing up, it should be noted that the thieves' subculture, inherited by the Soviet state from tsarist Russia, had the structure of a systemic pack and opposed society from the inside. The thieves' law prohibited to benefit the state in any form, the thief did not have to work and did not have the right to cooperate with law enforcement agencies. The prisons were overcrowded, Siberia accepted streams of exiled convicts, and the crimes did not decrease. The attempts of the best people in Russia have brought pinpoint results, insignificant for the general picture. The culture in tsarist Russia was also elite for the elite, it was terribly far from the people.
To create a more or less stable balance of forces between crime and the law - albeit for a short historical moment - the Soviet government managed not only due to the system of punishment execution. The alignment of social differences between people was much more important. For the first time in history, at the state level, the principle of urethral return for shortages was realized. To embody this utopian principle, which runs counter to primary urges, helped a special culture that developed in Soviet Russia - an elite culture for all.
One of the most pressing needs of the people in young Soviet Russia was precisely culture. Having eliminated illiteracy, not without the help of skin-visual teachers, the Soviet state continued to fill the cultural shortages of the pack. Cinema, theaters, books became available to everyone, the Soviet intelligentsia was formed, which, unlike the Russian noble intelligentsia of the past, was the flesh of the people and carried elite culture to the masses not from top to bottom, but as an equal.

As long as the work of law enforcement agencies was supported ideologically by the most powerful cultural propaganda of non-acquisitiveness, the doors could not be locked. The culture fostered a sense of social shame in people. Thieves and crooks were portrayed as at least unfortunate failures. The urge to live for oneself was ridiculed. Almost all comedy films of the Soviet era make fun of thieves.
Faina Ranevskaya created a stunning image of a speculator in Easy Life. Shaking, flickering and fawning, fearing the police to death, "Queen Margot" is funny and slightly disgusting. And what about the "organized criminal group" of Coward, Goonies, Experienced? They provoke a homeric laugh. It is impossible to imagine that someone would want to imitate these characters! Laughter destroyed the attractiveness of the skin archetype. Even the handsome Dima Semitsvetov (performed by Andrei Mironov) from "Beware of the car!" - a miserable creature, forced to hide and endure the soldier's humor of the "dad" (Anatoly Papanov): "They will put you in trouble, but you don't steal!"
The urge to receive was ridiculed by the best oral satirists of the Soviet era. Laughed at - means destroyed. This oral postulate worked flawlessly. Nobody wanted to be funny in the eyes of others. It was socially embarrassing to steal. The film "Gentlemen of Fortune", perhaps for the first time in the comedy genre, touches upon the serious problems of theft as an antisocial phenomenon. The hero of Yevgeny Leonov sarcastically over the imaginary romance of a thief's life, and the "gentlemen" experience shame, which for Khmyr (Georgy Vitsyn) becomes incompatible with life, he tries to commit suicide. How many young men contemplating life, this shame saved from a slippery slope.
PD Boborykin, to whom we owe the term "intelligentsia", believed that there is a certain exclusively Russian type of people who carry a common spiritual and moral foundation. With a complete difference in political views and professional affiliation, these people are united by the internal state of morality. Only such people could create a unique culture as a counterbalance to the traditional Russian bribery and embezzlement.

The destruction of the Soviet intelligentsia in the process of perestroika plunged the country into the abyss of boundless acquisitiveness, which there was nothing to oppose. The cultural restrictions on sex and murder disappeared, and pornography became open source, it was easy to kill. The intelligentsia collected bottles and declassified hopelessly. Everywhere there were "brigades" like the one shown in the film of the same name with Sergei Bezrukov in the title role.
The film is talentedly shot, and one could say a couple of flattering words about it, but we will have to dwell on something else. Whether the authors wanted it or not, it turned out to be a panegyric to the bandits. Sasha Bely and his team cannot but evoke sympathy from the viewer, especially the young. After the release of the film on the screens, "the boys in the area" began to stray into brigades, they wanted to be like Sasha, Pchela, Phil and Cosmos, because racketeering the nasty Arturchiks is so cool. The domestic cinema did not offer other models for imitation, did not happen next to the creators of the picture and a morally filled good adviser.
Indicative in this sense is the attitude of Sergei Bezrukov to his first starring role. He avoids talking about the role of Sasha Bely and flatly refused to star in the continuation of the gangster saga, although, according to many, Bely is the best role for Bezrukov. For ten years, the actor has gone not only a significant creative path, brilliantly, through himself creating the images of Yesenin, Pushkin, Cyrano, Vysotsky. Deeds outside the stage and screen testify to his asceticism and spiritual growth. The topic of Sasha Bely for the actor is closed forever.

In Russia, like nowhere else, there is a myth about the nobility of robbers; the "thug chanson" is incredibly popular. Is it because, mentally, the urethral Russian sees in thieves urethral leaders, under whom they very artistically mimic? Well, mimicry is the vocation of the skin, especially of its archetype. Another myth exploited by the writers of the "blatnyaks" is the myth of friendship to the grave within one separate gang. Longing for friendship, which died with the USSR, is incredibly strong in the carriers of the anal vector, the most loyal admirers of the thieves' theme in art. Possessing systemic knowledge, we can say with confidence: there is no friendship in the skin vector and cannot be, there are completely different interests.
The enmity, controlled in Western countries by skin law, in Russia was contained only by culture. Now nothing holds her back. The country is choking with hostility, people hate each other, everyone seeks to grab a piece and thinks only of himself. The individualism of the skin phase of the development of society is contrary to the urethral-muscular mentality of communal Russia: we do not perceive a standardized law, opposing it with our concepts of justice in each individual case. And since justice is interpreted on the basis of personal gain, any attempt to correct the situation immediately turns into its opposite. Thus, the practice of tenders in construction, the Unified State Exam in the education system, designed to reduce bribery and nepotism, in practice only led to an increase in the number of those eager to profit at the expense of others, the labor of thousands of people has depreciated.

Lack of social shame is deadly for Russia. There is and will not be a leader for us, a ruler of thoughts, a messiah. Information is increasingly taking the place of culture. It is our task to critically evaluate it and apply it for good. Everyone is responsible for their own spiritual development. Whether we will be able to rise from the trough of consumption, break away from the grievances of the past, part with self-deception - depends only on us, each individually. To go from scanty gloating to realizing evil in oneself and justifying the world outside is possible only through knowledge of one's mental unconscious. The instrument of such knowledge is Yuri Burlan's "System-Vector Psychology" - the science of the fulfillment of true desires on the path to eternal and infinite pleasure.