What Is Autism

What Is Autism
What Is Autism

What is Autism

Today, autism is often referred to as the disease of the 21st century. No joke, modern statistics are terrifying: one autist is born for 68 children, in 2013 - one in 88 (10 years ago the statistics were one case of autism for 10 thousand births. April 2 was officially proclaimed the World Autism Awareness Day.

I suspect my child is autistic. I can't find a place for myself. The son is 4 years old. Strange, so unlike everyone else. Silent. He likes to play alone, he doesn't need anyone. Likes to perform the same action, and consistently, if something does not go according to the usual scenario, it is a tragedy, hysteria. Tell me how to understand whether he suffers from autism or not? How can I help him? I read that now there are new methods of treating autism using stem cells. Maybe you should try?

Let's start at the beginning: what is autism

Today, autism is often referred to as the disease of the 21st century. It's no joke, modern statistics are terrifying: one autistic person is born for 68 children, in 2013 - one in 88 (10 years ago the statistics were - one case of autism for 10 thousand births). April 2 was officially declared World Autism Awareness Day. In many European countries, separate schools, jobs, newspapers and TV channels are being created for autists.

Many articles, books have been written about autism. At the same time, there are no official statistical data on children diagnosed with autism in Russia, moreover, for many official organizations such a diagnosis does not exist at all. But the main problem is not this, but the lack of understanding of the nature of autism and its true causes. Actually, this hinders the provision of proper assistance to autists and their loved ones, this is the root of wrong "diagnoses" and ineffective, often harmful methods of "treatment".

So let's take a look at what autism is. Mental disorder, impaired mental development, a morbid state of the psyche, characterized by such signs as:

  • pronounced deficit of social interaction and communication,
  • repetitive, similar actions,
  • limited interests,
  • self-absorption,
  • the desire to get away from contact with the outside world (including from visual contact and speech),
  • disorder of speech and motor skills, etc.

It should be noted that there are no medical tests that diagnose autism. It is only through observation of the child's behavior that such a diagnosis is made. Distinguish between mild and severe autism, talk about congenital autism.

It is also known that, according to the World Health Organization, people all over the world suffer from autism, regardless of gender, race, socio-economic status. It is impossible to cure autism, but its early diagnosis and correct correction give good results: autists can turn into programmers, artists, musicians, mathematicians.


Perhaps this is the basic stable data that can be found today about what autism is. But humanity does not stand still, it is constantly evolving, and our established views and ideas are subject to revision taking into account new discoveries. Including discoveries in the world of psychology, which significantly change the traditional understanding of human nature, the structure of his mental. I'm talking about the discoveries of the system-vector psychology of Yuri Burlan.

System-vector psychology: what is autism

All people are born different, that is, endowed by nature with certain internal mental properties - vectors. They are not inherited from parent to child. In system-vector psychology, 8 vectors are distinguished, the fate of a particular person depends on their combination, level of development and fulfillment.

One of the eight vectors is sound, and it will interest us in this article. The point is that all autistic people have a sound vector. According to systemic vector psychology, autism is a traumatized state of the sound vector. Moreover, the injury itself can occur, starting with the intrauterine development of the baby. This is where the roots of "congenital autism" lie. Although autism is not really inherited, it is not a congenital disorder, but an acquired one. A child without a sound vector will never get autism, even if both of his parents are sound.

How does a sound child “get” autism? The main reason is the psychological illiteracy of the parents. And this despite the fact that we are ready to do everything for our child. You must admit that often if we buy a new electrical appliance, then before using it we try to read the instructions so that nothing happens to us or to the appliance, but we treat the birth and upbringing of a child more relaxed - somehow it will work out by itself. And we are talking not about a soulless machine, but about a living child, for whom the correct upbringing ("correct exploitation") ensures a happy life.

So it turns out that parents, out of their ignorance, do not take into account the needs of the little sonic player, do not create optimal conditions for the development of the sound vector, and then reap the bitter fruits of their ignorance, doomed to puzzle all their lives over how to cure a child from autism, how to help their offspring adapt in society.

Each fruit has its own care. Each child has his own approach. The sound child is endowed by nature with a sensitive, hypersensitive hearing, he establishes a connection with the world, listening to it. A born introvert, aimed at comprehending the deep meanings of life, needs peace, tranquility, an inner sense of the security of the outside world.

But the parents did not know that they had a small sound engineer. Mom, for example, loved to dance in a disco to loud music, being pregnant, how, say, throw tantrums at home, sort things out in a raised voice. Such a busy, fussy, active mother, whom, as they say, do not put a finger in her mouth. And now she had a sonic child who needs time to get out of her inner world into the outer one, who is so dear to silence and personal space …

Constant reproaches from the mother, screaming, twitching, and the sound specialists distinguish not just sounds by their volume, they distinguish intonations, meanings that others put into them.

- Why did I give birth to you? - exclaims in the hearts of the mother, believing that her baby is small and does not understand anything. Even as he understands, he has less and less desire to come into contact with the outside world.

This is how the human psyche works: we cannot get rid of the irritant, we adapt to it, reducing its negative impact on us. A small sound engineer cannot change his loud, hysterical mother, but he can adapt to her - stop hearing her, remaining in his safe inner world. Gradually, there is a break in the connections between the inner and outer world, not only at the psychological level, but also at the physiological one. The ability to hear, feel external stimuli, and adequately respond to external changes is lost. Therefore, early diagnosis of autism gives a better chance of a successful correction, while not all the bridges have been burned between the inner and outer worlds of sound professionals.


What should parents of autism do?

First, to realize that all children are born different and what suits one, not the fact that it suits another. If for one child the constant noise in the street, the screams of neighbors are not stressful, for another child it is a real psychological trauma. We cannot know in advance what kind of baby will be born with us, therefore, as prevention of autism, a pregnant woman should avoid noisy companies, loud discos, not shout, not insult the child, etc.

Secondly, try to bridge the gaps in your psychological knowledge in order to be able to independently distinguish your children by vectors and give them the necessary upbringing.

Thirdly, to understand that the internal state of the child depends on the internal state of the mother. You cannot hide from the child whether the mother is really happy or not, whether she is happy with him or disappointed, irritated. He feels everything, understands, and this leaves an indelible mark on his soul - he stops developing fully, begins to lag behind in his development.

Thus, in order to diagnose whether a child has autism or not, it is necessary to understand whether he has a sound vector, in what state he is. It is also important to understand that development is not complete and can still be changed, even with trauma already inflicted.

A child may seem strange to us if we have different vectors with him and through ourselves we do not understand him (I was sociable, he is unsociable, a real situation: a mother with a urethral vector, and it is normal for her to communicate with everyone, to be surrounded by a “retinue”, and a son with an anal vector, and it's normal for him to have a couple of trusted friends).

In the same way, when parents say “silent”, during the survey it turns out that in comparison with his mother he is “silent” - he speaks little, not like her. And the fact that my mother has an oral vector, that is, verbal thinking by nature - what I think, I say, because I say what I think - and my son's sound vector is abstract intelligence, and he needs time to express his thoughts in words, of course, we are "not in the know." We just see that the child is different, not as parents, and then, instead of understanding his nature, some parents find it easier to find a "diagnosis" and start treatment.

Is the child autistic? Anxious parents will be offered to go to an osteopath, start removing heavy metals from the body, put the child on a strict diet, apply active "oxygen therapy", eat camel milk, use antifungal drugs, marijuana, dolphins, a miraculous mineral supplement, stem cell transplants, and much what else is interesting …

Why not, if you know from the start that autism cannot be cured. No results - there is always something to say to desperate parents.


Instead of a conclusion

Before starting treatment for a child's autism, parents need to “turn on their brains,” that is:

  1. Make sure of the correct diagnosis.
  2. To understand that the root cause of autism lies not only in the area of physiology, it is a psychological problem, more precisely, trauma in the sound vector, and, if not eliminated, all medical manipulations can be useless (sometimes harmful). For example, there are no significant arguments in favor of using stem cell therapy as a therapy for autism, since it is not clear what exactly they will compensate for in the body of an autistic child (if autism is not diagnosed by medical tests). The same is with the removal of heavy metals from the autistic body - children without autism also have these metals in their bodies, but for some reason they do not become autistic from their presence!
  3. To undergo training in system-vector psychology in order to learn as much as possible about the sound vector and understand your child truly and, in addition, understand yourself and do everything possible to improve your internal state, which is transmitted to the child. Self-hypnosis does not help parents to change, it is precisely training that contributes to internal changes, when parents begin to see the world in a different way, think in other categories, systematically. With the improvement of the condition of the parents (especially the mother), the condition of the child also improves. Automatically.

Depending on the degree of autism, the issue of successful socialization of the child is resolved (after removing the psychological root cause of autism, it is possible to correct the consequences of autism at the physiological level).

Here are just some of the results that parents of children with diagnosed autism spectrum disorders have left on our portal.

“It just so happens that we have a special child. A 3-year-old girl, autistic … Naturally, the behavior of such children differs from "normal" ones, and sometimes the patience is not enough for the peculiar behavior of this miracle. I must say that realizing her sonic nature, it helped me a lot to find a common language with her. Moreover, even lately in her kindergarten they began to say that she has become much more cheerful, more active and sociable, and this is already a lot for us !!! " Natalia Perevkina, fashion designer Read the full text of the result "Thanks to Yuri's recommendations regarding comfort in sound, the condition of his 9-year-old autistic son was greatly improved." Victor Belinsky, translator Read the full text of the result

At the trainings on System-Vector Psychology by Yuri Burlan, you can learn what autism is and understand the causes of its occurrence. What simple measures for the prevention of congenital and early autism can each person follow? You will learn to understand your special children: their desires, their lacks, their states, find a common language with them. In the classroom, they tell in detail how to create a comfortable and supportive environment for such a child.

Yuri Burlan's training in Systemic Vector Psychology takes place online and is available from anywhere in the world. The material is presented in such a form that not only professional psychologists and psychiatrists can perceive it, but also ordinary people who also need this knowledge.

Free lecture cycles are held every one and a half to two months, you can register here.
