Extraversion And Introversion. Systemic Understanding

Extraversion And Introversion. Systemic Understanding
Extraversion And Introversion. Systemic Understanding

Extraversion and introversion. Systemic understanding

Sociable, joyful, striving for external and spiritual beauty, loving people, vision is an extrovert vector. Immersed in himself, in all the depth of the processes taking place with him, loving peace and quiet, indifferent to everything external sound - an introvert vector. And both of these vectors are in one person, no contradiction.

Often we try to explain a person's actions by the fact that he is an introvert or extrovert. These concepts, which have become firmly embedded in our everyday speech, were first introduced by the Swiss psychiatrist and psychologist Carl Jung. Its definitions were as follows:

Introversion is literally "facing inward." A person's preference for his inner world of imagination. Introverts are usually sensitive, prone to introspection and self-criticism. They are not characterized by spontaneous actions, they are not particularly sociable, they are not characterized by the expression of emotions; an introvert is more immersed in his thoughts and fantasies, often prefers to communicate with people the opportunity to indulge in thought.


Extroversion is literally "outward facing." A person is an extrovert if his main interests lie in the external, objective world, in which he sees the highest value. Extraversion, therefore, involves a preference for the social and practical aspects of life, as opposed to immersion in the world of imagination and introspection.

However, during Jung's lifetime, these terms were criticized. The main argument of critics was the indication that these definitions were too broad, all-embracing.

Indeed, is it so often about a person that you can definitely say whether he is an introvert or an extrovert? Let's look at an example to answer this question.

Here we see a handsome stately man. Powerful physique, burning clear gaze, intelligent deep eyes. He is pleasant to talk to, kind and open, loves children, understands women well, at the same time loves to sit in a quiet corner with a book, loves to listen to good music, and the night and solitude give him great pleasure. In some moments he seems to be an introvert, and in others - an extrovert. How to be?

System-vector psychology allows one to understand the nature of such a person in the most accurate way. In the considered example, we are dealing with an anal-skin-muscular bottom, a sound-visual man from above. The composition of its capsule of living matter includes both extroverted vectors and introverted ones. Sociable, joyful, striving for external and spiritual beauty, observing and cognizing this world, empathizing with other people, loving people with vision - this is an extrovert vector. Immersed in himself, in all the depth of the processes taking place with him, loving peace and quiet, indifferent to everything external and looking for meaning in everything that happens, sound is an introvert vector. And both of these vectors are in one person, no contradiction.

Pure extroverts and introverts are observed only when one capsule of living substance (one person) includes only extroverted vectors or only introverted vectors.

For example, we are dealing with a pure anal sonic. All his life he sits at home and reads science fiction, if he is not realized. And if realized, then he, like Perelman, is so immersed in science that he is not at all interested in any manifestations of the external world. At the same time, unlike a sound scientist who reads science fiction, Perelman makes brilliant scientific discoveries - and thus works for all of humanity.

An example of a pure extrovert is the skin-visual woman (as well as the skin-visual man). Does not sit still, always in motion, light air gait, eyes are large and deep, full at different moments of immeasurable love, then sadness and compassion, a huge emotional amplitude, a desire for all living things and sociability. And these are just some of its features.


System-vector psychology identifies four extrovert vectors and four introverted vectors. Together they form four complete quartels, which, like everything in this world, have an outer and inner part.

Quartel of time. The outer part is the urethral vector (extrovert). The inner part is the anal vector (introvert).

Quartel of space. The outer part is the cutaneous vector (extrovert). The inner part is a muscle vector (introvert).

Quartel of information. The outer part is the visual vector (extrovert). The inner part is a sound vector (introvert).

Energy Quartel. The outer part is the oral vector (extrovert). The inner part is the olfactory vector (introvert).

Jung's thesis about the opposition of extraversion and introversion is only partially true. If you focus on the external manifestations of the vector - whether he is sociable or not, he prefers to be in society or not, etc. - then this is so. But if you look from the point of view of system-vector psychology, understanding the specific role of each vector, it becomes clear that within each quarter and all together they form the necessary integrity, mutually complementing each other.

You can deeper understand the manifestations of extraversion and introversion, as well as learn about the mechanism of their interaction when you are in one person, at the training of Yuri Burlan "System-vector psychology".
