What Do The Olympics And The Maidan Have In Common?

What Do The Olympics And The Maidan Have In Common?
What Do The Olympics And The Maidan Have In Common?

What do the 2014 Olympics and the Maidan have in common?

What is common between the 2014 Olympics in Sochi and the Euromaidan in Kiev? At first glance, it seems like nothing. But this is only at first glance. In fact, both of these events are a manifestation of the same human need - the need for unification. Only in Sochi it was with a plus sign, and in Kiev with a minus sign …

At the International Correspondence Scientific and Practical Conference "Russian-Ukrainian Relations (History, Cooperation, Conflicts)" organized by the scientific journal "Historical and Socio-Educational Thought", a number of works were presented using the materials of the training on System-Vector Psychology by Yuri Burlan.

The work "What is common between the 2014 Olympics and the Maidan?" was published in the third issue of the magazine from 2014. By order of the Higher Attestation Commission of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation No. 26/15 of June 17, 2011, the journal "Historical and Social-Educational Thought" is included in the list of peer-reviewed scientific journals in psychological specialties.

ISSN 2075-9908


Introducing the text of the article:

What do the 2014 Olympics and the Maidan have in common?

What is common between the 2014 Olympics in Sochi and the Euromaidan in Kiev? At first glance, it seems like nothing. But this is only at first glance. In fact, both of these events are a manifestation of the same human need - the need for unification. Only in Sochi it was with a plus sign, and in Kiev with a minus sign.

These are the human beings we are! We do not live alone. Since the most primitive times, we have been straying into communities, peoples, countries.

We do not love each other: “Wow, I hate! All around bastards! On the other hand, we cannot get away from each other. It's a matter of survival. And how to survive in a society where everyone is for himself? Our egoism constantly comes into conflict with the interests of society, and therefore we need to unite, consolidate.

There are two types of unification: in the name of something bright and good, such as the Sochi Olympics, or in hatred of a common enemy, as happened in Ukraine.

The Sochi Olympics demanded dedication, work and perseverance from our people. Organizers, builders, volunteers have done a great job. Athletes trained, not sparing themselves, to please us with victories. And we did it! The holiday turned out to be great! The whole country watched with delight what was happening in Sochi. The performances of our athletes were breathtaking. The pride of the country was bursting as we watched the opening and closing ceremonies. What a great, incredible show it was!

The atmosphere of the Olympics has penetrated into every home, into every heart on Russian soil. And not only in Russian. The whole world lived in the Olympics for these 18 days. The festive mood will be with us for a long time, we will remember the best moments again and again, share our impressions, pictures.

At the same time, unification took place in Kiev too. Formally, with the best goals, but in fact, if you dig deeper, we united on hatred for a common enemy. Who turned out to be the enemy? Legally elected government? "Berkut", consisting of ordinary guys, citizens of Ukraine, who work in the law enforcement agencies of their country? The enemy of the Ukrainian people who came to the Maidan turned out to be, unfortunately, the same Ukrainian people. And the real enemy is nothing more than hostility, hatred in the heart of each of us, which for the time being is expressed in anger, cruelty, abuse, and explodes in pogroms and murders when there is no longer the strength to endure. Maidan is one big, common tragedy. People died. How can these sacrifices be justified? What was the blood shed for?

A huge amount of different information comes in, most of it is falsification and manipulation. All this carnage was provoked and directed by great experts in organizing such coups. You can call them puppeteers. Who are the dolls? We, disoriented in values, find ourselves unable to distinguish truth from lies, when hatred obscures the mind, and become involuntary accomplices of a crime staged by someone else's hands.

The Olympics served as a pretext for the rallying of all of Russia, and reduced the level of general hostility in Russian society. There was hope for the future.

Euromaidan has put the integrity of the Ukrainian state at risk. Anarchy has reigned in the country, people are in a state of extreme superstress, uncertainty about the future. It hurts to watch when this happens in a fraternal state.

It is important to understand that uniting on discontent, hatred is a disastrous path

How to avoid such a combination?

Events that unite people on good, good, light help well in this. Like the Sochi 2014 Olympics.

But the most important thing is to get rid of hostility first of all in yourself. To understand its roots, to be aware of what it does with each of us, with the people, the whole country … The hatred that we so easily splash out on each other makes us easily controlled by those who benefit from it. It destroys us and can never lead to constructive solutions. It is important to understand our shortcomings, those unsatisfied desires that make us go brother to brother.

Realizing the destructiveness of hatred and its causes, we are able to free ourselves from this burden. They are able to solve issues on a different level. And to achieve a better life for yourself and your children through awareness of ourselves and the processes taking place in society. The responsibility for this lies with each of us.