Piercing films about the war: "The Cranes Are Flying"
The film "The Cranes Are Flying" was filmed in 1957 in the best traditions of Soviet cinema, which has always been distinguished by a deep moral message. Cinema in the USSR was supposed to instill in people love for the Motherland, as well as the most important values of the Russian mentality - mercy, justice, the priority of the public over the personal …
"The Cranes Are Flying" is a film about the war, but more about people who were not spared by the war. It is about love and betrayal, about loyalty to duty to the Motherland on the one hand, and lies and duplicity on the other. It is about the eternal values of our people, which win no matter what. That is why the tears that you shed over him leave in the soul a feeling of light sadness, gratitude for the Victory, awaken the best feelings.
Love on the eve of war
The night before the war … No one knows yet that the dawn of a new day will break the roar of approaching German bombers, and Levitan's voice will herald the beginning of a new test for the whole country.
So far, everything is quiet, and two lovers - Boris and Veronica (Belka) - enjoy the happiness of shared love. They don't know yet that separation is so close. The eyes of the girl, anticipating the beginning of a new happy life next to her beloved, also shine. Even war does not frighten her at first: “When you are with me, I am not afraid of anything, not even war,” she says to Boris.
But he is no longer with her. He leaves for the front as a volunteer, and she does not even have time to see him off, to say the last "sorry".
Escape from myself
The very first months of the war bring losses to the girl, which are difficult to cope with alone. Her parents are killed during the bombing. There is no news from Boris. Then the news: "Missing." She's broken. She is just a fragile, lonely girl who has no one to lean on. And if not for Boris's family, there would be no one to support her.
However, Boris's brother, the musician Mark, who has obtained his own armor from the army, is in a hurry to take advantage of the situation. He has long been in love with Veronica, and at the moment of the bombing, when terror pushes her into his arms, he does not miss this opportunity. And now they are married.
What is this marriage for Squirrel? Fleeing from myself, from the fear of loneliness. But also a heavy cross of betrayal of a loved one, shame in front of people. Many do not forgive her - she did not wait. She does not forgive herself - she does not want to live. In Siberia, during the evacuation, she works in a hospital as a nurse. She seems to be living, but her soul is dead.
The difficult scene in the hospital, when the wounded soldier receives word from the bride, who got married without waiting for him, the merciless words of Boris's father that such a bride is not worthy of being the hero's wife overwhelm Veronica's cup of patience. She runs to the station to commit suicide - to throw herself under the train. She is rescued by a little boy who almost fell under the wheels of a car. Rushing towards him, she does not have time to jump off the bridge.
- What is your name?
- Borka …
This is destiny. She will live. For his sake, if not for himself.

Her marriage to Mark also falls apart. She learns that he moves in a local bohemian society and his reservation is bought. She still believes that her beloved is alive, even when the soldier, whom Boris carried out of intelligence, says that he saw him killed.
… turned into white cranes
The day when the fighters return from the front after victory becomes a bright accent of the film. Universal joy and jubilation fill Veronica's soul with a sense of hope that she will meet Boris in the crowd of these happy people. She sees his friend Stepan, with whom he went his short way in the war. But Stepan only takes out of his tunic pocket a photograph of his beloved girl, which a friend gave him before he died. Now there is no doubt that Boris will not return.
However, there is no grief and hopelessness in this ending. Our sacrifices were not in vain. Stepan says: "We won and remained to live not in the name of destruction, but in the name of creating a new life!" Veronica looks into the sky and sees a wedge of flying cranes, like when she and Boris were still together that night. Life goes on. It must be rebuilt. And only light sadness and gratitude for that love fills her heart.
It's a shame not to benefit your country
The film "The Cranes Are Flying" was filmed in 1957 in the best traditions of Soviet cinema, which has always been distinguished by a deep moral message. Cinema in the USSR was supposed to instill in people love for the Motherland, as well as the most important values of the Russian mentality - mercy, justice, priority of the public over personal. System-vector psychology of Yuri Burlan defines this mentality as urethral-muscular. Let's see this film again through the prism of this science of man.
System-vector psychology of Yuri Burlan distinguishes eight vectors in the mental of mankind - eight groups of desires and properties inherent in man from nature. They determine his life scenario, value system, type of thinking. The four lower vectors - urethral, muscular, cutaneous and anal - also determine the mentality of countries. All the values and properties of these vectors become the mental characteristics of those people who live in the same territory. The mentality is shaped by geographic and climatic factors.
Russia is a country with a huge territory, the borders of which are not physically felt. That is why we are not limited in the manifestation of our mental properties, we are generous and hospitable. We are not accustomed to material comfort, because the harsh climate and natural hardships forced us to be content with little. For us, the main thing is not to be full, the main thing is to feel our shoulder next to us, because only together we can survive in such conditions.
The urethral vector gives its owner the property of bestowal, the priority of the public over the personal, the absence of an instinct for self-preservation. We are ready to sacrifice our lives for the sake of the country without hesitation. The muscular vector makes us collectivists who are capable of uniting, especially in times of greatest danger for the Motherland.
These moments are shown very subtly in the film "The Cranes Are Flying". The men go to the front. People see off brothers, sons, husbands. And the girl who came to see Boris off said: “We don't even have anyone to see off - three sisters and a mother. It’s even inconvenient…”Yes, you rejoice that no one will have to tear anyone away from their hearts, but they are“uncomfortable”, ashamed… Social shame of being unnecessary for their Motherland worries much more than personal happiness.
Veronica's mother says: "Oh, this war … Grieve, but do your job!" No matter how bad you are, people need you, Victory depends on your efforts.

“You cannot live the same life, have fun when death is walking across our land,” Boris writes in his farewell note to Belka and volunteers to the front, while he could have stayed at the factory, with armor, like a talented engineer.
And all this is completely sincere. This is exactly what the people who lived in the USSR thought. After all, the Soviet system was absolutely complementary to the urethral-muscular mentality. He brought up a special breed of people who did not think about themselves, but thought only about the common good. That is why the generation of our grandmothers and grandfathers survived that terrible war with such dignity and greatness of spirit that, despite the past years, I still want to bow to the ground.
Opposites. Mark
To make the power of our mentality shine even brighter, the feat of the Soviet person is shown in contrast to a different attitude to life. Mark is the owner of a cutaneous vector that has values opposite to the urethral one. He is an individualist who puts personal well-being above public. This was not the case with all representatives of the skin vector during the Great Patriotic War. Most of them, developed and realized as individuals, became heroes, officers and soldiers who gave their lives for the Victory of our Motherland.
When the properties of the vector are not very developed or a person cannot realize himself, cannot cope with overstress, he uses his abilities exclusively for personal survival. A person with a skin vector has a flexible psyche, a high ability to adapt to any situation, a priority of benefit-benefit. And in the case of Mark, we see the manifestation of not the mental characteristics of the Russian person, but the manifestation of not the most successful properties of the skin vector, as it happens when the vector in a person is not sufficiently developed, he cannot maintain super-stress, he cannot realize himself to the maximum in life.
As soon as a real threat of destruction hangs over the country, Mark begins to look for loopholes in order to survive on his own. He buys a reservation, takes the bride away from his brother, leaves for evacuation, where it is warm and calm. His abilities as a musician are not used to inspire soldiers to victory, but to amuse the local bohemia. He fawns on his superiors so as not to lose his warm place. Against the background of high moral values that people with an urethral mentality show, it looks ugly, and does not cause anything but disgust.
Veronica very soon realizes what a mistake she made by marrying him: "I only want one thing - that you were not there!" These relationships abhor her both as a person brought up in the values of the Russian mentality, and as a woman with, in general, excellent spiritual qualities. She is able to truly love, be sacrificial and merciful. What pushes her into this relationship?
Love and fear. Veronica
According to Yuri Burlan's System-Vector Psychology, Veronica is the owner of the visual vector, which gives a person a high emotional amplitude, the ability to feel deeply. At the beginning of the film, she completely surrenders to her love. Love is her element, her meaning of life. No wonder, having lost Boris, she asks: "What is the meaning of life?" and does not find the answer to this question, because its meaning is in love. And when there is no love, there is no point. There is no need to live.
For a visual person, emotional connections with people are incredibly important. The chain of losses (parents, Boris) makes Veronica very vulnerable, plunges into deep stress. In this state, she falls into the lowest point of her emotional amplitude - deep longing and fear, unaccountable fear of loneliness. She loses her sense of security and safety.
But a person cannot live without this feeling. This is the foundation for his mental well-being. When a woman with a visual vector loses it, she strives to find it in a man. This is what pushes her into Mark's arms in the moment of horror she experiences during the bombing.
And then payback comes. No love, no life. She feels herself mentally dead, as any person with a visual vector feels without love, without feelings. What makes her live for now? Hospital work - wounded soldiers need it. We need her spiritual beauty, her gentleness, her desire to help and listen. And the hope that Boris will return …
The first step to mental recovery is the boy Borya, who has lost his parents, whom she picks up on the road. Now she has someone to take care of, someone to show her love to. For a person with a visual vector who finds themselves under stress as a result of the loss of emotional connection, it is extremely important not to remain closed within themselves, fixated on their bereavement. It is vital for him to bring his emotions out, to show sympathy for someone who is even worse. This is how the soul of the spectator is healed, strengths appear to live.
At the end of the film, Veronica is finally healed. She understands that she has something to live for. There are so many people around whom you can love, whom you can help. Only light sadness and gratitude fills her heart when she looks at the cranes flying in the sky, remembering her beloved.

A film that heals the soul
Revise the film "The Cranes Are Flying" together with Yuri Burlan's System-Vector Psychology. You will not only wash your soul with the crystal purity of feelings and relationships that are incorporated into this film by its creators, but you will also see new facets of the human personality that are revealed through the knowledge of vectors. This film is experienced so touchingly and strongly, because it is deeply systemic.
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