Battering Ram Is A Weapon Of Heroes. Urethral Pilots Without Adrenaline In The Blood

Battering Ram Is A Weapon Of Heroes. Urethral Pilots Without Adrenaline In The Blood
Battering Ram Is A Weapon Of Heroes. Urethral Pilots Without Adrenaline In The Blood

Battering ram is a weapon of heroes. Urethral pilots without adrenaline in the blood

Courage, courage and … "greed for skirts" are like two sides of the same medal called "pilot".

Maneuvering between the crooked scimitars of lightning, the hysterically humming engines, through the thunderstorm makes its way to the saving concrete firmament of the airfield, a silvery liner. At some moment, a needle, pale as death itself, sweeps through the blackness of the night sky and pierces an oval, like a giant beans, engine … A bright flash and a resounding explosion for a moment overshadow the unfolding natural element … With an alarming rumble, like a cry of a wounded bird, the liner, rotating around its axis, rushes down …

Years later, the widow of a reckless brave knight of the sky with dark blue embroidered with gold, like the wings of a fabulous bird Phoenix, epaulettes, indulging in memories, no, no, and even say a word about the stormy youth of her husband who left so early …

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It is a sin for representatives of the "heavenly profession" to complain about writers and cinematographers: nobody, and their brother, was not deprived of attention … You can list to exhaustion the masterpieces of classics and contemporaries, captured on the pages of books, film footage as valiant exploits of pilots and navigators during the war, so are the actions of civilian pilots in peacetime … True, for the sake of truth, again it is worth mentioning the "weakness for the fair sex" and "passion for amorous adventures" that have become the talk of the town, which, like a medieval epidemic, suffer the "rulers of the wheel".

Courage, courage and … "greed for skirts" are like two sides of the same medal called "pilot". Is it a myth, a stereotype, or a subtle trend? System-vector psychology of Yuri Burlan gives us an answer to this very interesting question.

The fact is that among the representatives of the "heavenly tribe" more often than in other professions, there are owners of the urethral vector. Their specific role in ancient, primitive times is a leader (first a pack, then a tribe), leading his warriors on a hunt to feed all his fellow tribesmen, or to conquer new territories, expand their own "food site".

A real leader, a king from God, or rather, born for the throne (in days of peace) and for a white trotter in the vanguard of the army (in wartime), is endowed with an innate sense of natural justice aimed at fulfilling natural tasks and requiring absolute readiness for self-sacrifice and individual sacrifices members of the tribe in the name of preserving this very tribe as a whole.

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Moreover, this willingness to sacrifice both oneself and a part of one's army (crew, detachment, etc.) is not a sign of any out of the ordinary heroism. The owner of the urethral vector completely belongs to his "pack" and does not have anything of his own in accordance with the properties laid down by nature - not even life!

"… not by accident, not by captivity - by exploit!"

The first days of World War II on the western outskirts of the Soviet country (now the territory of the Republic of Belarus and Ukraine). The Red Army suffers defeat after defeat, retreating kilometer after kilometer inland, leaving dozens of cities and villages to the mercy of fate and plunder of the enemy. Now the most important thing is to stop or at least delay the offensive at any cost in order to enable the troops to prepare for a counterattack, and the civilian population to evacuate and save as much value as possible from the enemy hordes …

To realize such strategically important goals, all means are good - even a human life: both one's own and that of the crew that has become a family … On June 26, 1941, the Russian pilot of the Il-4 bomber (according to another version - a fighter) aviation captain Nikolai Gastello makes his first the famous ram in the history of war. At the cost of his own life, sacrificing the crew, he delays for some time the advance of the enemy column deep into his native land.

Later descendants will appreciate this act in different ways. Experts, and these are always people with an anal vector, questioned and checked every episode of that event, not missing a single detail … All sorts of versions were put forward, including assumptions about the commission of this ram by another pilot and even the absence of this event as a fact … Sometimes it reached the point of absurdity: opinions were expressed that the pilot was a potential suicide - from childhood he was prone to suicide and in such an exotic way implemented a psychological scenario …

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However, let's leave the specialists in military history to investigate, study, put forward and prove versions. Our task is to explain the internal motives of such actions. After all, this "fiery blow" was not the only one - it was the first of many feats: military historians later count at least five hundred air, sea and tank rams.

Pilot Gastello, like some of his fellows in the steering wheel and wings, is the carrier of the urethral vector, without which this and similar feats would be simply impossible. The inherent ability to sacrifice oneself for the sake of saving the entire people (my life is nothing, the life of a pack is everything) was expressed in such a "technical" form. Moreover, at that crucial moment of making an irreversible decision, he himself hardly thought about a feat or about how to save his life or save any of the crew members. And the opportunity to escape, in the opinion of most experts, was, however, at what price - surrender. This in itself is unacceptable for the urethral leader, since it entails a demotion in rank.

After Gastello there were many other knights of the sky, sea waves and earthly firmament: Alexander Maslov, Viktor Talalikhin, Alexander Matrosov … With all the variety of accompanying circumstances, their exploits are united by one property: the ability to fearlessly sacrifice themselves for the sake of saving their people both during hostilities and in days of peace.

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Speaking of military pilots, one cannot but recall the great French writer Antoine de Saint-Exupery, on whose books more than one generation grew up. His famous words: "We are responsible for those who have tamed" - in some way express the essence of the owner of the urethral vector. A true leader never for a minute forgets about his fellow tribesmen, entrusted to him by nature itself.

Read about the artistic representation of the urethral knights of the sky in Soviet films in the article “Mom, I love the Pilot. With a yacht in Monaco, not with stars on the fuselage."
