Raising Children - Psychology Will Tell You How To Raise A Brilliant Child

Raising Children - Psychology Will Tell You How To Raise A Brilliant Child
Raising Children - Psychology Will Tell You How To Raise A Brilliant Child

Parenting: How to Raise a Generation of Happy Geniuses

The best parents and educators are faced with the fact that attempts to choose an individual key for the baby fail. We run into the child's inattention, his stubbornness or complete disregard for the authority of his elders. When the patience of adults is exhausted, “grandfather's” methods of upbringing are used: slaps, shouts, a belt.

Do you know how to raise a happy person without harming his development and further realization?

Despite the colossal development of science and technology, the upbringing of children still remains at the level of a remote village a century ago. Don't believe me? Then a counter question - what can your child get from you, what are you able to convey to him?

No, I'm not talking about studying at Harvard and not even about courses in foreign languages, singing, dancing and other wisdom. I'm just about happiness. Can you raise a happy person?

Why nothing comes of it

The best parents and educators are faced with the fact that attempts to choose an individual key for the baby fail. We come across the child's inattention, his stubbornness or complete disregard for the authority of his elders. When the patience of adults is exhausted, "grandfather's" methods of education are used: spanking, shouting, a belt.

As Yuri Burlana explains System-Vector Psychology, the modern generation of children has a completely different volume of psyche than ours.

And raising a child using the old familiar methods is completely unacceptable today. It causes enormous damage to its development and further implementation.

It is very difficult to choose an approach to a student, since traditional pedagogy and psychology do not distinguish people by their innate qualities and properties.

Whom are we bringing up?

The diversity of the psyche of each child and adult is described in detail by the system-vector psychology of Yuri Burlan. She identifies eight basic vectors (given from the birth of talents, qualities and properties).

Nature endows each baby with its own individual set of vectors. Knowledge of the characteristics of each vector becomes a stable base, a necessary foundation in the upbringing of a child.

Education by discipline

Before us is an active and active kid. Dexterous and quick, from an early age he is well versed in the relationship of benefit and benefit. "And what I get for this? What will I get?" - typical questions of a small skinner.

He strives for leadership, wants to be the first. Competition and competition are excellent conditions for the development of his psyche. This child can benefit from participating in competitive sports or group agility and speed games.

The key condition for the harmonious development of a skin child is discipline. It is important for a little skinner to learn to obey and observe a system of reasonable rules, prohibitions and restrictions.

An adequate system of punishment for such a child will be a restriction in space and time: cancellation of a walk or watching a cartoon.

It is strictly forbidden to apply physical punishment to a skin child. Children should not be beaten at all, but according to systemic psychology, for such a baby, the skin is his most sensitive area, and physical punishment inflicts serious trauma on him.

As a reward for skin children of either gender, going to the park or going to an entertaining children's event is a great reward. The boys can be offered material rewards.

Responsibility education

There are kids who by nature are "leaders of the pack." According to the system-vector psychology of Yuri Burlan, these are the owners of the urethral vector.

This child is somewhat similar to the skin one - he is also active, active and mobile. The key difference is that the urethral is not aspiring to leadership, competing, or competing. It's stupid to fight for what you already have! The urethral person naturally feels that he is "king and leader." All the children in the yard themselves are attracted to him, like to a magnet.


Raising a child with a urethral vector requires a special approach from us. He does not tolerate any prohibitions and restrictions, since he is looking into the future. This is a pioneer, a pioneer in any business.

How to be an adult? After all, such a kid does not recognize authorities and does not even obey force. The "leader" has his natural aspiration - responsibility for the flock. If you yourself give him the role of the main one and teach him to be responsible for the rest, he will receive the maximum development of his properties without damage to the psyche.

Raising patience

And here is a slow and awkward kid, "lumpy", "bear cub". This, according to the system-vector psychology of Yuri Burlan, is the owner of the anal vector.

He is naturally obedient, striving for the approval and praise of adults, especially his mother. He is also potentially the best student in the class, because accumulating knowledge is his natural desire.

Raising a child with an anal vector requires patience from us. Such a kid is slow, all he needs from you is more time for any business. Never rush him: not in school, or in any household chores.

It is important for him to do everything carefully and “conscientiously”. It is especially harmful for such a child to rush when visiting the toilet. This can turn into health problems or even more sluggishness.

Education by listening

And this kid is a merry fellow and a joker. The whole yard is going to listen to his tales. And it is not surprising, because according to the system-vector psychology of Yuri Burlan, we have before us the owner of the oral vector.

Do you want silence in your home? We condole, this is unlikely to be achieved. Raising a child with an oral vector implies that he absolutely needs a listener.

Otherwise, such a kid simply begins to lie, to compose fables in order to attract attention and still force him to listen to himself. Provide him with a wide audience as early as possible: from the age of three, send to kindergarten, where he will simply be the life of the company.

Raising compassion

Is the kid hysterical and whiny? Scared of your own shadow? Well, in childhood, this is typical of a child with a visual vector. As Yuri Burlan's systemic vector psychology explains, he is by nature very sensitive, receptive, emotional.

Despite the fact that such guys tend to create an emotional connection with fish, birds and cats, it is important to remember that this is a dead-end path in the development of a small eye.

As early as possible, teach such a baby to sympathize not only with the teddy bear, but also with people. You can start with fairy tales for empathy. Later, teach to help the weak and the elderly, to involve such people in active help.

Raising a child with silence and concentration

And this kid is quiet and silent, immersed in himself, as if "not of this world." He early begins to ask difficult questions about the structure of the world, the origin of man, space. This is a small owner of the sound vector.

Potentially he is a future genius, like Albert Einstein or Nikola Tesla. But to achieve such heights, adequate conditions of education are required.

Harsh sounds and shouts of adults are destructive for any psyche. But for a sound engineer, this is just a sentence, since the ear is his sensitive zone.

If you do not want to raise a schizophrenic or autistic instead of a genius, provide silence and a calm atmosphere in the house. You can put on quiet, background, classical music and talk with your baby in a low voice so that he has to listen and focus on your words.

The optimal parenting model

Modern man is a carrier of 3-5 and even more vectors. And the properties of each of them must be taken into account in order to choose adequate educational measures.

At the training in systemic vector psychology, you will learn the characteristics of children with any natural properties. Based on this knowledge, we see exactly who we are raising, what kind of child is in front of us. And we get all the keys to ensuring that communication with the baby brings joy to him and to you.

This is evidenced by numerous reviews of happy parents, educators and teachers:

Do you want to raise a happy person? Sign up for free introductory lectures here.
