Geniuses And Villains. Obsessed With Sound. Part 1. Wernher Von Braun

Geniuses And Villains. Obsessed With Sound. Part 1. Wernher Von Braun
Geniuses And Villains. Obsessed With Sound. Part 1. Wernher Von Braun

Geniuses and villains. Obsessed with sound. Part 1. Wernher von Braun

The world, wishing by all means to distract from reality, filled its sound voids with inexpedient and premature dreams of interplanetary wanderings …

First, inevitably come: thought, fantasy, fairy tale. They are followed by scientific calculation, already, in the end, execution crowns thought.

Tsiolkovsky K. E.

The bitterness and annoyance of defeats from helplessness and violent shredding of the territorial borders of Europe have not yet disappeared. Even participants in the First World War, in a silent scream, as if from a picture of Munch, struggled to escape from the suffocating yellow clouds of German gas attacks dreamed of in their nightmares. Even the stumps of soldiers of all nationalities, without arms, without legs, rejected, abandoned or not found by their loved ones, wheezing and whiling away, swung suspended on straps, like coolies, in nameless monastery shelters. Tired of wars and revolutions, the world, driven to a deep economic and even deeper psychological crisis, was paralyzed and possessed by the sound of silence.

The world, wishing by all means to distract from reality, filled its sound voids with inexpedient and premature dreams of interplanetary wanderings. Fascinated by the sky, the dreamers did not look at their feet at all. They considered the greatest evil to be the “Reds”, who were delirious with the only idea - to set the entire globe on fire with the fire of the revolution.

If Europe only wanted to know how far the Russian communists were then from the thought of the fire of the world revolution, busy with the restoration of the destroyed economy, it might not have reacted so carelessly to the brown sound virus that is nascent in Norman heads, which in a few years will be infected a whole people, while others will be helpless and powerless in the face of the consequences of this plague.

"In the face of a great goal, no sacrifice will seem too great." Adolf Gitler

In the late 1920s and early 1930s, the Germans were interested in rocketry. This is due to the fact that, according to the Treaty of Versailles, Germany was not allowed to develop and manufacture new types of any military offensive equipment used during the First World War. However, the list of prohibitions did not include missile weapons.

In comparison with Germany, all other countries lagged far behind and recklessly showed little interest in self-defense. There, in the first quarter of the twentieth century, not everyone knew that the country's economy could be strengthened through the arms trade, and the ideas of humanism, inspired by the aftertaste of the First World War, continued to float in the air under the flags of the Red Cross, which was still independent of political intrigues.


In the USSR, where the power of workers and peasants won, a new, hitherto unknown state formation was intensively built, and old Europe was frightened and intrigued by everything that went, drove, flew and crawled from the Eurasian continent. Tsiolkovsky's ingenious ideas about starships penetrated Europe with Russian emigrants, "crazy" and homeless sound people, whose dreams of distant planets were in the air, landing on favorable financial and educational grounds, giving genius seedlings expressed by unique discoveries in the field of new, for those times unknown technologies.

Geniuses or villains? Obsessed with Sound: Wernher von Braun's Crusade

When Werner was a teenager, his parents gave him a telescope. The boy gazed at the stars, but most of all he was fascinated by the moon. Children from aristocratic German families were not supposed to be interested in science, engineering, design, and even more so in rocketry, it was believed that this was the lot of the plebeians.

Werner, who was a mediocre school student, would probably have grown up to be a dropout and an "amateur stargazer" if he had not got his hands on a book about making rockets, riddled with formulas and equations. She was so interested in the boy that he became seriously interested in physics and mathematics, and soon Fritz Lang's film "Woman on the Moon" was released in Germany. Around the same time, a silent film based on the novel by Alexei Tolstoy with the mysterious name "Aelita" appeared in Soviet Russia.

The properties of people with an anal vector include amazing memory and a sense of gratitude. In Brown's anal-sound background, they manifested themselves in a very peculiar way. On the side of the skin of the first ballistic lethal missile, created by a physicist, the test of which was scheduled for the fall of 1942, a woman was depicted - the character of Fritz Lang's science fiction film "Woman on the Moon", which so struck the imagination of thirteen-year-old Werner and predetermined his future fate as a designer in the field of rocketry.


A little boy leading a grown man never dies in anal. The behavior of an adult depends on how this inner creature behaves. A kind boy bears a grateful memory of his past, a boy who received psychological deficiencies in childhood - lack of recognition, love of his parents, especially his mother, the resentment associated with this, is not able to be reborn into a normal, full-fledged adult who has forgotten his childhood misfortunes. Wernher von Braun knew how to keep a sense of gratitude.

A freaky genius. Whims of sound vector

An eccentric genius, not recognized in his homeland in the USSR and in the mid-20s, recklessly sent on a long business trip to the West, and to the most economically disadvantaged, backward and politically humiliated European country - Germany, was the talented Russian engineer-inventor Apollo Arkadievich Tsimlyansky.

The NKVD and the USSR special services started talking about Apollo Tsimlyansky in the early 30s, when the Nazis who came to power began to build up Germany's combat power in the most intensive way. It was then that it became clear that the "physicist-projector", who was sent off in 1926 amid the hooting of the "red professors" on an indefinite business trip, settled in Europe, was successfully working for a rising political star in the Third Reich.

Tsimlyansky's "projection" ideas, as Soviet half-educated professors called them, were first put into practice by testing a powerful nuclear charge in Saxony, which in its destructive power approached the future atomic bomb. The explosion, made in an abandoned adit, and most importantly, its consequences with an increase in the level of radiation in the area, so amazed the Fuhrer that he ordered to prohibit further research in this direction. Germany did not need territories turned into lifeless deserts, and Hitler had not yet advertised his march to the East, where nuclear weapons could be used.

Engineer Garin prototype

Soviet writer Alexei Tolstoy, being familiar with his neighbor in the country Apollo Tsimlyansky, inspired by the sonic genius of the "projector" and his stories about a heat ray capable of cutting metal like butter, began writing the novel "The Hyperboloid of Engineer Garin." True, he began to work on a work from the Fantastic series after Apollo Arkadievich was sent to Germany. The finished novel was revised four times: in 1927, 1934, 1936 and 1939, when Tsimlyansky was no longer alive. It was necessary to update the book. Life developed so intensively, and along with it science and military technologies, which in the near future will be used in the most terrible war of the 20th century.

Of course, one cannot compare Tsimlyansky with the skin sound specialist Peter Petrovich Garin from the novel by Alexei Tolstoy, who built his hyperboloid in order to gain power over the world. He took advantage of someone else's ingenious thought in a skin-like manner, creating a powerful weapon to achieve his personal goals.

Apollo Arkadyevich did not have Garinsky sound voids and skin ambitions to rule the world. He was a multilaterallyted person with developed sound vector properties. His dream was not the creation of deadly weapons, but the exploration of outer space based on the invention of a liquid-fueled rocket.

Another thing is that Tsimlyansky's discoveries were used by those who dreamed of creating a new world order, subjugating all peoples by force of new weapons.


The idea of a liquid-propellant rocket was used by another sound scientist - Werner von Braun, who, like Tsimlyansky, was devoted to his youthful dreams of launching the first space object and man's exit into open space.

Von Braun was ready to do anything to implement his idea. With the money of the Nazis, he was engaged in the creation of long-range missiles - the strongest and fastest destructive weapons on earth at that time. Having chosen the right sponsors, first the Nazis, and after the surrender of the Americans by Germany, von Braun realized his most fantastic sound plans, launching a manned spacecraft with the delivery and landing of a man on the moon.

The name of Tsimlyansky, who back in the 30s was the initiator of many military and peace projects, working for Germany, is lost in history. His ideas, plans, projects, later transformed by von Braun and other German scientists into concrete, often military installations, were removed from the territory of Germany and appropriated by the Allies. Germany lost its genius sound experts, who went overseas to create the power and greatness of another state, which was taking the first steps towards a new type of aggression at that time - the Cold War.

They hurried to forget about Tsimlyansky. For the West, it is not politically correct to tell the whole world about the dubious Russian, thanks to which mankind opened the way into space. Naturally, all the laurels went to the former Wehrmacht scientists who moved to the States and raised their defense industry to unprecedented heights, dragging the Soviet Union, which had barely recovered from the hardest war, into the arms race.

However, there is a professional code of honor and respect for colleagues among real scientists around the world. The manned spacecraft created by Werner von Braun, with the first landing of American astronauts on the moon in the history of astronautics, was named after the physicist and designer Apollo Tsimlyansky "Apollo-11". In 1969, after the successful completion of the American space project, von Braun shocked the world with a sensational statement: "My teacher is the Russian engineer Tsimlyansky, to whom I am very grateful and grateful for the knowledge I received from him."

Speaking in the language of Yuri Burlan's system-vector psychology, the properties of a developed anal vector forced von Braun to "align the edge of the square": "pay for good with good", "return what was taken." Werner von Braun, with anal German pedantry, “expressed” respect and gratitude to his teacher for the knowledge and ideas he had received, informing the world about him and naming the aircraft after him.

The memory of Apollo Arkadyevich Tsimlyansky was immortalized twice: in the novel by Alexei Tolstoy "The Hyperboloid of Engineer Garin" and on board the Apollo spacecraft, named after the Russian scientist.

Genius and villainy - are they incompatible?

The launch of the rocket to the moon was preceded by work on the creation of the V2 (FAU2), which became famous at the end of the war. The designer himself did not see in her a new deadly weapon. He was generally of little interest. A cruise missile, with the help of which in 1944-1945. bombed the suburbs of London, was for Werner a new step on the path to space exploration.

Scientists of such a level as Wernher von Braun or Apollo Tsimlyansky do not face a moral choice - to realize themselves as a brilliant engineer, designer, nuclear physicist and fulfill their fantastic dream or refuse to fill their own sound voids, fearing that they will life will stick to the Nazi brand.

Von Braun created a terrible weapon, believing that as a scientist, as the creator of a rocket, he was not morally responsible for its future use. “As for my past, my conscience does not torment me … I am proud of my achievements,” he will withdraw charges from himself when the truth about his service to the Nazis comes out.


Contemporaries argued that von Braun did not give a damn about everything. His main goal was to build a rocket at any cost. For the sound engineer, keen on filling his shortcomings, there is no world outside, he is absorbed only by his idea. Such people are called fans of their craft.

Despite many protests from concentration camp survivors who worked at the rockets at Peenemünde and Mittelberg, von Braun was not charged with using prisoner slave labor to create weapons of destruction.

For the sake of achieving his goals, the skin sound engineer does not hesitate to do anything. This is very clearly shown by Alexei Tolstoy in "Hyperboloid", where Garin, unlike von Braun or Tsimlyansky, is a petty swindler who dreams of taking possession of the gold of the world. A developed sound engineer, having tasted the happiness of filling his empty spaces, will begin to work for the military industry and under a dictatorship.

Here the moral responsibility is borne by those who forced talented designers, leaving them no choice, to work for Hitler's war machine. The tight control of the SS was able to remove any disaffected without a trace, and von Braun, for all his aristocratic roots, genius and achievements, was no exception.

Not a single German scientist could afford to disobey Hitler, refuse to put the results of his labor on the altar of Nazi ideology, or stop developing and improving the country's military potential. Refusal to participate in the creation of new military equipment was regarded as an admission that the war was lost. Hitler, even at the beginning of 1945, relied on an attack, thereby leaving the state without defensive weapons. The lack of air defense in the first place made Germany an easy target for bombing by Soviet and Allied aircraft.

Hitler did not want to hear about defense, considering all talk about it treacherous. If Germany, on the basis of its military power, managed to create its own defensive shield, the war could have a different outcome. It is possible that it was she, and not America, who would become the first state in the world to possess nuclear weapons and the most powerful military potential, while maintaining its integrity. Hitler did not want to hear about the defeat and rejected any attempts to explain it to him.

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