Glossary Of Terms And Abbreviations

Glossary Of Terms And Abbreviations
Glossary Of Terms And Abbreviations

Glossary of terms and abbreviations

Overstress is a situation of overstrain, in which all cultural superstructures "fly off" in a person. From a developed person, at some point, he turns into an archetypal one with only one task - to survive at all costs. So, for example, during a fire, leather workers do not save children, but money …

An archetype is a metaphysical task of a vector.

The archetypal state of the vector is the same as in the primitive flock, not adapted to the realities of the modern world, the vector properties are not developed to the current level.

An archetypal person is an undeveloped person who behaves in accordance with his undeveloped, unsublimated vector properties.

A vector is a set of innate properties, desires, abilities that determine a person's thinking, his values and the way he moves through life. Each vector corresponds to a particularly sensitive channel for outputting or receiving information; in system-vector psychoanalysis, it is called the erogenous zone. In total, there are eight vectors (eight erogenous zones): cutaneous, muscular, anal, urethral, visual, sound, oral, olfactory.

Vector neurosis is the departure of vector properties to the minus, the reversal of all the properties of the vector. Neurosis is acquired mainly during development and is practically incurable.

Dominant vector - a vector whose properties prevail over the properties of other vectors of the vector bundle. In total, there are three dominant vectors: urethral, sound, olfactory.

The upper vectors are sound, visual, olfactory and oral.

Lower vectors - cutaneous, muscular, urethral, anal.

Complementary vectors - vectors of the same quartel with complementary properties: sound vector and visual, olfactory and oral, etc. An exception is the muscle vector, which is complementary to all vectors.

Contra vectors - vectors of different quartels with contradicting properties: urethral vector and olfactory, urethral vector and cutaneous, cutaneous vector and anal, etc.

A vector set is a combination of vectors of one person. Depending on the specific combination of vectors, stable life scenarios are formed, and in some cases, complexes.

Species role - the role of the vector in the primitive flock. Men have a species role, with the exception of skin-visual men. There is no specific role in women, with the exception of the skin-visual woman.

The eight-dimensional model of the world is a model that describes the entire universe through the prism of eight measures: anal, skin, muscular, urethral, sound, visual, olfactory, oral. According to this model, the same laws of functioning operate at all four levels of nature - inanimate, plant, animal, human. In other words, those vector relationships that operate at the level of one person (tension between vectors within one person) act at the level of a pair (tension and interaction of vectors in a pair), at the group level (tension and interaction of vectors within groups), at the level of everything society (interaction is no longer the vectors of individual people, but in general measures in the whole society, at the level of the fate of all mankind)

The 8D model includes:

1) Hansen's basic systemic postulate that four characteristics are necessary and sufficient to describe any observable reality: spatial, temporal, energetic and informational;

2) the Hansen-Tolkachev matrix, where 8 vectors / 8 erogenous zones discovered by V. Tolkachev are distributed over 4 quarters.

The use of this approach in the description of the human psyche makes it possible to single out in each quartet extroverted and introverted vectors (V. K. Tolkachev), inner and outer parts of quartels (Yu. I. Burlan).

The author of the model of the eight-dimensional universe is Yu. I. Burlan.

Quartel is a constituent part of W. Hansen's matrix, into which eight vectors fit, like any reality of the observed world. In total, four quartels are distinguished: a quarter of space (skin and muscle vectors), a quarter of time (urethral and anal vectors), a quarter of information (visual and sound vectors), and a quarter of energy (oral and olfactory vectors).

A complex is a stable negative life scenario that arises when a person has one or another bundle of vectors. System-vector psychoanalysis identifies the following complexes: a good boy's complex, a butterfly complex, a fanatic's complex, a witch's complex, a querulant complex, a suicidal complex, an Oedipus complex. The exception is the passionary complex: in this case, the life scenario will not be negative, but the person himself will experience the most difficult conditions due to the extreme contrariness of his vectors.

The landscape is the whole reality surrounding a person.

Landscape pressure - the impact of external factors on the mental person. The pressure of the landscape causes stress and, in turn, a response from the vector properties. If such a response (“beating off” the landscape) is adequate and allows you to successfully cope with a stressful state, we should talk about adaptation to the landscape.

Polymorph is a person with three or more vectors.

Rule 7 + 1 - in seven vectors this property is manifested in this way, and in one it is different. For example, all vectors want to receive into themselves, except for one - the urethral, which from birth is aimed at bestowal; all vectors have a libido directed towards the opposite sex, and only the anal vector has an undifferentiated libido, etc.

The right to bite is the right to eat, it is the right to a woman. Only men have. The exception is anal-visual and skin-visual men.

The pleasure principle is a Freudian principle, which found its confirmation in the system-vector psychoanalysis. When satisfying innate vector desires, a person experiences pleasure from life, joy and happiness. Each person seeks to experience these feelings, and accordingly moves through life towards the fulfillment of his innate vector desires (subject to development and fulfillment). In neurotic and frustrated states, he strives to get at least minimal pleasure in inadequate and negative scenarios.

Puberty is the age of 12-15 years, when the mental of a person matures so that he can fully take responsibility for his life. This is a turning point when the development of the vector properties set from birth ends.

Development is the period from birth to puberty, including puberty, when the vector properties of a person undergo development, each vector has its own.

Implementation - the application of properties developed before puberty on the landscape. The realization of the given properties brings a person pleasure, pleasure from life. Implementation is not a fact, but a process.

Overstress is stress that a person cannot adapt. As a result of such overpressure of the landscape, the person is temporarily "brought out" into an archetypal state.

Sublimation is the implementation of vector properties at the level most adequate to the modern landscape. For example, for a skin vector in the modern world, sublimation is the use of oneself in engineering and lawmaking.

Scenarios are stable life scenarios of the owners of certain vector bundles. The scenarios are initially neither negative nor positive, and their stability is due to the elaboration of these life programs in time.

The most ancient scenarios are based on the skin vector: skin with vision in the female version (skin-visual ligament), skin with sound (skin-sound ligament), skin with orality (skin-oral ligament), skin with sense of smell (skin-olfactory ligament).

Newer scenarios are based on the anal vector: anality with sight, anality with sound, anality with orality, anality with a sense of smell.

The scenario of the skin-visual man has not yet been worked out at the present stage.

Future scenarios are based on the urethral vector (including the urethral-sound scenario).

Since a modern person (unlike a primitive one) can be polymorphic and possess not one, but two or more vectors, then one person can be given two or more scenarios at once. In this case, the training "System-vector psychology" talks about switching the vector ligaments in one person (for example, from the anal-sound ligament to the skin-visual ligament).

Temperament is the strength of innate desire, the degree of expression of the vector's properties. Temperament is common for all vectors of the vector set of one person.

The phases of human development are different stages through which humanity passes in the process of its development. Humanity has passed through the muscular, anal, cutaneous (present) phases and is preparing for the transition to the urethral phase of development (based on the sound breakthrough). Each phase of development is characterized by the accentuation of the properties and values of the corresponding vector. So, the anal phase is historical, patriarchal, traditional. The cutaneous phase forms the consumer society. The urethral phase is the phase of the future and will form the Relief Society.
