Psychological problems 2024, September

About Time And Hours

About Time And Hours

"Any reality of the observed world is described by spatial, temporal, energetic and informational characteristics." (V.A. Ganzen, "Systemic Descriptions in Psychology", 1984)

Raising Children With Mental Retardation

Raising Children With Mental Retardation

The upbringing of children with mental retardation is complicated by the fact that the borderline between the norm and mental retardation (SD) of children is so fluid and relative that sometimes parents pay attention to the presence of a problem only after the child enters an educational institution

Behavioral Psychology - What Was Jung Silent About?

Behavioral Psychology - What Was Jung Silent About?

Human psychology … Does it give you an understanding of why people act this way and not otherwise? What is behind their words? What does each person really think about and what does he intend to do? What can you expect from him? Is he telling the truth? Can you trust him? .. The man is mysterious … WAS. RECENTLY

IT Specialists Are Free. Features Of Employment Of Sound Specialists

IT Specialists Are Free. Features Of Employment Of Sound Specialists

Anyone who has worked in a large holding company at least once knows that a distinctive feature of the local office environment is the severity of the environment, the presence of a solid security service, a clear corporate style, which necessarily includes a dress code, rules of internal etiquette and is strictly standardized by documents and completely not standardized in reality working day

Nepotism As They Have It And We Have It

Nepotism As They Have It And We Have It

The topic of nepotism has always been one of the most pressing and painful in the entire history of Russia. The very concept of "nepotism" is deeply rooted in the centuries, when, in order to avoid the loss of wealth, and most importantly, the loss of power, a son was elevated to the throne, thereby transferring the management of the state by inheritance

America. Part 1. A Systematic View Of The Formation Of American Society

America. Part 1. A Systematic View Of The Formation Of American Society

America. Part 1. A systematic view of the formation of American society The American consumer society, their standard of living have become ideal for the less developed countries of the world. Many people have the feeling that by creating a model of the state in their own country after the model of the United States, they can achieve the same well-being and prosperity

Atheists: There Is No God, And The Meaning Of Life Too?

Atheists: There Is No God, And The Meaning Of Life Too?

Who am I? Where did I come from? Why am I here? What does "soul" mean? What is "I" really? What makes me alive? Where does it go after death? Where is the truth? What is the real meaning of human existence?

Fear Of Insects, Butterflies And Snakes - Hidden Quirks Of The Fear Of Death

Fear Of Insects, Butterflies And Snakes - Hidden Quirks Of The Fear Of Death

HEART IN THE HEELS From fear we turn pale, our eyes widen in horror, the words get stuck in our throat, only "oh!" or "ah!", goosebumps run down the back, but inside everything gets cold and freezes, we either shy away and rush headlong, or freeze in place unable to take even a step, like a rabbit hypnotized by a boa

Patriotic Education: Must Be A Citizen. System Secrets Of Patriotic Education

Patriotic Education: Must Be A Citizen. System Secrets Of Patriotic Education

Do you love your homeland? - the question is like a bolt from the blue. Silence. The facial expression is as if a husband's wife, after 50 years of marriage, suddenly asks: "Do you love me?"

Afraid, Afraid And Not Living - How To Overcome The Vicious Circle Of Phobias

Afraid, Afraid And Not Living - How To Overcome The Vicious Circle Of Phobias

I'm afraid, I'm afraid and don't live- I'm tortured by a phobia. How to fight off yourself - will the System Circle teach? I'm afraid of people, I'm afraid of animals, I'm afraid to fly and drive. A fear of loneliness Is it possible to fix it? With the fear of airplanes, well, I can't cope with it. I sit down to the reserved seat window - the enemy of my career

Some About Sex, Some About God - An Oral And A Sound Word

Some About Sex, Some About God - An Oral And A Sound Word

The object of research "Progress is making leaps and bounds" Progress is going on - humanity has never known such a frantic speed. It is incredibly difficult to keep abreast of all innovations, even within a single area. Every day, engineers show the world some crazy in their complexity technologies … And of course, this entails an increase in the total volume of information to such a size that a single person simply drowns in it

Should Russia Be A Scarecrow? Selfish Interests Of The West Against The Acquisitiveness Of Russians

Should Russia Be A Scarecrow? Selfish Interests Of The West Against The Acquisitiveness Of Russians

Our Russia is a terrible force! A terrible force is our Russia! (song)

Stalin. Part 2: Furious Koba

Stalin. Part 2: Furious Koba

Stalin. Part 2: Furious Koba In the conditions of the emerging social revolution in Russia at the beginning of the twentieth century, despite the dangers of an illegal position, the risk of arrest and exile, Soso chooses the path of a professional revolutionary, the only way of survival in new, still emerging conditions, in a new, still emerging flock

Stalin. Part 5: How Koba Became Stalin

Stalin. Part 5: How Koba Became Stalin

Part 1 - Part 2 - Part 3 - Part 4

Stalin. Part 7: Ranking Or The Best Disaster Cure

Stalin. Part 7: Ranking Or The Best Disaster Cure

Part 1 - Part 2 - Part 3 - Part 4

Stalin. Part 6: Deputy. On Emergency Matters

Stalin. Part 6: Deputy. On Emergency Matters

Stalin. Part 6: Deputy. on emergency matters Having become Lenin's informal deputy for emergency issues, Stalin clearly demonstrates his ability to confidently build the structure of the new Soviet statehood in an extremely difficult situation

Stalin. Part 8: Time To Collect Stones

Stalin. Part 8: Time To Collect Stones

Stalin. Part 8: Time to Collect Stones In such cases, they say: "Providence was pleased." System-vector psychology explains the hidden mechanisms of the olfactory providence by the task of preserving life at all costs. Only what is needed for the future is preserved

Stalin. Part 9: USSR And Lenin's Testament

Stalin. Part 9: USSR And Lenin's Testament

Stalin. Part 9: USSR and Lenin's testament “Stalin is too rude, and this defect, which is quite tolerable in the environment and in communication between us, communists, becomes intolerable in the post of general secretary. Therefore, I propose to the comrades to consider the method of transferring Stalin from this place and to appoint to this place another person who in all other respects differs from Comrade Stalin's only one advantage, namely more tolerant, more loyal, mor

Stalin. Part 10: Die For The Future Or Live Now

Stalin. Part 10: Die For The Future Or Live Now

Stalin. Part 10: Die for the Future or Live Now Germany was too different from Russia. Even against the background of the complete collapse of the economy and total unemployment, the bulk of the masses did not want to consolidate for the sake of a happy, but distant future

Stalin. Part 11: Leaderless

Stalin. Part 11: Leaderless

Part 1 - Part 2 - Part 3 - Part 4

Stalin. Part 12: We And They

Stalin. Part 12: We And They

Part 1 - Part 2 - Part 3 - Part 4

Stalin. Part 14: Soviet Elite Mass Culture

Stalin. Part 14: Soviet Elite Mass Culture

Part 1 - Part 2 - Part 3 - Part 4

Stalin. Part 18: On The Eve Of The Invasion

Stalin. Part 18: On The Eve Of The Invasion

Part 1 - Part 2 - Part 3 - Part 4

Stalin. Part 19: War

Stalin. Part 19: War

Stalin. Part 19: War Germany attacked the USSR on Sunday at 4 o'clock in the morning without a declaration of war, contrary to the non-aggression pact. The obvious to the Soviet side must become indisputable for the whole world: the aggressor is Hitler, the Soviet Union defends its territory

Stalin. Part 20: By Martial Law

Stalin. Part 20: By Martial Law

Part 1 - Part 2 - Part 3 - Part 4

Stalin. Part 21: Stalingrad. Kill The German

Stalin. Part 21: Stalingrad. Kill The German

Stalin. Part 21: Stalingrad. Kill the German! By the summer of 1942, the war entered a new phase. Germany, which had lost its speed of advance as a result of the stubborn resistance of our troops, had another big problem - a shortage of energy resources