Raising children with mental retardation
Systemic thinking helps to fully see the mental picture of your child and determine exactly what in its development is a pathology and needs medical correction, and what is an innate property and needs to be properly developed and implemented.
The upbringing of children with mental retardation is complicated by the fact that the boundary between the norm and mental retardation (mental retardation) of children is so fluid and relative that sometimes parents pay attention to the existence of a problem only after the child enters an educational institution.

As a rule, a violation of the normal pace of mental development is noted by teachers who are faced with the fact that a child of primary school age continues to remain in the circle of play interests characteristic of the preschool period.
Often, parents, hearing from a teacher or psychologist that their child is lagging behind in development, feel shock. This is natural, because how pleasant it is to hear that a child is successful, it is so unpleasant to learn that he is in some way different from his peers, that he is “special”.
But do not despair - mental retardation in children is corrected with the right approach. and the child in most cases successfully "catches up" with his peers.
What does official medicine say about MRI in children?
CRA in children is a mild deviation in the mental development of a child, which is intermediate between normal and pathological development. Experts explain this condition by a slower maturation of the child's psyche. It is believed that both biological and social factors can be the cause of CRD in children.
The biological factors of mental retardation in children include minor organic changes in the tissues of the central nervous system that occurred as a result of the pathological course of pregnancy or childbirth. According to some experts, 95% of newborns during childbirth receive microtraumas that are not recognized at first, but have an extremely negative effect on the state of the brain.
Other biological factors that can trigger CRD in children are alcohol or drug use during pregnancy, as well as infectious diseases carried by the mother or baby.
Social factors of mental retardation in a child are considered hypo- or overprotection, lack of bodily contact with the mother, manifestations of aggressiveness both in relation to the child and in the family as a whole, social isolation, which occurs, for example, when the mother abandons the child and puts him in state institutions. Also, the reason for the delay can be psychological trauma resulting from global catastrophes.
If the situation in the family is normal, enough attention is paid to the child, and the presence of cerebrovascular accidents is obvious, experts usually blame the undetected organic changes in the tissues of the central nervous system. As they say, there are no healthy people, there are under-examined people.

The diagnosis of mental retardation is made to the child by a special psychological, medical and pedagogical commission based on the results of a medical examination and data from a psychological examination, including the study of the child's perception of information, his ability to analyze, generalize, compare and classify. In addition, the emotional-volitional sphere and speech activity of the child is investigated. On the basis of the conclusions made, recommendations are formed for parents and teachers working with the child, aimed at developing the child's psyche to the age norm.
System-vector psychology: what is hidden behind the diagnosis of "RPD"
An average approach to assessing the mental development of children leads to the fact that the diagnosis of "CRD" is sometimes made where there is not a deviation from the norm, but a congenital feature of this or that child. The system-vector psychology of Yuri Burlan allows for the first time to approach this issue in a differentiated manner and to say with high precision what is a deviation and what is the norm.
Upbringing of children with mental retardation - infantilism
Let's take a simple example. The first type of mental retardation includes those children who have so-called psychological infantilism. Such children are characterized by helplessness, dependence, heightened emotionality, strong dependence on the mother. CRA for such children is put on the basis of their comparison with other, more independent and independent children.
Parents of "infantile" children are offered various methods aimed at developing independence, however. it is almost impossible to completely "heal" such children - they remain emotional, vulnerable, resentful and dependent.
The reason for this behavior becomes clear in a systematic analysis of their behavior. All of the above properties are characteristic of anal-visual children - potentially the most obedient and diligent.
The specific role of the anal person is to preserve the accumulated experience and pass it on to the future generation. To fully fulfill this role, nature has endowed anal people with such properties as perseverance, analytical mindset and systemic thinking, very good memory, perfectionism, a thorough approach to any business.
Other properties of the anal vector are rigidity of thinking, inability to quickly adapt to rapidly changing environmental conditions, fear of disgrace.
A child with an anal vector is absolutely led and lacking in initiative, needs a clear guide to action. For psychological comfort, the anal child needs adequate praise.

Relations with the mother are very important for the anal-visual child - she is the guarantor of his security. It is the mother who says what to do, supports and praises in case of success, and also establishes a strong emotional connection with the child that helps him cope with the innate fear of death that is characteristic of the visual vector.
In the absence of support from the mother, the anal-visual child develops resentment, stubbornness, he unconsciously tries to return to the time when his mother devoted a lot of time to him.
Psychologists consider this state to be psychological infantilism. In fact, such a reaction occurs when the child feels the strong pressure of the landscape and the lack of attention of the mother. He seems to signal her with his "infant behavior": "Mom, I need your support and your adequate praise is the best stimulus for my development."
Sometimes parents, not understanding innate properties, try to develop in a child something that is not inherent in him by nature. Of course, with the best of intentions, because it will be very difficult for “such a bum and crybaby” to survive in our world, where speed is everything. This is the typical approach of skin parents living in a different temporal rhythm from that of an anal baby.
Instead of letting him calmly complete the work he has begun, be it eating semolina, folding a pyramid of cubes or sitting on a pot, skin parents, irritated by the baby's slowness, begin to urge him on, which plunges the baby's fragile psyche into stress.
A child, seeing the irritation of his parents, subconsciously feeling their aggressiveness and disappointment, loses the feeling of security necessary for his normal development. The consequence of the loss of security is stupor and the inability to reproduce the simplest actions.
A similar situation arises at a doctor's appointment, assessing the level of mental development of the child. An unfamiliar environment, the need to communicate with a stranger (read, scary) person - all this plunges a child with an anal vector into stress. And the presence of a visual vector can generate an extremely emotional reaction to external stimuli, up to hysteria. In such conditions, it is extremely difficult to give an objective assessment of the level of the child's mental development.
It should also be borne in mind that for the normal development of the psyche of a child with a visual vector, a strong emotional connection is necessary, first of all, with the mother. In the absence of such a connection, the child finds himself alone with his innate fear - the fear of death, which inhibits his development, prevents him from acquiring the necessary skills, and generates a feeling of uncertainty, which can be regarded as an underdevelopment of the child's psyche.
To correct the mental retardation in children with a visual vector, sometimes it is enough to create a strong emotional connection with them and help them bring fear out - from the state of "fear for oneself" to the state of "fear for others", ie, into sympathy and compassion. Learning to compassion, first at the inanimate and plant level, then at the animal level, the child gradually reaches the highest level of development - the human level, when compassion is manifested in relation to people and the world as a whole.

Liberation from fear contributes to the development of the child's intelligence, since the barrier that prevents the acquisition of necessary skills disappears. That is why, if your child has been diagnosed with CRD, it is necessary to analyze what innate properties he is endowed with and create optimal conditions for their development. You do not need to teach the "fish" to fly - this will not make her happy and successful. But by teaching your "fish" to swim, you will make her truly happy.
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The situation can be aggravated if, in addition to the anal and visual vector, the child has a sound vector. If the anal child is just an introvert, then the anal-sound child is doubly introverted. The erogenous (especially sensitive) zone of such children is the eardrum - an incredibly sensitive sensor that reacts negatively to any harsh harsh sounds, as well as to the condemning intonation of the voice.
Sound children from early childhood can stand out from their peers with a love of silence and loneliness. They adapt with great difficulty to new teams and eschew the usual children's entertainment, accompanied by loud noise.
A small sound person, as a rule, closed, awkward, speaks in a low voice. He answers questions with some delay, often asks again. Not because he doesn't know - he is focused on his inner world, on his feelings. Outwardly, such inner concentration can look like distraction and lethargy.
Sound children are characterized by amimity - their faces express emotions in an extremely restrained manner, misleading adults who are not endowed with a sound vector. Assessing the child's behavior "through themselves", they do not even suspect what emotions are seething in the soul of the child, who maintains external calmness.
Sound scientists are endowed with powerful abstract thinking, capable of producing truly innovative ideas. With the right approach to their upbringing and training, sound scientists show excellent results in the study of foreign languages, physics and mathematics.
Sound children feel most comfortable at night, when they unconsciously fulfill their specific role - they listen to the silence, trying to prevent the "attack of the predator on the flock." These children find it difficult to go to bed in the evening and, even after getting into bed, cannot sleep for a long time, living their special inner life in a world of fantasies, ideas and the Music of Silence. As a result, in the morning these children hardly wake up and in the morning they feel lethargic and incapacitated, which negatively affects the learning process and gives specialists a reason to diagnose mental retardation.

Another factor that can cause a serious delay in the mental development of a small sound engineer is the unfavorable ecology of sound surrounding the child. Constant noise, screams, creaking of doors, the noise of a construction site or a highway located nearby - all this has an extremely detrimental effect on the mental development of a sound child. As a result, even in the earliest childhood, a sound person may show signs of depression - apathy, unwillingness to learn, difficulty in contact with others. All of these can be misdiagnosed as CRD.
In especially severe cases, the child's contact can decrease up to complete autism. Loud scandals in the family, talking with a child in a raised voice, insults against him lead to the body trying to reduce the load on the supersensitive sensor - as a result, the neural connections responsible for learning are gradually dying off. As a result, the child hears sounds, but cannot fully comprehend their meaning.
Raising children with mental retardation - a differentiated approach
Raising a child with mental retardation is hard work, however, a differentiated approach makes it much easier. Consciously developing the innate properties of a child, parents give him the opportunity to develop and realize himself correctly, help to cope with emerging problems and adapt the pressure of the landscape.
Systemic thinking helps to fully see the mental picture of your child and determine exactly what in its development is a pathology and needs medical correction, and what is an innate property and needs to be properly developed and implemented. This approach helps not only to correct the existing deviations, but also to prevent their occurrence.