What Is Hidden Behind The Candidate's Answers To The Interview. System Recruiter Notes

What Is Hidden Behind The Candidate's Answers To The Interview. System Recruiter Notes
What Is Hidden Behind The Candidate's Answers To The Interview. System Recruiter Notes

What is hidden behind the candidate's answers to the interview. System Recruiter Notes

In the modern world, negotiations and interviews take place at a fast pace: the recruiter shows his interest, and the candidate shows openness and willingness to cooperate.

The task of a recruiter is to find motivators in the candidate's responses in favor of a new job and to identify possible risks.

At the training webinar of recruiters, there is a discussion of the interview with the candidate. We listen to an audio clip of an interview with a young girl. Not having information about the vacancy and not seeing the resume, we determine the keywords that will help us understand how ready a person is for a new job, whether they will back down at one of the stages of employment. It is important for recruiters to be confident in their candidates: so that they have the necessary competencies so that a person fits the team in his spirit and his motives for moving to a new place are understandable and adequate.

So, let's listen carefully. Negotiations are going on at a fast pace, the recruiter shows his interest, and the candidate shows openness and willingness to cooperate. Answers sincerely, without hesitation, emotionally, but collected and concisely.

We offer audio transcription:

Question Answer
Why are you considering job offers? Everything suits me at my current job, but I have to move on
How do you imagine this movement? Well, I need to have another position to make it more interesting. I have been a team leader for 2 years already, I am already interested in leading a department, so that there is more responsibility, so that tasks are more interesting.
What criteria will you be guided by when choosing a job offer? First, a large company. Secondly, the level of wages. The location is also important so as not 2 hours on the road. Position. What tasks will stand.
If we talk about tasks, then how will you understand that the tasks to be performed are interesting to you. I love challenging tasks. And so that they are large-scale and affect the company's business.
You said that the people you work with are important. And what character traits will allow you to fit into the team quickly? Sociability, of course. Interest in people, attention.
Which team would you call right for you? So that people are lively, dynamic, so that the goal is common, so that responsibility is not shifted onto each other.
What would you like to get from your new job? New projects, of course. So that there are people with whom it is interesting to do common work. Growth opportunity.
Can you describe in one word what work is for you? Interest
You said that you have been leading a team for two years. Did the company discuss growth prospects? Yes, I spoke with the manager. So far, everything remains as before.
And if they offer you a raise, will you stay? Most likely yes, everything suits me here.
And if there was an opportunity not to make money - what would you do? I have such an opportunity, but I love to work. I think that I would do the same.

Our task is to find motivators in the candidate's responses in favor of a new job and to identify possible risks. We note the general interest:

  • to a larger company;
  • to a new position, career growth;
  • to new projects;
  • a more lively, dynamic team;
  • increased responsibility;
  • to complex, large-scale tasks;
  • higher wages;
  • to a united spirit in the team;
  • to the need to move on.

All this tells us about the serious motivation of the candidate to move to a new position. I would like to draw your attention to one of the characteristic moments in the interview.

What is hidden behind the candidate's interview answers
What is hidden behind the candidate's interview answers

Question: Can you describe in one word what work is for you?

Answer: Interest!

The candidate's two responses seemed risky:

  • desire to be close to the house of the new company, so as not to spend 2 hours on the road;
  • satisfaction with this company as a whole.

Alertness stems from the fear that the candidate is not sufficiently motivated to change jobs. He may be confused by the distance to a new place - perhaps he is looking for easier options.

And the biggest risk of rejecting a new offer lies in the positive answer to the question: "And if they offer an increase, will you stay?"

Recruiters conclude that a candidate may not make it to the finals and not go to a new job if the management offers a promotion.

The opinion of an expert on system-vector psychology Yuri Burlan

In this interview, we are dealing with a candidate with an anal-cutaneous combination of vectors based on the cutaneous vector, which means that in everyday life a person will be guided by the desires, motives and values of the cutaneous vector.

Everyone has their own interest

The essence of the word interest in the interpretation of a representative of the skin vector, we can characterize very clearly. This is the desire for novelty, social and material superiority, the urge to constant movement, the desire for transformation, change, rational use of resources. The main criteria for making decisions are benefit and benefit.

Based on this knowledge, we can conclude that for a given candidate, who, as can be seen from the second answer, has been working for two years in one position and does not have the opportunity for changes, career growth, salary increases and the impact on the company's success, a situation is created that encourages him to looking for changes.

In the event that such an employee is not able to get what he wants from this management or get a new job soon, he becomes capable of unjustified risks in the framework of his professional activities.

How to understand a candidate's interest from the first words
How to understand a candidate's interest from the first words

Time is money

The desire to spend less time commuting from home to work makes sense: saving time and energy means more investment in work and results. For a skin vector, time is money! We can see a similar desire for savings and reduction in other manifestations:

  • in the brevity of the answers;
  • in the desire to do everything quickly, often at the expense of quality;
  • in reducing cash costs, funds, resources;
  • in the stinginess and rationality of movements;
  • limiting feedback, praise, gratitude;
  • in personal secrecy;
  • in self-restraint in food, sleep, pleasure;
  • in frequent unjustified refusals, in the desire to say "no and not" to others, which is especially noticeable in a state of stress.

Taking into account the peculiarities of a person with a similar psyche, we understand which offers will be attractive to him and how to work with his possible objections.

For a person with a skin vector at a real place of work, “being comfortable” actually means routine, routine, stagnation, boredom.

Lack of change is the main reason for the emergence of a motive to search for a new company, a new position, something interesting. So we can also confidently classify this signal as motivating.


Based on the foregoing, we can consider this candidate to be promising for the transition to a new job.

This motive analysis is applicable to all candidates with a skin reference vector, from line personnel to senior management. Most often these are the spheres of sales, finance, sports - everything where it is possible and necessary to be active.

Such people will be interested in proposals that satisfy several desires of the skin vector. For example, the position is the same, but the company is larger, the department is larger, and the tasks, respectively, are more complicated. There are prospects for raising wages.

Or the company is the same in size, but the position in the career ladder is higher, and the salary is higher.

Distance from home can be compensated for by providing a corporate car and paying for fuel and lubricants.

We can propose and discuss a variety of options - a person with a skin vector is sensitive to their benefits, is able to discern benefits and quickly adapt to a new environment.

So, using the knowledge of the system-vector psychology of Yuri Burlan, we can always understand in detail the true motives and properties of any candidate.

In the next article, we will talk about other features of skin vector specialists and the possible risks to business from their actions when they are not implemented.
