How To Get Married In The New Year

How To Get Married In The New Year
How To Get Married In The New Year

How to get married in the new year

How many beautiful, smart, wonderful women sit alone by the Christmas tree and dream of female happiness! Why has it become so difficult to find your man among thousands of others? More and more people are born on Earth every year. And it is more and more difficult to meet your betrothed, with whom you want to build a family, to whom you will be ready to have children and for whom you will become dear and desired.

How to build a harmonious relationship? What kind of women do men choose?

Dear santa claus!

I appeal to you, as you are my last hope! Even as a child, I did not experience such a thrill as I do now. Don't worry, I'm not going to ask you for fur coats and diamonds. I want to ask for a gift on which my fate depends.

I want to ask your husband. Good.

Not for a year! And for the rest of your life. This gift is so long-awaited and exceptional that it seems impossible to me.

Santa Claus! All hope is for you! People are scurrying around, buying gifts for children and loved ones. And I sit alone in my apartment and dream about how to get married in the new year.

If there are miracles in the world - then do this miracle for me!"

A woman's simple desire

How many beautiful, smart, wonderful women sit alone by the Christmas tree and dream of female happiness! Why has it become so difficult to find your man among thousands of others? More and more people are born on Earth every year. And it is more and more difficult to meet your betrothed, with whom you want to build a family, to whom you will be ready to have children and for whom you will become dear and desired.

You look for answers to your "why", and always the same thing comes to mind. Either you see the reason for loneliness in yourself, or you look around and do not understand - where have all the men gone? Do not rush to draw conclusions and do not cry on New Year's Eve! Your wish will definitely come true in the new year. And I know how to do it. And Yuri Burlan's System-Vector Psychology will help us in this.

Man and woman: how everything works

Everyone knows that humanity is a twin species. Therefore, for every woman there is a man who is ready to offer her his love and care. And if this has not happened to you yet, then it is time to sit down at the desk for a minute and figure out how the sex relationship actually works.

The woman has always been responsible for the continuation of the human race and will always be responsible. Therefore, by nature itself, there is a desire to have a child. And a man is naturally given an attraction to a woman. And a man wants a woman to get the most vivid experience of pleasure from life in the form of an orgasm. And the woman gives it to him on condition that he will take care of her and her offspring, as she wants to give birth and raise a child. And this is the very primary thing that underlies our aspirations to create pairs. He feeds and protects her, and she gives birth and raises his offspring.

But it’s not that simple. Humanity is evolving. Our desires increase with every generation. Women no longer want to be only housewives, they "catch up" with men in their quest for knowledge and success in society. Women today are mastering new social roles - education, career, science, politics and much more. But more always includes less. Therefore, despite all these successes, the main criterion for female happiness is still the same: family and children.

How to get married in the new year?
How to get married in the new year?

Almost every woman has a deep need: to conceive a child and receive aliment from a man in order to raise a child. She needs a sense of security and safety from her husband, no matter how independent and successful she is. She seeks to get this feeling in a legal marriage. When a man marries his chosen one, he declares to society about his readiness to take responsibility for his wife and children.

So your dream of getting married in the new year is not all that exclusive or seditious. Now let's get back to your "why" and with the help of system-vector psychology we will dispel the myth about the impossibility of your desire.

Why are you still alone

And the clever girl, and the beauty, and the hostess is good, but the men for some reason look past, at others. And it seems clear that the reason is in you, but what exactly is wrong? After all, everything is in place! Or not?

What kind of women do men choose? Those that are most attractive to them. The secret of the attractiveness of women is revealed by the system-vector psychology of Yuri Burlan. For a man, the primary is the unconscious smell of a woman - the pheromones of attraction. Different men choose different women. For men with a skin vector, the pheromones of women with an anal vector will be most attractive. And men with an anal vector, on the contrary, are irresistibly drawn to women with a cutaneous or urethral vector. What is your vector?

But no matter what vector set you have, the main secret of female attractiveness is a good inner state and the ability to create an emotional connection with a man. A woman who understands and accepts her nature knows what she really wants, otherwise she appears outwardly. Such a woman even has a different smell. She smells of happiness - and this is the best way to attract a man. It is the woman who attracts the man with her desire.

Very often we live by other people's desires and misconceptions about ourselves. We deliberately do the “right” things - read “smart” books, go through all kinds of women's trainings, dress ourselves up and decorate. Looking good for a woman is right and very important. But if at the same time we are not aware of our inner fears, grievances, negative attitudes, then the outside world is perceived by us in the same way. And instead of the state of pleasure from life, we feel dislike for people around us and for life that does not work out the way we want. And again, in the end, we don't get happiness.

Why is everything to others, and nothing to me?

Indeed, there are women who are beyond competition. It seems and outwardly there may be nothing special, but as soon as she appears, all men begin to compete for her favor.

These women seem to know from birth how to attract the attention of men and build relationships with them. They look in a special way, smile, without hesitation, find the right words. They easily and with gratitude accept gifts and express emotions so contagiously that they want to cry and laugh with them. In system-vector psychology, the nature of such women is revealed - these are women with a cutaneous-visual ligament of vectors. Their pheromones are very attractive to men and they have the potential to create strong emotional bonds. And not only with men. Building relationships and loving is their nature. And in a good mental state, a skin-visual woman simply radiates love and joy. Men, tired of dullness and despondency, are drawn to such, as to a source of light.

How to get married
How to get married

And if you do not belong to such lucky women, then there is no chance? Don't worry, being attractive, learning how to build emotional connections with people in general and with men in particular is possible. Who to learn from? By nature. A realized skin-visual woman attracts men and knows how to create emotional connections with them. She does not demand love for herself - she loves herself, that is, she gives from herself.

When we ask ourselves the question "how to get married?", We often mean: "Give me love, love me!" And it turns out the usual construction: I want and don't get it. And then - as in a circle. There is a significant difference between “love” and “demanding love”, and this issue is given special attention in the training on system-vector psychology.

Emotional dependence, by the way, is also exactly the opposite different from true love in relation to another.

Where have all the normal men gone?

In fact, men have not gone anywhere, they still want women, just like in the good old days. And yours is just sitting alone on New Year's Eve in the company of family friends and also dreams of someone like you. But who do you think is normal? And who exactly do you need to be happy?

If you knew what kind of man suits you, who is prepared for you by nature, then you would easily notice him among many others. You still do not know about vector features, but I will share with you systemic sketches on the topic of different representatives of the stronger sex.

Look - you see that solid and serious man? He is thorough, unhurried, and when he meets you, he is in no hurry to smile and does not know how to joke at all. Can you really see behind his scowling expression on the face of the best and most caring husband and father in the world? It would never even occur to you to see your betrothed in him if you do not have the skill to see a person not only from the outside, but also from the inside. It is for a man with an anal vector that family and wife are the highest values in life.

And this one from the IT department? He's out of this world at all! His stunned look and answer to any question: “Huh? What do you say? - just don't leave him a chance to like you. Does it ever occur to you that this strange eccentric is a computer genius, and all that is necessary for his future success is a desire for you, for a woman. The carriers of the sound vector in potential have the most powerful intellect, and they are the representatives of the new generation of millionaires.

Or maybe that guy who burst into tears over the sad story would become for you the best lover in the world? But you know that a man shouldn't cry. And you are completely unknown so far that the presence of a visual vector in a man is not only tears. These are special people, with a sense of beauty, able to see and feel the beauty of the world and yours, of course, too.

How to get married
How to get married

I will not enumerate to you all the features of different men. In our time, it is difficult to meet a person whose psyche consists of the properties of one vector. There are eight vectors in total, and our contemporaries for the most part have the properties of several vectors. And in order for you to be able to determine which man is right for you, you first need to get to know yourself.

Miracles happen! And not only on New Year's Eve

Put aside the letter to Santa Claus and let you and I perform a miracle for real. To get married in the new year, you just need to be in the right state. It's like taking off the blindfold and seeing the world in a new look.

Here you are - a woman-dream, beautiful and happy, filled with love for all living things around, and you smell not of despondency, resentment and fear, but of happiness and joy. Here is the world - bright, colorful, smiling at you and ready to fulfill your every true desire. But your man is desired and desirous of you, beloved and ready for deeds for your sake.

After the training, the state changes, feelings and thoughts are formed in a new quality. Space is transformed along with the feeling that you are in your place in this complex world.

This condition arises at the training on system-vector psychology by Yuri Burlan. Thousands of people after the course of online lectures wrote in the chat broadcast: "Life, I love you!"

May the coming New Year be a new happy year of discoveries and family joys for you. Now you know how to get married in the new year. It remains to register using the link.
