Atheists: There is no God, and the meaning of life too?
Believers and atheists - how far are these people from each other? After all, each of them speaks about the same thing, only drawing opposite conclusions for themselves. Atheism is the opposite of faith, but still it's about God …
Who am I?
Where did I come from?
Why am I here?
What does "soul" mean?
What is "I" really?
What makes me alive?
Where does it go after death? Where is the truth?
What is the real meaning of human existence hidden?
The atheist is sure that no God exists, there is no meaning in life, just as there is no life after death. The events described in ancient books, on which faith is based, are considered subjective by the atheist, since they were written by people. Based on his conviction, the atheist refutes all the evidence and arguments of believers.
Believers and atheists - how far are these people from each other? After all, each of them speaks about the same thing, only drawing opposite conclusions for themselves. Atheism is the opposite of faith, but all the same it is about God … Another person is simply not interested in such abstract concepts, all others have their own priorities, their own values and problems worth their attention. These are family, children, wealth, career, success, love, relationships, fame, creativity and a million more important pressing issues.
The first to speak of God
According to Yuri Burlan's system-vector psychology, only 5% of humanity are interested in the questions of the universe.

Having received from nature the ability to think in abstract categories, the owner of the sound vector, focusing on the disturbing sounds of the night, developed his ability to give birth to thought, to seek an answer, to cognize the truth located deep inside his own mind, satisfying his need, an urgent need to UNDERSTAND the meaning of all that exists.
Possessing special psychic properties that lie outside the material world, it was they, the sound people, who became hermits, leaving the worldly bustle, spending days and nights in prayer and meditation, able to forget about food and sleep.
They are ascetics, living in cells, caves or forest huts far from everyone, preaching celibacy or a vow of silence. These are the prophets who bring to humanity a thought ahead of their time, they are the founders of all world religions, ideologies and the authors of all global ideas that have repeatedly changed the course of human history.
They are also the most convinced atheists, confident that physics and mathematics are able to answer any question of the universe, scientists making breakthroughs in science and ingenious discoveries in quantum physics, space exploration. It was the sound scientists who proved the theory of relativity, the Poincaré hypothesis, created the Internet and discovered the Higgs boson - and all in search of the root cause and essence of everything.
The sound vector is huge, its needs dominate the needs of other vectors, suppressing even libido. Sound search is more important than all material values: until sound is satisfied, other vectors have no chance to prove themselves. Therefore, any sound engineer, carried away by his idea, is able to forget even about the elementary needs of his human body - drinking, eating, sleeping, not to mention communicating with other people or relationships with the opposite sex.
Is there a god?
For no other vector, the question of the existence (or absence) of God is so vital and important as for sound. Each of us goes to church with his own purpose, depending on the set of innate vectors.
And only the sound engineer comes to church for answers. He deeply does not care what people think of him, he does not care whether he is angry with God or not, no emotions interest him, the sound engineer leads his inner search - he just needs to UNDERSTAND how our world works, who he is and why he came here, what will happen after death, who or what is God and how to know him … But often the sound engineer does not realize his true shortcomings, his inner question remains unverbalized, he just goes to church in the hope of finding out why he feels so bad. Trying to understand the reasons for the negative internal state, the sound engineer begins to ask questions of the confessor. But what if the answers are not satisfying? …

The transformation of religion
Each vector has its own unique type of thinking. The sound person has abstract thinking, the visual person - figurative, the skin person - logical, and so on, so we can fully understand the work of another person's thought only if we have the same vectors, as if through ourselves, by analogy with our own thoughts.
The emergence of any religion as an idea is the result of a sound search for the root cause, an attempt to cognize the essence of being, but it is simply unrealistic to realize the work of a soundman's thought without abstract thinking.
Throughout the history of mankind, the followers of sound specialists were representatives of the visual vector, however, it is impossible to convey in words, and even more so with visual images, a sound search, which is why it is "incomprehensible" with the help of sight: God does not live behind the royal doors and does not look at us from frescoes - this is picture, but where does the essence live?

That is why religion, as a set of visual images and dogmas, has ceased to be an instrument of filling for sound specialists, since it does not stimulate the work of thought, relying on indestructible postulates exactly where the sound engineer was able to develop further the thread of other people's thoughts, go deeper, take a step forward.
The modern temperament of sound musicians reaches such a height that it is simply impossible to fill the needs of this dominant vector today. Even in the last twentieth century, physics, astronomy, linguistics, philosophy, religion and even classical music or poetry could become such instruments. In the XXI century, the sound people find partial filling mainly in programming and Internet technologies, disappearing behind monitors day and night, but never getting full satisfaction of the sound hunger.
And in our time, as in the past, atheists are always sound people for whom God in his visual image of universal love and kindness really does not exist, and they successfully prove this fact. But it is possible to understand and accept sound arguments only by realizing the difference in the thinking of representatives of sound and visual vectors.
Atheists are seekers of answers, they contradict the generally accepted, they deny and assert that they are unlikely to seek to discredit or expose anyone, they talk about what hurts, what needs to be fulfilled, and what strives to be satisfied. This is a sound search, an urgent need to UNDERSTAND the world, yourself, Him, the very origins, true reasons, the essence and meaning of all that exists.
One source for two opposites
Thus, we can say that the most convinced atheist and the most ossified religious fanatic have one common root: within them the same inner question about the meaning of life is born. And this question is born out of exactly the same inner lack, which enables another sound engineer to say that God is and there is a meaning in life.

The same lack has led you, dear reader, to this article. If it did not exist, then you would never ask at all about the presence or absence of God, and you would deeply care about all religions. But if this is not the case, then congratulations - you are a sound engineer and your inner search continues.
You can get answers to everything, including unspoken questions, at the training System-vector psychology by Yuri Burlan. Great discoveries!