How to meet a man
In search of the chosen one, a woman exudes attraction pheromones for a suitable man. When a woman is happy, fulfilled, she is always attractive to the opposite sex.
If she is experiencing bad conditions, the man does not respond to her pheromones. Resentment, discontent, criticism do not make her smell attractive.
“Come and say:“Hello!”,” Mom advises her daughter, and in a minute the kids in the sandbox are already friends. So in childhood. And now? With age, for some reason we have forgotten how to easily get acquainted, to converge with people. How to get to know a man if your hands are trembling with excitement, your breath gets stuck, your face turns red?
It turns out that the skill of a casual acquaintance with a man returns when you get to know yourself, regain even breathing, an attractive blush, and turn excitement into inspiration. The system-vector psychology of Yuri Burlan will help in this.
Who do they give flowers to?
Two inseparable, but so different friends.
Friend Masha posts on Instagram: “The second bouquet of roses from a fan in a week! The first one did not have time to wither. The beauty! Thank you men!"
Katya's friend reads the signature to the photo of the bouquet and sighs heavily. Who would have presented her with a bouquet of lilacs. She has been dreaming since childhood. So did her classmate - her first love.
Katya is embarrassed in front of strangers, and Masha gives her a test for sexuality - she encourages her to meet fears and make acquaintances in spite of internal resistance. Will her advice work?
How to change character
Alas, you can't make Masha easy-going out of household Katya, and vice versa. A person's values, desires and abilities cannot be changed. Both the woman and the man are driven by the unconscious - a block of iceberg hidden under water. System-vector psychology allows us to look into the secrets of our psyche and get to know ourselves and those around us for real, which means finding agreement with ourselves and those around us.
Male or female character single vectors. They are "sewn" into the psyche from birth. Eight vectors are combined in different combinations, giving a person a character and desires, each his own, sometimes contradictory. Because of this, the same person can be either tight-fisted or generous, sometimes thoughtful, and sometimes the soul of the company, depending on which vector is manifested. The vectors also define the scenarios of relationships. Without systemic psychoanalysis, these apparent contradictions cannot be understood. And it is necessary - to determine what prevents you from meeting a man.
Be like Masha?
In pursuit of happiness, but not understanding themselves, people try to be like successful acquaintances. Katya dreams of attracting a man and copies the behavior of a familiar heartbreaker, but gets the opposite result. Imitation further removes her from happiness.

Katya is shy of her figure and is on a diet, although she is ready to cry from resentment without a treat. Smiles at unfunny jokes that a man says, although he considers such behavior stupid. Suddenly he cancels dates, wanting to let the mystery go, although the cats are scratching their souls from the experience of offending a man. Behaves like a friend surrounded by admirers.
“Be like me,” the ad beauty adds to the pepper. It is certainly not difficult for sophisticated, bohemian fashion models to meet a man. It's true - these women have a special destiny.
Skin-visual women can drive any man crazy. They are open to communication, adaptive, playful. Here Masha answers the phone call:
- Hi, Vasya!
- I'm Kolya. Who is Vasya?
- So, one familiar man, nothing serious. One second.
After that, Masha makes the man wait for her on the line, and then hangs up and leaves for new impressions. For a skin-visual girl in a certain state, it is natural to behave this way.
Women copy her behavior, because they unconsciously feel: skin-visual is desired by every man. For her, nature has not prepared one and only one. She charms any man. Unconsciously distributes an attractive pheromone smell to all gentlemen.
Such a set of vectors makes acquaintance easier, but does not guarantee marriage. Single skin-visual women are not uncommon. Some do not tie the knot - not their priority. It is difficult for other skin-visual ones to keep a partner. But more on that another time.
What prevents you from meeting a man
Katya has a different story. There is an anal vector in her psyche. Its properties are fundamentally different from those of the skin.
The character of the girl is solid. She is not able to make decisions quickly - she grumbles at her friends when they call for a picnic from the bay, and she tuned in to general cleaning of the house. For Katya, preparation is important in everything, and street dating - improvisation!
But her wife is excellent. As with any woman with an anal vector. Family is its value. She is caring, loyal, economic.
He bakes pies - eat your mind! Men dream that their spouse would meet them from work with such dishes. If not for her perseverance, no one would see such crispy puff buns - only half a day is required for the dough. And the strudel! How much patience it takes to roll out a millimeter-thick cake!
This does not mean that the kitchen is her destiny. People with an anal vector are the most capable of learning. Unique memory, analytical mind, perseverance are the qualities that allow them to be excellent students in their studies, to have several higher educations. It is the owners of the anal vector who become professionals in their field.
Why don't men of Katya's talents notice? What prevents you from meeting such a woman?
Let's take a look at the basics - how a man and a woman are attracted to a couple.

Destroy the crooked mirror
The second half is provided by nature for every woman - for an intellectual, and for a modest woman, and for a robber. Couples find each other according to the pheromone background - a special smell that we catch unconsciously.
In search of the chosen one, a woman exudes attraction pheromones for a suitable man. When a woman is happy, fulfilled, she is always attractive to the opposite sex.
If she is experiencing bad conditions, the man does not respond to her pheromones. Resentment, discontent, criticism do not make her smell attractive. Are you playing someone else's role? Be ready in communication with a man to look distorted, as through a fragment of a distorted mirror. Katya wants to be like Masha, she is oppressed by disappointment, resentment. Her pheromone background is unattractive for a man.
"First aid kit" for the psyche in bad conditions - at the training in system-vector psychology.
When a woman realizes her values, desires, abilities, it becomes clear that pretending is useless. It's tiring to stand on tiptoe trying to be like a long-legged friend. Sooner or later, you will get tired of stretching out in line. Better to spend your energy trying to understand yourself and the motives of those around you with all your heart.
System-vector psychology helps to better understand not only oneself, but other people as well. Along with this, all unnecessary worries, tension, uncertainty go away. And a girl who shines with happiness is always attractive. Therefore, dating will no longer be a problem for you.
You will look at the person and know exactly who will suit you and what you can talk to him about. You will no longer build illusions, but you will definitely understand the values of another person, his desires and predict the possible development of relations with him.
Here's an example: a natural pair for a girl with an anal vector is a man with a skin vector. Depending on the development of his innate qualities, he can be a lawmaker or an engineer, or he can be a swindler and a pick-up artist. Systemic thinking helps to avoid the one-night stand-up lover and choose a fulfilled person - find your man and build a deep relationship with him.
This is how it happens after the training:
To throw off the shackles of imposed stereotypes, to become visible to the opposite sex, while remaining yourself - it is possible! You can learn to understand yourself and others already at free online lectures on system-vector psychology by Yuri Burlan. Registration by link.