Alchemy. Philosopher's Stone Of Being

Alchemy. Philosopher's Stone Of Being
Alchemy. Philosopher's Stone Of Being

Alchemy. Philosopher's Stone of Being

“Turning lead into gold is what historians say the alchemists were doing. But if we consider alchemy as a metaphor, it becomes clear that the meaning in it is completely different. The true goal of the alchemists was to take the lead of the human body and turn it into the gold of the human spirit. Jay Weidner

Alchemy is one of the areas of natural philosophy, rooted in antiquity. In search of a philosopher's stone, over the centuries she has contributed to the creation of a picture of the world through the disclosure of the basic laws of natural phenomena and the connection between man and nature itself. Multilaterally educated alchemists, being the foremost people of their time, sought, among other things, to look into the future and determine what their discoveries would turn out to be for humanity. Attempts to create "heaven on earth", in all likelihood, were fraught with many threats and pitfalls. It is no coincidence that their diaries, notes, books with the results of research were coded and kept secret, creating an aura of mystery and Satanism around the alchemists.

Due to the halo of mystery and secrecy of knowledge that was passed on only to initiates, in many ways the idea arose that alchemy is an esoteric, occult, witchcraft occupation. On these oral slips and visual fears in the Middle Ages, a real tragedy is played out for the destruction of apostate men and women suspected of communicating with the devil, who fell under the Hammer of witches. It was easy to part with the "sorcerers" and alchemists. Accused of heresy, they threw them to be torn apart by predators, sent to the stake.

A rather one-sided perception of the essence of alchemical experiments and the teachings of natural philosophy and hermeticism themselves leads to a primitive understanding and simplification of the role of great people who created the future of modern science, culture, architecture and art. Even today, a superficial idea is quite widespread, according to which the entire role of alchemy is reduced exclusively to magic-occult, focused on self-enrichment of greedy pseudoscientists, who directed all their knowledge and experience to the search for special substances that can replace gold and silver.

“Turning lead into gold is what historians say the alchemists were doing. But if we consider it as a metaphor, it becomes clear that the meaning in it is completely different. The true goal of the alchemists was to take the lead of the human body and turn it into the gold of the human spirit. Jay Weidner.

Loner, humble explorer of the universe

This, according to ancient treatises, is the image of an alchemist who lives as a hermit and "feeds on his roots." This is a priest, remote from society and its problems, who does not take an active part in worldly life, who has pure intentions, a clear mind and the ability to perceive spiritual phenomena. Only under these conditions could the secrets of the universe and the divine laws of nature be revealed to such ascetics as sound scientists with their abstract intellect.

“Alchemists are initiated into Divine knowledge, therefore they had to have a pure mind, capable of perceiving the influence of higher powers, the so-called spiritual phenomena. Their mind must surpass common sense, capable of being ready to perceive the invisible reality. " Tobias Charton, writer, historian, d / f “Forbidden History. Secrets of the Alchemists ".

At the training "System-vector psychology" by Yuri Burlan, we learn that in many people the attraction and meaning of life are manifested in the realization of completely earthly and material desires - according to their vector set. In the case of a leather worker, it is in striving for property superiority, in the case of an anal person, in obtaining and preserving family values, etc. In contrast to them, the sound engineer does not prioritize earthly treasures. His consciousness, unclouded by material desires, at all times was subject to only one thing - solving the mysteries of the Universe.


The Greatest Secret of Creation

It was her that alchemists of all times and peoples tried to solve. Even the names of alchemist monks are known to history, although it would seem that the church forbids the practice of alchemical experiments. But everything has a measure, and if a monk got out of control, he was simply removed as unnecessary. Monk Roger Bacon, in the process of searching for artificial gold, made several discoveries, invented a certain fire potion. “Gunpowder and optical glasses, as well as his achievements in mechanics, were considered miracles by all. He (Bacon) was accused of intercourse with Satan "(E. Blavatsky." Isis Unveiled. "Volume 1. Science). The monks, encouraged by the brotherhoods or orders to which they belonged and who were often a counterweight to the Roman Catholic Church, tried to fill their sound voids with similar alchemical experiments and experiments, moving forward the emerging science.

In their search for the "golden recipe", alchemists used a wide variety of substances such as mercury and sulfur. It was believed that it was they who, when combined in the smelting process, were able to give the long-awaited gold. The smell of sulfur, used by churchmen to drive out evil spirits, filled the poorly ventilated alchemical laboratories. Therefore, rumors leaked out that the alchemists sold their souls to the devil, hooking up with him.

The Church in the Middle Ages was the personification of power, strength, power, trying with all its might to keep Europeans under its influence. With the aim of consolidating the peoples of Western Europe, it created its own monopoly in the form of the Roman Catholic Church.

The prince of this world - the sense of smell - intelligently used religion as an instrument of restraining primitive urges, such as sex and murder, among the illiterate, not burdened by culture peoples. Religious skin-sound fans and their assistants, knights from numerous military-monastic coalitions and orders, imposed Christianity with fire and sword, leaving Europeans no alternative. Either baptism, that is, the adoption of a new faith, or the expulsion from Europe of all the disagreeable, who wanted to preserve their Jewish or Islamic culture, traditions and religion.

With the hands of the skin-sound adherents of the faith, whose ability to induce the flock was used for their intended purpose, that is, for the introduction of Christian values, olfactors at the same time destroyed their fellows in the inner part of the quartet of information, anal sound specialists who were engaged in alchemy, at the stake. Religion forbade the shedding of blood. The Inquisition found a more suitable execution - at the stake.

It is obvious that humanity has developed not only in the material plane. Alchemy carried both a research concept and a philosophical one. Anal-sound experimental thinkers were the forerunners of tomorrow's Illuminati, educators, scientists, doctors, and future political and religious oppositionists.

Man and metal. All That Glitters Is Not Gold

The ancient man deified metal, which gave him the opportunity to survive. Since time immemorial gold has fascinated people. For some, it became a bargaining chip, with which they could buy everything, forcing them to worship the golden calf. It delighted others with its perfection. Gold is an ideal metal that is not subject to oxidation, corrosion, ductile and almost eternal.

Only solving the secrets of the philosopher's stone could give alchemists the ability to produce gold, but no one knew what it was. "There is a stone that is not a stone, priceless and worthless, looks different and has no shape, unknown, but familiar to everyone," he explained in the 3rd century AD. e. Egyptian alchemist Zosima of Panopolis. The Philosopher's Stone was more than a key to wealth. Alchemists believed that the owner of the Philosopher's Stone receives divine power and immortality. In addition, it carried perfection to its owner.

In the 15th century, at the court of some aristocrat, not necessarily of royal blood, it became a fashionable trend to invite guests to entertain a small theater or have their own court troupe, consisting of a jester, astrologer, dwarf or giant, some other outlandish creature and alchemist. The aristocrats were obliged to do this by the position, and some of them took into their service more than a dozen alchemists, providing them with housing, food, necessary utensils, chemicals and everything else.


The task of the court alchemists was to start mining silver and gold as soon as possible from the materials at hand in order to enrich their master. Those who failed to demonstrate the results of the experiments in the shortest possible time were accused of deception, threatened, tortured in the hope of obtaining the secret and the recipe for making precious metals from mercury, sulfur, and tin.

Despite the enormous risks that alchemists were exposed to, sincerely yearning for new discoveries and dedicated to them, this profession became more and more popular among people with a skin vector. Aristocratic houses, like a magnet, attracted skin swindlers who hoped to profit at someone else's expense by making counterfeit gold.

There are many legends that someone managed to find the philosopher's stone, get rich and get eternal and endless life. But the legends are legends, and the reality was executions, which at the turn of the 15th-16th centuries were performed by the characteristic anal compression of the upper sphincter - by hanging false alchemists on gilded ropes, while they were dressed in gilded robes.

All the same, ancient chronicles report the facts of the so-called transmutation of one metal into another by alchemists, that is, about obtaining alloys by various compounds that resembled canary-colored metal. Today, using chemical reagents from the "Young Chemist" kit for manipulating a brass or copper coin, you can easily achieve the appearance of a coin that looks like gold, completely different in its chemical characteristics from the noble metal.

Despite the prohibitions of theologians, who believed that gold was at from God, the search for new recipes did not stop. Probably, the saying "Not all that glitters is gold" was born at that time and refers to fake gold.

Physicians and charlatans

The mysticism of the Middle Ages, religious dogmas, the mysterious ways of the origin of all living things pushed alchemists to observe the fauna, to become interested in the appearance of reptiles, whose birth and death, hidden from human eyes, are carried out underground or in dirty, muddy water bodies. Then, on these empiricisms in the 19th century, Darwin's doctrine of the origin of man will be created.

Lizards, turtles, moles, mice sooner or later ended up in the laboratories of naturalists, where they were studied with a far-reaching goal - to unravel the origin of the first people - Adam and Eve. A visual reading of ancient books led to this, that is, a literal understanding of what was written: "And the Lord God created man from the dust of the earth …" (Gen. 2: 7) Here the key word is "dust of the earth", in other interpretations - clay.

Adam and Eve, according to some Western researchers, was considered to be the first alchemists, since they lived in paradise, where, according to the Christian faith, after physical death anyone tried to be.

Curiosity is what made the foremother of humanity Eve, succumbing to temptation, to approach the Tree of Knowledge. Alchemy translated from Arabic means "the internal state of an object." The curiosity of alchemists is a prerequisite for knowing nature, improving and improving the internal state, not only of an object, but of its crown - a person.

Corruption distinguishes man from God. Alchemists were looking for a connection with the eternal and infinite, the immortality of not only the soul, but also the body.

One of the most famous personalities at the end of the era of alchemists was the astrologer, the medical innovator Paracelsus. While the rest were struggling to solve the philosopher's stone, the hereditary Swiss medicus, using the knowledge gained in many years of wandering around different countries, began to treat people with his own potions. They included poisons and other toxic substances, which, according to his recipes, turned into a panacea.

“Chemistry alone can solve the problems of physiology, pathology, therapy; outside of chemistry you wander in the dark,”Paracelsus exhorted his colleagues. He took on seriously ill patients, whom other doctors refused, which could not but cause the envy of colleagues.

The courage of the doctor-alchemist reached such a scale that he decided to compete with the Creator himself, aiming to create an embryo in a test tube. The resulting creature, which was known from the words of Paracelsus himself, was called a homunculus, but no one ever saw him.


Alchemy in painting

It is impossible to ignore this topic and not note the influence of alchemy on painting. And the point is not at all that alchemists taught artists to use new pigments. The interest in alchemy among anal-sound-visual artists developed from the need to understand the symbols with which they illustrated their books and diaries at the request of alchemists. This was a new topic in art and portraiture.

It is interesting that the same symbols performed by different artists are quite different from each other. So, for example, the symbol of duality - a hermaphrodite (or androgyne) could be depicted in one case with two heads on one body, in the other - in the form of male and female Siamese twins, in the third - as the Sleeping Hermaphrodite known to us from the Hermitage, a bisexual creature.

The speculative constructions erected in the minds of sound alchemists needed to be translated into the language of images and symbols. And the translation of volumetric sound abstractions into the plane of visual images is always associated with the loss, change and simplification of meanings, hence the numerous interpretations and discrepancies.

Among other things, the personality of the sound alchemist was so mysterious and attractive for the visual artist that many of them in the 16th – 17th centuries portray themselves in the form of an alchemist. What made them do it? On the one hand, they were interested in science and the alchemist himself. As noted at the training "System-vector psychology", the viewer is always drawn to the sound colleague in the quartet of information. On the other hand, the spectator was happy to swing in his own fears, being in the laboratory of an alchemist, who, of course, was in contact with otherworldly forces.


The Enlightenment was in a hurry to replace the Middle Ages with the brilliant discoveries of Isaac Newton, centuries ahead of their time. Despite the research that made a revolution in the field of physics, chemistry, mechanics, the secret passion of the sound engineer Newton, an adherent of mechanical philosophy, was alchemy. Alchemists carried out experiments with mercury, tasting it, smelling it, rubbing it into the skin, breathing it in vapors. Recent studies have shown that an overabundance of mercury was found in the scientist's hair, although he lived a long life, dying at an advanced age.

With this poisoning, Newton's temporary inappropriate behavior is associated. However, most likely, this state was associated with depression, experienced in connection with deep voids in the sound vector, which it turned out to be impossible to fill with alchemical experiments.

The thirst for knowledge drove sound specialists in search of new truths, kept them in smoky laboratories, forced them to work with poisonous chemical reagents. They tested new types of potions on themselves, creating medicines to heal ordinary people. If we lift the veil of magical rituals, tricks, superstitions in which alchemy is shrouded, then it becomes clear that it represented an early stage in the development of modern experimental science, which changed our world beyond recognition. They, without whose intelligence, talent and thirst for discovery there would be no modern world, stood at the cradle of natural sciences.

Alchemy, which gave the world great scientists, doctors, researchers of the properties of objects, has ceased to interest new generations of Europeans, crumbling and dissolving in pseudo-mystical, religious and moral movements, occult astrological types of esotericism. The search for the creation of a new person no longer touched his physical shell, but were transferred to work with the psychic. This is how psychiatry and the psychology spun off from it were born.

Studying the symbols seen in dreams by his patients, Carl Gustav Jung found a connection between them and alchemical symbolism. On this basis, he created and defended his secret school of religious philosophy and psychotherapy until the end of his life.

The dream of transmuting base metals into gold, the search for eternal life and the revelation of God in oneself did not disappear, because people continue to be born who have desires for material superiority, prolongation of their stay on earth and a thirst to stand on the same level with the Creator.
