Film "Point". About Prostitution As It Is. Part 2. Without The Right To The Future

Film "Point". About Prostitution As It Is. Part 2. Without The Right To The Future
Film "Point". About Prostitution As It Is. Part 2. Without The Right To The Future

Film "Point". About prostitution as it is. Part 2. Without the right to the future

The inner state of a person is felt by others at an unconscious level. This is very well illustrated in the pool episode. Some of the new Russians conceived a sophisticated mockery of prostitutes - they will be forced to undress and swim in a pool of cold water for many hours in a row. However, before the start of the "event" one of the organizers suddenly comes up to Kira and says to her: "Let's go!" - and lets go, thereby saving the only one of a dozen girls from this test.

About who and how becomes prostitutes, read the first part of the article

One of the heroines of the film is strikingly different from her fellow prostitutes. Skin-visual Kira has a more developed visual vector. She is kind and compassionate. It is Kira who takes care of the rest - feeds, heals, supports her friends. Kira invites Anya to live together, persuades her not to have an abortion and promises to temporarily take her for maintenance. He picks up bloody Nina in the alley and takes her under his wing.

She delicately does not contradict Nina's words about her brother, whom she speaks of as alive, although she has long known about his death. Kira does not rush along with the others to grab gifts, she simply says: "I don't need it." She refuses to enter the share and open a new "point", arguing her decision by the fact that without them there are enough of these terrible "points".

The inner state of a person is felt by others at an unconscious level. This is very well illustrated in the pool episode. Some of the new Russians conceived a sophisticated mockery of prostitutes - they will be forced to undress and swim in a pool of cold water for many hours in a row. However, before the start of the "event" one of the organizers suddenly comes up to Kira and says to her: "Let's go!" - and lets go, thereby saving the only one of a dozen girls from this test.

Against the background of the more developed and compassionate Kira, the underdevelopment of her friends manifests itself even more prominently and ugly. They shamelessly steal money from her, a close friend who has done so much good to them. And when this is revealed, Anya immediately takes out her anger at Nina, ruthlessly shouting the truth about her brother's death in her face: “He’s dead! For a long time already - six months! And she opens a new “point” with joy - the feeling “life is good” is written on her face!

Clients of prostitutes - who are they?

Do you have at least one friend who uses the services of prostitutes? Probably not. Because who will admit it, even if it really is? Who usually becomes a client of public women? System-vector psychology of Yuri Burlan also reveals this secret.

These are frustrated men with an anal vector. Undeveloped, possibly traumatized in childhood, unable to realize themselves in society. Such men cannot build a normal relationship in a couple. Having a great libido by nature, they are forced to remain without a woman for a long time, accumulating sexual frustrations.

Such a man may want dirty, rough sex, want to humiliate a woman, hurt her. If the frustrated man, in addition to the anal one, also has a visual vector, he will limit himself to verbal sadism - he will scoff at the woman with a word.

In the absence of a visual vector in such a man, he can reach the most severe physical sadism - beating. Such a man cannot become aroused if he does not bang her from all over with his fist on the back. Hit - and here it is, an erection. There is an episode in the film that eloquently confirms this statement. Seeing this is not for the faint of heart …

Therefore, a frustrated anal man goes to a prostitute. Is it possible to do this with a normal woman? Not. And a prostitute in the eyes of a frustrated anal man is dirty, everything is possible with her. She needs to be punished. This is how a sadist meets a masochist - on an unconscious mutual attraction …

Film "Point"
Film "Point"

Without the right to happiness

Despite such a life, each of the heroines of the film dreams of something. But their dreams were never destined to come true … Nina wants to take Pavlik's brother from alcoholic parents and arrange him in the Suvorov School. But he receives a telegram: "Pavlik is dead" …

An intelligent client, whom she calls "professor", confesses her love to Anna. A sweet, dreamy smile appears on her face for the first time. She allows herself to relax and becomes pregnant with him. But in the morning, the "professor" says: "If you had gone already, otherwise mom will soon come to clean." Kira persuades her to leave the child, but he is still not destined to be born: another client mercilessly kicks her in the stomach …

Kira is saving money to buy a room. He wants to give birth to a child "from someone" and just live. But her friends steal her money …

From time to time, in the conversations of girls, the topic of relationships, family, birth of children comes up. After all, the main role of a woman is to be a wife and a mother. This is inherent in evolution, and even in the case of such strange destinies, the desire to realize oneself in this capacity makes itself felt. But is it possible? Of course, there are always exceptions, but they only confirm the basic rule: having experience of prostitution, you won't be able to build a happy family …

There is an ambiguous episode in the film when a tipsy bar visitor invites Kira to marry him, knowing what she is doing. Kira thinks, but refuses, explaining her decision to her friends with the words: "I don't want anything anymore." In fact, intelligent Kira understands that such a family has no future. She witnessed such a relationship with her own eyes: after the hospital she was temporarily sheltered by a girl who earned a living by prostitution, but who at the same time had a husband who beat her and took away the money. Only a frustrated anal man can marry a prostitute in order to reproach her, humiliate, beat her all his life …

Vector systems psychology explains the reasons for this misfortune. Prostitution is always unhappy people, failed destinies, the inability to create a relationship in a couple. Selling yourself is an internal unconscious aspiration that cannot be taken under control without realizing it. Well, what kind of relationship with a man can be, if inside a woman the main regulator of the relationship is "ladies - not give", "benefit - benefit"? Therefore, such underdevelopment carries a destructive moment and never leads to the fact that a couple will take place … The impossibility of taking place extends to other spheres of life.

Without the right to the future

Prostitution is called “the oldest profession”. Of course, this is not a profession - you don't need to learn it. Selling the body, it is impossible to realize oneself in society, to benefit people, to make the world a better place … And the fact that the "oldest" is really so. Once upon a time, thousands of years ago, a public woman really did a good deed, saving men's souls. But today there is no such need.

The role of women in today's society has changed - she has become on a par with men. The relationship between a man and a woman has become different and continues to develop rapidly, sparkling with different precious facets - emotional, intellectual, spiritual. Developed relationships give two a completely new level of mutual joy, satisfaction, happiness.

But on the sidelines of life, prostitution continues to exist, as the opposite of a pure act of intercourse … And gradually damages the entire society, devaluing the relationship between a man and a woman, depriving them of a deep sacred meaning, and also spreading specific diseases. Staying in an archetype means staying in the past. Without the right to the future.


Prostitution through the lens of art

So we have systematically analyzed the film "Point" and the topic of prostitution. I would like to express my deep gratitude to the creators of this film - for bringing up such a complex topic of human relationships, about which it was not so long ago it was customary to keep silent. And I really want to systematically answer one more question: what makes developed and realized creative people raise such difficult, complex, painful issues, including the problem of prostitution?

I remember the director Yuri Moroz in his acting role: one of his first roles was the boy Alyosha in the legendary films Young Russia and At the Beginning of Glorious Deeds. Subsequently, he began to shoot and produce films himself. This is a developed and realized person, in whose life there are no collisions with either sadism, or sexual slavery, or prostitution. But the fact is that developed creative people who are not fixated on themselves are especially acutely aware of the needs of society.

However, not every director is ready and able to make a film on a difficult topic, take upon himself the responsibility to illuminate with the help of the art of cinema or theater the difficult, painful problems of society. Not every actress wants to play a prostitute. According to Yuri Burlan's system-vector psychology, people with a developed visual vector are capable of this - emotional, sympathetic, capable of feeling someone else's pain as their own.

So it turned out that the two main roles in the film were played by the closest women of director Yuri Moroz - wife Victoria Isakov (Kira "Zebra") and daughter Daria Moroz (Ninka "Moidodyrka"). The director himself wanted to protect native women from the test of difficult roles. But both actresses were also strong and developed enough to play these complex roles and convey to the viewer the completely debunked myth of prostitution. So, in order to cut her way back, Daria cut her hair bald even before the final approval for the role, because her future heroine goes bald throughout the film.

So let's say thanks to the filmmakers. You managed to say what was conceived, to show how ugly prostitution looks in the modern world of high technologies and cool thought forms!

There is an exit?

At the end of the film, Kira finds herself in an unbearably difficult, hopeless situation. She stands on the roof with her arms outstretched and screams. Will jump - will not jump? Her next step remains behind the scenes … The filmmakers leave us alone with this question. This is not to whip up intrigue - they themselves do not know the answer.

Is there a way out of this situation? Is the heroine of the film really doomed to live such a dangerous, complex, leading nowhere life, and possibly perish? Only with the help of Yuri Burlan's system-vector psychology, it becomes really possible to see the way out.

Film "Point". About prostitution as it is
Film "Point". About prostitution as it is

It will not be possible to change life on the physical plane - to leave prostitution, get married, move, change the environment - if nothing changes in my head. You need to understand your life and realize the reasons for your unconscious aspirations. Awareness is already half the battle on the way out of the situation. A clear understanding of the causes of events in life for the first time makes it possible to break out of the vicious circle and build a new, happier life.

Here is what Yuri Burlan says at the training in system-vector psychology: “After completing the training, any mother, any father with a guarantee will not make mistakes in raising a happy, fulfilled person. And for those who went through the beatings, we will work it out during the training - precisely and definitely. We will neutralize all the consequences - they will go away. This is how modern psychoanalysis works - it heals the psyche of people with a word.

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