Patriotic education: must be a citizen
- Do you love your homeland? - the question is like a bolt from the blue. Silence. The facial expression is as if a husband's wife, after 50 years of marriage, suddenly asks: "Do you love me?"
- Do you love your homeland? - the question is like a bolt from the blue. Silence. The facial expression is as if a husband's wife, after 50 years of marriage, suddenly asks: "Do you love me?"

Often we don’t think about how we feel about the country in which we live. They say something in the news about the importance of fostering patriotism in children, about the fact that the programs of patriotic education of the younger generation have been adopted at the federal level. They say yes they say, "and Vaska listens and eats."
Sometimes, however, you feel like a patriot when you support the Russian sports team, sing the anthem, hang St. George's ribbon on the car in honor of May 9. You will remember, you will sigh: "Here, they say, there were patriots before, they gave their lives for the Motherland, but now … the wrong people went, the patriots degenerated."
Often you will stand in a huge queue at Sberbank, you will find yourself in an open hatch on the road, an icicle will fall on your head from the roof … and instead of words of love for our homeland, we say something completely different. We scold Mother Russia. Is this also a form of patriotism?
Are there patriots who justify the cruel reprisals against the Tajik janitor by their concern for their homeland: you need to cleanse your homeland of dirt ?!
Can you be a patriot in some situations and not in others?
As you can see, with the manifestation of patriotism among adult Russians, an ambiguous situation has developed today. Most adults do not understand the essence of patriotism, let alone children - what kind of upbringing of patriotism in these conditions occurs in them.
They echo, by and large, their parents and teachers. When necessary, the patriots: they told the veterans to give flowers - they gave them, to go to the parade - they went, but what is going on inside the children, few are interested. A beautiful picture is important.
Can we talk about patriotic education, if in the family, in everyday life, children now and then come across the conversations of adults who condemn today's Russia - with its corrupt government, a resource-based economy, a spiritless society?
With the help of the knowledge gained at the training "System-Vector Psychology" by Yuri Burlan, we will try to understand the essence of patriotism and patriotic education.
What is patriotism
To understand a phenomenon, the first step is to analyze its concept. In Wikipedia we find the definition: "Patriotism (from the Greek. Compatriot, fatherland) is a moral and political principle, a social feeling, the content of which is love for the Fatherland and the willingness to subordinate its private interests to its interests."
According to Yuri Burlan's "System-Vector Psychology", the secret of patriotic education is as follows: the basis of paternal feelings, principles, warm attitude to the Motherland is love. Love for your country is the flip side of hatred. Where there is hatred, there is no love.

Archpriest Dimitri Smirnov remarked quite correctly: "Patriotism is love for one's own country, and not hatred for someone else's."
Where does patriotism begin?
Patriotic education is the education of love for the Motherland. Love for the Fatherland, for the place where you were born and raised. Fostering patriotism begins in childhood. A child comes into this world with properties assigned to him by nature - vectors that are initially at the basic level of development of their properties. Such a small animal with archetypal behavior. At the animal level, patriotism is the protection and defense of your territory, ensuring your survival.
Further, in the process of becoming a human being in the full sense of the word - with the help of familiarization with culture, the development of social skills, feelings - the concept of patriotism is filled with new content.
While we are burning with freedom, As long as hearts are alive for honor, My friend, let us devote
beautiful impulses to our homeland !"
A. S. Pushkin
Or not filling.
Classics of patriotic education
Traditionally, it is believed that patriotic education is an integral part of school and family education. In addition, the kindergarten is engaged in the patriotic education of preschool children. At school age, historical social disciplines, the educational system of the school with the help of additional education, and various extracurricular activities are called upon to educate patriotism.
For example, they invite veterans, remember significant historical dates, hold concerts, exhibitions, excursions to places of military glory. They are raising patriots.
It is believed that children's public associations and patriotic clubs play an important role in the patriotic education of the new generation.
Confusion and vacillation
If we consider modern pedagogical approaches to patriotic education, then their fundamental principles are the continuity of generations, knowledge of history, and tolerance.
Realizing that in practice the majority of young people are consumerist, extremely cynical about their Motherland, they often show their patriotism, joining the ranks of skinheads, officials even thought to introduce separate lessons of patriotism.
Can you imagine the USE in patriotism? Patriotic education is … and options a, b, c. So far, they have limited themselves to introducing a course on secular ethics or the foundations of religion. We tried the old formula of the Minister of Education of the times of Nicholas I SS Uvarov - “Autocracy. Orthodoxy. Nationality - to revive in modern realities. To foster patriotism in children, respect for state institutions through religion.

However, attempts to improve the quality of patriotic education remain unsuccessful.
Poll results
Young people justify their anti-patriotic sentiments by the fact that the words of adults are strongly discordant with their deeds. Are there many children of officials, for example, serving in our army? Instead of being solved, the most important problems in our society are either hushed up, or polished, or ridiculed, but not resolved, therefore, the education of patriotism cannot be effective:
- Then what is the point of living in Russia? ("Golden Youth" votes with their feet).
- And what did the Motherland give me? (For the fact that I am a Russian, my bank account has not been replenished, as, say, in the United Arab Emirates).
- Come in large numbers here … Drive everyone with a nasty broom from Russia. (They prevent me from living well).
So, the fact remains: despite the long post-Soviet attempts to educate a new generation as patriots of their country, we see a complete fiasco. A large number of teenagers are either nationalists, or have a very mercantile attitude towards their homeland, or plan to emigrate. Patriotic is not in vogue.
New laws, programs on patriotic education are good, competent, but, alas, do not work. Hostility, hatred in society only grows like a snowball.
The reasons for such a deplorable state of patriotic education in our country are revealed by Yuri Burlan at the training "System-Vector Psychology".
Born and become a patriot
Patriotism is love for the Fatherland, for your people, for your history and culture. From the point of view of system-vector analysis, patriots are not born, but become, that is, all people are initially born with innate properties that a person will have to develop until puberty inclusively and realize during his life. Together with the correct development, there is an education of patriotism. At the same time, the conditions of upbringing and the environment are essential for the fulfillment of natural desires.
A person becomes a person only in society, the greatest pleasure, as well as grief, is brought by a person's communication with another person. Accordingly, the level of development of the society, the collective, into which the child falls, is very important for his personal development, for him to feel the fullness of life, since there are created (or not created) conditions for the disclosure of his potential.
Patriotism is a property inherent in people who have an anal vector. For them, life values are home, family, homeland, justice, loyalty, decency, honesty, friendship, brotherhood.

And if in Soviet times favorable conditions were created in society for the successful realization of anal people (they could easily get a good education, marry a decent, "clean" woman, gain honor and respect at work), today it is extremely difficult for them to survive.
They do not know how to adapt, dodge to please the circumstances, quickly change their principles, find benefit in any situation, like those who have a skin vector. Anal people, developed in their properties, are “golden heads” (with the upper vectors) and “golden hands”, professionals in their field, who tend to work in one place for a long time and polish their skills.
Now in society, skin values are in demand: material goods, a career, and there is also a demand for skin qualities - flexible thinking, the ability to quickly process information, retrain, and easily adapt to changing conditions. Skin men are more valued in the marriage market.
This means that anal people have few opportunities in modern Russian society for full realization, they do not feel at ease, they feel general dissatisfaction.

Getting into the world of skin values, the anal child does not get what he wants - there is no value of strong friendship, honesty in relationships, they do not praise and do not appreciate excellent studies. As a result, the bright sides of the anal vector often do not develop, especially if skin parents are engaged in raising an anal child, who do not understand who is in front of them (pushing, scolding for slowness and slowness), and anal teachers dissatisfied with life. In this case, the feeling of patriotism does not develop and the child becomes a nationalist. He does not love the Motherland, but hates everything that is foreign. This bears little resemblance to a patriotic attitude.
It is much easier today for analogs who have not found a place under the sun to unite against (America, Tajiks, against the neighboring republic …) than in the name of love for Russia, since it is much easier to develop hatred and rejection of another culture than love for one's own. In a positive state, anal people love their Motherland, are ready to selflessly defend it, serve for the good of the Fatherland.
Thus, the patriotic education of children cannot exist separately from the level of development of the society itself, it cannot work overnight with the help of new laws. After the collapse of the USSR, for a long time, personal and collective shortages of people with an anal vector, true patriots of the country, who were its powerful rear, ensured the unification of the whole society on healthy patriotism - love for the Fatherland.
Only by creating comfortable conditions for the development and realization of each person in society (both skin, and anal, and others) can we get rid of the anchor of collective grievances of the anal vector, which does not allow us to educate patriots, as well as look confidently into the future.