Stalin. Part 8: Time to Collect Stones
In such cases, they say: "Providence was pleased." System-vector psychology explains the hidden mechanisms of the olfactory providence by the task of preserving life at all costs. Only what is needed for the future is preserved.
Part 1 - Part 2 - Part 3 - Part 4 - Part 5 - Part 6 - Part 7
1. Basics of nomenclature and the dizziness of success
The volunteer army has been defeated and the civil war is drawing to a close. The time has come to think over the management system of the state economy that has no analogues in the world. The only possible way to control in this case was the creation of local primary party organizations. Party control over the actions of leaders at all levels logically followed from the institution of commissars. However, the new time required people of a completely different mental make-up than the skin-sound commissars of the revolutionary past. In their place came the anal-skin-muscle party nomenclature, the formation process of which began in the 1920s. "Theorists leave the stage, giving way to new people," writes Stalin in his article "Lenin as the organizer and leader of the RCP," timed to coincide with the 50th anniversary of V. I. Lenin.

What kind of "new people" is Stalin talking about? Let's try to figure it out systematically. The place of the "old guard" of the dreamers of the world revolution, who seized power in 1917 and won the Civil War in 1919, were to be replaced by well-established practitioners who are able to solve the problems of state building. In this regard, there was another extremely difficult task - reforging the consciousness of people from their usual work for themselves into giving back to the flock, to society. Without the olfactory whip of a strong domestic policy, it would have been impossible to solve this problem.
By the beginning of 1920, coal mining fell into Stalin's area of responsibility. He transfers mines under the authority of party workers, thus building a state system of management and control. All attention should now be focused on the internal affairs of the newborn republic, on the development of fundamentally new schemes for governing the country, Stalin said. He is still far from the Comintern ideas of the imminent victory of the world revolution and is trying in every possible way to convey to his entourage that the time of expansion has passed. It's time to collect stones, that is, to work on preserving the integrity of Soviet Russia, opposed to the rest of the world.
2. The cost of bragging
The desire to bring a happy future to all mankind on bayonets came into conflict with the solution of tasks that are of paramount importance for survival here and now, that is, preserving the integrity of the Land of Soviets. Systemically speaking, it was an expression of the working of oppositely directed forces: urethral recoil and sound obsession on the one hand and olfactory reception on the other. Successfully repelling the attack of Polish nationalists, the urethral commanders did not want to be content with defense, they rushed further, for the flags, they needed red Soviet Warsaw, red Soviet Berlin, red Soviet Europe.
Stalin calls this "inappropriate bragging," which has nothing to do with politics. He warns against excessive romanticism and underestimation of the enemy's forces. Stalin's olfactory melancholy was expressed by a complete lack of emotional involvement, he openly despised those who "toss between extreme optimism and extreme pessimism, get confused in their legs, unable to give anything positive" [1]. Stalin's warnings turned out to be prophetic. The leaders of the revolution did not heed them.

As a result of the sound obsession with the idea of world revolution and urethral courage, bordering on recklessness, by some leaders, the war with Poland ended not with the "Curzon line" proposed by the West, which the urethral psychic angrily rejected, like any restriction, but with the forced and predatory Riga Peace Treaty. Along it, the Soviet-Polish border ran much to the east, and Russia suffered significant territorial, human and material losses, which will be restored by the Molotov-Ribbentrop pact.
In the meantime, Stalin tried to initiate an investigation into the reasons for the failure of the Polish campaign, but did not receive Lenin's support. V. I. believed that the main reason for the failure was the fact that the Soviet troops could not inspire the Polish proletarians to fight. “T. Lenin, apparently, spares the command, but I think that it is necessary to spare the business, not the command,”Stalin expressed his opinion.
Lenin did not give up the hope that Stalin and Trotsky would overcome their contradictions and find a common language, partly this explains his unwillingness to discuss the mistakes of the Central Committee, which would certainly result in an open confrontation between the urethral Trotsky and the olfactory Stalin. Alas, it was impossible to reconcile them. The olfactory advisor retains only one chieftain. There are no two leaders in a pack.
3. Peasant war
Soviet Russia won the Civil War. Overcoming the devastation and building a new economy has now become an urgent need. The volume of industrial production in 1920 fell to 12% of the level of 1913, the surplus appropriation was unbearable for the peasants, who openly rebelled against the kombedi, the confiscation of grain and mobilization into the army.

Having received land from the Soviets, the muscular peasant wanted to plow for himself (= his community), and not give the latter in favor of an incomprehensible (= foreign) state. Organized by the skin commanders, the peasants gathered in real armies and captured entire regions: the Tambov and Voronezh provinces, the Volga region, Ukraine, Western Siberia, the North Caucasus. The rebels demanded an end to the food appropriation system, the overthrow of the communist government and the convocation of the Constituent Assembly. A real peasant war began, in which the Soviets seemed to have no chance of victory. The Kronstadt mutiny, raised by the sailors (yesterday's peasants), presented the Soviet leaders with the urgent task of choosing the right strategy.
Urethral Trotsky and skin-sound Tukhachevsky, for whom the Kronstadt operation is just a "tour", the task is clear: suppression of the rebellion, "without stopping at any sacrifice." Stalin objects. In his opinion, the rebels themselves will surrender. It is impossible to verify this assumption. One thing is clear: after the suppression of the Kronstadt rebellion, the urgent need to abandon revolutionary terror in favor of a more constructive political course finally became obvious to all leaders, primarily to Lenin.
4. Creation of the vertical and the miracle of survival
The March 1921 congress made a decision to replace the food appropriation tax with a tax in kind and the unity of the party. Two fundamental decisions opening the way for NEP, on the one hand, and securing new properties for the party, on the other. The transition from the period of conquests, when interchangeability and internal mobility of the party apparatus were required, to the period of preserving the integrity of the conquered, required one-man command, expressed in unquestioning subordination to the Central Committee. This is impossible without well-organized party discipline. Lenin removes Trotsky's supporters from the Politburo and Orgburo and leaves Stalin.
Stalin begins to supervise the State Planning Committee, especially the gold and oil industry, directs the work of the propaganda department of the Central Committee, was reapproved by the People's Commissar for Nationalities and the People's Commissar of the Workers 'and Peasants' Inspection, and on April 3, 1922, he was elected General Secretary of the Central Committee of the RCP (b). By controlling the execution of decisions, Stalin in a short time achieves subordination from the apparatus and creates a solid vertical of power from top to bottom.

It is interesting that at this very time, Stalin miraculously survived after purulent appendicitis. Miraculously, because the first samples of penicillin will be obtained in the USSR only in 1942 from mold spores growing on the wall of an air-raid shelter in a residential building, and the Soviet antibiotic that saved the lives of thousands of wounded will receive "clinical testing" in the battle for Stalingrad. The "allies" were in no hurry to share their developments with the USSR. Stalin ordered to speed up work in the biochemical laboratory under the leadership of his "sister", as he called her, Zinaida Vissarionovna Ermolyeva, a famous specialist in the fight against cholera. The desired specimen of the mold was obtained in a statistically incomprehensible time (93rd specimen against hundreds of attempts by the British, pioneers in this field).
In such cases, they say: "Providence was pleased." System-vector psychology explains the hidden mechanisms of the olfactory providence by the task of preserving life at all costs. Only what is needed for the future is preserved.
Continue reading.
Other parts:
Stalin. Part 1: Olfactory Providence over Holy Russia
Stalin. Part 2: Furious Koba
Stalin. Part 3: Unity of opposites
Stalin. Part 4: From Permafrost to April Theses
Stalin. Part 5: How Koba became Stalin
Stalin. Part 6: Deputy. on emergency matters
Stalin. Part 7: Ranking or the Best Disaster Cure
Stalin. Part 9: USSR and Lenin's testament
Stalin. Part 10: Die for the Future or Live Now
Stalin. Part 11: Leaderless
Stalin. Part 12: We and They
Stalin. Part 13: From plow and torch to tractors and collective farms
Stalin. Part 14: Soviet Elite Mass Culture
Stalin. Part 15: The last decade before the war. Death of Hope
Stalin. Part 16: The last decade before the war. Underground temple
Stalin. Part 17: Beloved Leader of the Soviet People
Stalin. Part 18: On the eve of the invasion
Stalin. Part 19: War
Stalin. Part 20: By Martial Law
Stalin. Part 21: Stalingrad. Kill the German!
Stalin. Part 22: Political Race. Tehran-Yalta
Stalin. Part 23: Berlin is taken. What's next?
Stalin. Part 24: Under the Seal of Silence
Stalin. Part 25: After the War
Stalin. Part 26: The Last Five Year Plan
Stalin. Part 27: Be part of the whole
[1] Letter from Stalin to Trotsky, June 14, 1920