Film "Merry Men". Comedy Or Tragedy? Part 2. A New Round Of Culture

Film "Merry Men". Comedy Or Tragedy? Part 2. A New Round Of Culture
Film "Merry Men". Comedy Or Tragedy? Part 2. A New Round Of Culture

Film "Merry Men". Comedy or Tragedy? Part 2. A new round of culture

Paradoxically, today the rest of the men have to pull themselves up after the skin-visual. They just have to do it in order to stay modern, to keep up with the times. This explains why modern men are becoming metrosexuals. But this is in the West. We have problems with the adoption of skin-visual boys due to the urethral mentality, as well as the high degree of homophobia in society …

About what kind of men and why wear a woman's dress and high heels, read the first part of the article

A new round of culture

System-vector psychology in the person of Yuri Burlan suggests that the new, aka the last, turn of culture will be realized by skin-visual boys - today they are just beginning to develop their specific role. However, due to a lack of understanding by the majority of what is happening, this development sometimes takes strange forms …

What are we seeing? Travesty show. Male ballet by Valery Mikhailovsky, where muscular men perform female parts in tutus. Fascinating, criminally beautiful "The Maids" of the Viktyuk Theater in a play based on the play by Jean Genet, in which all female roles are played by men. Show of Andrey Danilko, who masterly transforms into Verka Serduchka. And much more…

The audience comes to watch. Someone out of curiosity, someone with sincere enthusiasm and even delight - an exciting sight! The fact that it is in demand suggests that the time is coming when society is able to accept it.

But is it only such a theatrical reincarnation that the real role of skin-visual men in the development of culture, and, by and large, in removing the degree of hostility in society lies? I must say that skin-visual men, like no one else, know how to see beauty, while more often in form: they are often unsurpassed stylists, wonderful makeup artists, influential trendsetters.

Yuri Burlan said at the training: “Today the skin-visual times have come. Metrosexual city. Fashion. Perfume (the nature of perfume is always female), painted lips, polished nails … A new round of the culture of skin-visual boys. And today, any woman will exchange a thousand bast shoes (in breeches and a quilted jacket) for one skin-visual boy - Dima Bilan or Evgeny Plushenko. Who can say that they are not men?"

Paradoxically, today the rest of the men have to pull themselves up after the skin-visual. They just have to do it in order to stay modern, to keep up with the times. This explains why modern men are becoming metrosexuals. But this is in the West. We have problems with the adoption of skin-visual boys due to the urethral mentality, as well as the high degree of homophobia in society …

Russia and the West - the struggle of opposites

What are we seeing today in Western countries? Tolerance, tolerance for all kinds of sexual characteristics, departure from animal nature. The rainbow flag, the symbol of LGBT people, flies victoriously over America and Europe. Gay pride parades parade through the streets, bearded men kiss tenderly, same-sex couples celebrate weddings and have children. This is one of the consequences of the standardization inherent in the skin society, the desire to equalize the rights of everyone.

Is this possible in Russia? No never. Due to the peculiarities of the domestic urethral-muscular mentality. Natural ranking deprives people with non-traditional sexual orientation of rank, as Yuri Burlan says, "the right to bite." Therefore, there will never be gay pride parades in our cities. In Russia, a man disguised as a woman makes women laugh, and in anal men, he rages: "I would kill!"

Film "Merry Men"
Film "Merry Men"

In the West, they are tolerant and understanding, including towards transvestites. “She loves him, and he loves another” is a common love story of a skin-visual man. He can be in a relationship with him and with her at the same time. And yet both lovers are crazy about him and compete for his attention. He is kind, gentle, attentive, sensual. And outwardly handsome, just Apollo. Well, just like one of the heroes of the movie "Veselchaki" performed by Danila Kozlovsky. I must say that the female audience watches this film largely thanks to it.

We do not have such an acceptance and understanding of the skin-visual man. But there is a public demand for such acceptance. However, for us this becomes possible only if the skin-visual man is developed and realized in society, and does not hide from fear in a woman's dress.

Down with homophobia

The film begins and unfolds like a comedy. But at some point it becomes not fun at all. The ending of the film changes everything in one moment. And this ending is unlikely to leave anyone indifferent …

First, the owner of the nightclub, one of the travesty, is tragically killed - he is thrown out the window. The rest of the "merry fellows" end their "show" in the field: on their way to the dacha, they meet a company of drunks near Moscow, who, as a result of a homophobic brawl, kill all four remaining dragons. It should be noted that the scene of the murder is not shown, but even this almost leaves no hope for a successful ending …

It is not recommended to be a drag queen in Russia. The degree of hostility towards them in Russian society is very high, and a huge number of frustrated men with an anal vector (namely, they become militant homophobes) is a real danger.

Unfortunately, neither homophobes, nor everyone else even understands that not all men in women's dresses, heels and with makeup are homosexuals. Systems thinking, which becomes the result of training in system-vector psychology, helps to become a real connoisseur of the human psyche and not make tragic mistakes. This training is recommended for everyone who wants to live in a safe, happy and prosperous society!

Children are our future: how to properly raise a skin-visual boy

There is an episode in the film when one of the heroines of the film performed by Ingeborga Dapkunaite, finding herself in the dressing room of a travesty artist, suddenly recognizes one of them as her son. So everything secret one day becomes apparent.

Mothers of sons, answer: would you like to be in a similar situation? I'll try to guess: you cannot imagine such a thing even in a bad dream. However, not knowing and not understanding how the human psyche works, unfortunately, a person cannot insure himself against such a situation …

You need to help your child understand himself and realize his potential. And then your skin-visual son will become a worthy person respected in society. He will live to the fullest, and not wallow in unconscious fears. And believe me, in this state of affairs, he will never want to try on a dress and high-heeled shoes.


Raising a skin-visual boy requires a special approach. System-vector psychology explains how to behave with him correctly and not make mistakes. At the training, Yuri Burlan, using the example of Dima Bilan, tells how it should be. It is in our power to help your child become who he is destined to become, and not who he will have to.

They don't shoot at the pianist - he plays as best he can

“The queen gave birth to a son or a daughter in the night…” A gentle boy was born, looking like a girl. And the anal folder from him wants to grow a "real man" - he forbids crying, teaches him to wave his fists, to defend himself. It's good when mom can insist on her own: the son does not want to fight, but wants to play music - well, let him sing!

It is impossible to suppress the heart impulses of the child, it is necessary to give the opportunity to do what he likes, what is given to him by nature - let him sing, dance, play the guitar, study in a theatrical circle. Then the boy will be singled out at school - he will perform, become a local celebrity, raise the authority of the school. In this way, he will find his place in the children's team and will be able to realize his emotional potential, which means that he will grow out of fears - there will simply be no room for them! This will protect him from attacks and persecution, he will no longer be a victim, because he will be free from fear, he will be an important part of the peer group.

"They don't shoot at the pianist - he plays as best he can." By the way, children's hobbies can develop into a profession, a favorite thing.

Developed and realized skin-visual men are in great demand in society today. Fulfilling their unique role, they relieve tension in society with their art. And in the future they will become the best psychotherapists - healers of our souls. I wish there were more of them.

"The best thing is to understand"

Yuri Burlan

Many thanks to the actors and director for the film, for bringing up such a difficult but incredibly important issue, especially for those who are inside it. And thanks to the systematic analysis of the film "Merry" we were able to learn a lot about skin-visual men who transform into women. The best we can do is understand them by discovering the unconscious reasons for their behavior.

Such men themselves need to understand why they do it. Cognition of the unconscious gives awareness, removes fear - and the desire to dress up as a girl disappears. Parents of boys need to learn to recognize the skin-visual ligament of vectors and to educate their children correctly, so that later they do not grieve about their strange and unenviable fate. All this becomes possible at the training on system-vector psychology by Yuri Burlan.


So, a quarter of a century later, I answered my difficult question - solely thanks to the training in system-vector psychology by Yuri Burlan. And you? Do you have unanswered questions that interfere with your life? Do you have unsolvable problems that prevent you from being happy and enjoying life? Do you have vague guesses that you do not know your real self, do not understand the people around you? Come to the training for answers.


Today, when there are answers to all these questions, there is no need to languish in ignorance for decades. Allow yourself to see the world as it is, discover a new life that will delight you every day!

Register for the next free online lectures on systemic vector psychology here.
