Resentment Is A Destructive Feeling

Resentment Is A Destructive Feeling
Resentment Is A Destructive Feeling

Resentment is a destructive feeling

Resentment knows how to wait and hide well. It imperceptibly for us becomes our habitual state. We can't even imagine how many of our life situations are our own insult.

If you at least once in your life were seriously offended by someone, then this text is for you.

“Why is this with me ?! Why did he say that ?! Such a trifle, but it's a shame to tears, all day everything falls out of hand! I understand everything with my head, but it still hurts so much, it hurts so much, I can’t help myself! So many years have passed, I forgot about it, and then suddenly it rolled, I remembered, and everything was paralyzed! I want to forgive, I understand that I have to, but I can't …"

Resentment begins with one or two of these thoughts. Imperceptibly for us, these thoughts begin to come to us more and more often, and now we obsessively return to the same scene with the same person, constantly repeating to ourselves, like a worn-out record: “Why such injustice? What for? For what? At such moments, we don't think about how to forgive the insult. Anger and resentment are all that a person feels at this moment. And revenge is gradually becoming more and more desirable.

Resentment is an extremely serious destructive psychological state that causes colossal inhibition in all spheres of life. The consequences of resentment cause enormous damage and can affect the entire life scenario of a person. An offended person with many years of experience of grievances is the one who is always deprived, the one who always does not get something. For him, circumstances are almost always unfortunate. Such a person has little vital energy, nothing can bring him joy. He does not know how to relax, does not know how to rest.

Resentment knows how to wait and hide well. It imperceptibly for us becomes our habitual state. We can't even imagine how many of our life situations are our own insult. With our hand, she writes SMS with a grudge against a guy or SMS full of reproach about an offense against a girl. It seems to us that everything happens by itself, and for no reason at all, relations at home and at work deteriorate. People around you become unbearable, soulless, cruel and unjust. "Everything is wrong, everything is wrong … as it should!"


Resentment and love are two incompatible feelings. When resentment appears, then both love and tenderness gradually leave life, only revenge can take their place. The girl's resentment against the first guy affects the development of the entire future life scenario as a first experience.

Unbeknownst to oneself, but very noticeable to others, a person affected by an offense changes both internally and externally. More and more often, reproaches begin to fly from his lips, he turns into an unbearable bore and grumbler: "Again you did this and you did not do that." We always easily notice such people in the crowd: haggard, with a heavy stamp of reproach on their face, they walk with a heavy gait, as if moving their legs with difficulty. It is really very difficult for them to move through life, all the freedom of their actions is crushed by the weight of the past, the weight of resentment. And our psychology is such that we rarely agree to accept this in ourselves. Indeed, indeed, “he said an insulting word, and this one acted so unfairly” …

OFFENSE, as it is, is exclusively the state of the anal vector. In any other vector, we cannot systematically call similar states resentment. Fixation due to injury, but not offense. A short infringement of our I, but not an insult.

Resentment is a state of deprivation. The feeling that we were not given or taken away. This state is passive and highly destructive.


A sense of justice is the cornerstone of the anal person's perception of reality. Fairness means getting FINE, the geometry of the greatest comfort for the anal is a square. Any bias is perceived as discomfort.

My “I”, as a natural desire for pleasure, gives rise to a feeling of deprivation due to the skewing of the horizontal line of the square when this desire is not fulfilled. For other vectors, this skew has no meaning, other mechanisms work there.

The skew of the horizontal inward (injustice towards me) gives rise to a feeling of resentment and a desire for compensation - the desire to avenge the insult, to compensate for what was taken away, to level the skew of the horizontal in an even, parallel state, to restore JUSTICE by writing a letter to the guy about the offense or lines full of anger addressed to the girl! Revenge for offense is a natural and sometimes seemingly only way out. History knows many examples when, driven by the desire for revenge, they committed terrible and irreparable actions, often making revenge the main goal of life.

Resentment against a loved one gives rise to a desire to get there where we were cheated, by means of "peaceful" action, that is, manipulation of reproach. We are ready to express words of resentment to a guy or a girl over and over again, trying to get rid of this oppressive feeling of deprivation. In the future, reproach often becomes our main tool for influencing others.

The feeling of revenge, impact, manipulation of reproach, and any manifestations of sadism, including verbal sadism, of course, are attempts by an anal person to compensate for the state of a straight line skewing inward: "cheated, taken away, not given."


The state of OFFENSE, in the case of non-compensation, increases over time, accumulates and often takes on inadequate and hypertrophied dimensions. Trying to level the injustice in the simplest way of expressing a reproach, sending an SMS, resentment against a girl, boyfriend, friend will not disappear, but will grow inside, stretching for years.

There are several successive levels of resentment development.


The offense is personified, personal (the strength of the state depends on the magnitude of emotional closeness with the "offender" and on the strength, in fact, of the very bias inward). It can be a grudge against a guy, a mom, a friend … the list is endless

Resentment towards people, or certain groups of people. A very dangerous and difficult condition. Feelings of resentment can lead to asocial, criminal, marginal behavior in society, often secret, hidden

Resentment at the World. That is, not only on people, but also on animals, plants and inanimate nature, including the fruits of human activity

The grudge against God is divided in two. On God and on your own "I". It is possible only if there is also a sound vector

People who are not familiar with system-vector psychology use the word "resentment" in relation to all vectors. This is not true. Resentment brought to its emotional maximum in the anal-visual combination.

In the visual vector - pseudo-offense. Resentment - as a reason, a rational explanation for the subsequent state of "drama", for the buildup of their emotional amplitude. Resentment for the viewer is only an intermediate state. He quickly forgets her and uses it as a theatrical device.


An anal-muscular person can have a life-size offense in a "pure" form, without other upper or lower vectors.

In the skin vector, resentment is often confused with its imitation - a cover for envy, in fact, a skin person is not able to feel resentment.

The anal vector is complementary to the Russian urethral-muscular mentality. Therefore, it is in the post-Soviet space that the concept of Grievance has acquired such proportions. We say all the time: “Have I offended you? Well, just don't be offended. No, I can't, he'll probably be offended. What have you done, you have offended a good person! We are running around with our resentment, and with someone else's.

The most amazing thing is that often we ourselves do not even realize that we are offended! We find explanations for our feelings, which for us seem to be the only correct ones. We are not aware of how much past grudges rule our lives. And the letter to the guy about the insult, written after years of cherishing her in my soul, seems fair and correct. In fact, the offended person stops living his life. He is driven not by his desires, but by his resentment.

The feeling of GUILT is the opposite of an offense. This is a skew of the flat edge of the square outward (I acted unfairly in relation to the other). A much less painful condition, yet injustice, on the contrary, from the outside. Guilt is the flip side of reproach, for causing outward feelings of guilt through oneself. Anal people are also subject to this feeling all their lives.

Guilt can only be compensated by gratitude. Only the feeling of guilt due to injustice towards another is socialized in society and positively in culture!

At the training of Yuri Burlan, you will learn what is actually hidden behind the familiar word "Resentment". You will know everything about the life scenario of the offended person.

Your life will be filled with joy and lightness. You will once and for all get rid of any offenses - both from small ones that have just planted their destructive seed into your soul, and from past, ingrained grievances, the size of a whole life.


You will cease to be offended yourself and will be able to help your loved ones who are prevented from living a full life by resentment.

After completing the training, you will begin to easily react to any life situation, without getting stuck in resentment, without becoming a hostage to circumstances.

Hundreds of people, having passed the psychological training of Yuri Burlan, were able to get rid of Grievances, old and not so. Don't miss this unique experience that will undoubtedly turn your life around.

"It is a great relief to feel that the insult that I have carried all my life suddenly looses its grip and disappears …" Elena Aydogdyeva, economist

“Firstly, the offense has gone, the offense that had been accumulating for years, which had already forgotten its specific addressees, which lay on the soul with a heavy burden, but what could it be, preventing you from simply breathing! I left after a couple of classes in a group, easily and without a trace! …”Elena Kudryashova, psychologist

"And it was not clear why everyone was disgusting. I could lie on the couch for days and did not want to do anything, not to mention just talk to someone …" Sergey Matveev
