How A Man In Love Behaves - Find Out How To Recognize His Thoughts And Feelings

How A Man In Love Behaves - Find Out How To Recognize His Thoughts And Feelings
How A Man In Love Behaves - Find Out How To Recognize His Thoughts And Feelings

Signs of a man in love: how to look into his soul and find out everything

There are some men whose signs of love for a woman are not so easy to unravel. They are natural introverts and outwardly may not show emotions at all. Look a little distant, as if looking deep into oneself. At the same time, a real storm of feelings for his beloved can rage in the soul of such a person.

Feminine instinct tells that between you is not just friendship. But the man does not show obvious signs of falling in love. The agonizing wait and the unknown are just crazy. It is scary to hint at the first one - what if your feeling is not mutual.

Systemic vector psychology will help to recognize the hidden feelings and signs of a man in love. With its help, you can truly look into the soul of a person and find out everything.

When a man is in love

Each of us is endowed from birth with a certain set of psychological qualities and properties. We show them both in work and in relationships with friends and family. And of course - in love.

Therefore, the way a man in love behaves directly depends on his psychological characteristics (vectors). Sometimes the signs of falling in love are quite obvious, for example:

  • An ambitious and adventurous man or guy with a skin vector aims for success, high income and social status. Highly appreciating material benefits, he seeks to bestow gifts on his beloved woman. Take to a restaurant, show her your financial viability. Since this is a decisive person, you don't have to guess about his feelings.
  • A man in love with an anal vector shows his special attitude primarily through taking care of the girl. He can help nail down shelves and fix something in the house. He will be there. Will sigh. Will carefully weigh everything before admitting his feelings, and this can take a long time. However, the way he behaves betrays his love with his head.
  • The most striking signs of falling in love are in men, whose psychology by nature is aimed precisely at love and sensual connections. These are carriers of the visual vector. Only they can see the same shining look of a man in love. And, of course, colorful compliments just pour out of his mouth like a cornucopia.

But there are also men whose signs of love for a woman are not so easy to unravel. They are natural introverts and outwardly may not show emotions at all. Look a little distant, as if looking deep into oneself. At the same time, a real storm of feelings for his beloved can rage in the soul of such a person.

Signs of a man in love picture
Signs of a man in love picture

These are the owners of the sound vector - people with a philosophical mindset and a special depth of perception of life. Their behavior is really different from how a guy in love usually behaves. To understand and accurately determine what is happening in the soul of such a person, knowledge of his psychology will help.

Hidden signs of a man's love for a woman: the psychology of an absolute introvert

The sound engineer strives to understand the meaning of life, is preoccupied with metaphysical questions. For him, the values of the material world are often secondary - for example, what to wear, what to eat for dinner, etc. That is why he perceives material manifestations of feelings as insignificant. It may not even occur to him that a bouquet or jewelry can be a confirmation of the depth of his love.

Signs of a man in love with a sound vector are peculiar. Being naturally silent, he speaks little - but he listens to you very attentively. You will not see the glowing loving gaze in him. Instead, he seems to look into himself to understand: how are your words in tune with his soul? Will you be on your way in this life? Will you be able to share with him his search for eternal truths?

In a normal situation, the owner of the sound vector is slightly detached, immersed in his thoughts. Seeks solitude, may generally avoid communication. Therefore, the main signs of a guy in love with a sound vector can be considered:

  • The desire to be close to the woman you love. Do not retire, as usual, but share your space and time with her.
  • Active, interested and involved listening to the interlocutor. Attempts to understand her soul, tune in with her "on the same wavelength."

If you notice such symptoms of a sound engineer falling in love, then it is worth considering: the ear is his most sensitive sensor. He feels particular pleasure when they speak to him softly and calmly in slightly lowered tones. But a harsh, too loud or sonorous voice, on the contrary, can push away, cause negative feelings.

Additional "signals" of male in love sound specialists

The sound vector is dominant in the human psyche, therefore it is its properties that determine the behavior of the sound engineer to the maximum. But each carrier of such properties has at least one of the lower vectors. To some extent, its manifestations can also "give out" hidden feelings, for example:

  • The skin vector sonic guy has a special skin sensitivity. In addition to purely sound signs of his interest, you can notice another one: the desire to accidentally touch the hand, lightly touch the shoulder.
  • A sound guy with an anal vector will additionally “give himself away” with natural care - he will move a chair in time, give him a coat.

But nevertheless, it should be remembered that such signs of the attitude of the sound engineer are secondary. The dominant sound vector can manifest itself in such a way that you will not see even these light, external signs of interest inherent in other vectors.

Picture when a man is in love
Picture when a man is in love

Why do I need this "stale biscuit"?

We are trying to figure out how a man in love behaves, but we can often be wrong. After all, not understanding the psychology of a person, we unwittingly evaluate his behavior through ourselves.

For example, an emotional and sensual woman with a visual vector pays attention to how a man in love looks. After all, for her it is the eyes - the mirror of the soul. She is a demonstrative extrovert, her emotions are manifested vividly through facial expressions. Without knowledge of psychology, it may seem to her that if a man's eyes do not shine with happiness and his face does not express vivid emotions, then the man is not in love. In the case of a sound engineer, this is a guaranteed error. His feelings for you can have tremendous power and depth without being reflected on his face.

It is important for a visual woman what a man in love feels for her, what emotions he experiences. Meanwhile, the man in love himself asks those questions that are relevant to himself. For example, a sound engineer unconsciously seeks a kindred spirit.

By nature, the sound and visual vectors complement each other perfectly. Understanding the psyche of a partner, a sensual visual woman is able to reveal this introvert towards the world, contribute to its maximum realization both in a couple and in society. Knowledge of Yuri Burlan's system-vector psychology allows you to learn to see other people not through yourself, but as they really are. As a result, a relationship with a man in love with you becomes open and trusting.

And I love the married …

Psychological literacy is of particular relevance for women who seek to understand how a married man in love behaves. In what case will he hide, and in what case - openly demonstrate his feelings? And if a married man falls in love with a married woman, what signs will indicate this? Here again, everything depends not on the stamp in the passport, but on the psychological characteristics of the person.

The psyche of modern people is complex: we are all carriers of two, three, and sometimes more vectors. At the training "System-vector psychology" by Yuri Burlan, one can learn to accurately determine all the psychological properties of people. And unmistakably determine the feelings of a man, if he is really in love with you.
