Well, the types, these characters
Cursing and flaring up with conflicts from the smallest and petty to the universal scale, we, nevertheless, cannot do without each other. We can be funny, we can be stupid and stubborn, mysterious and cutesy, scandalous, impudent or infinitely vulnerable … but let's not forget - our system palette has a gamut of eight vectors!
We are so different. One is impetuous, fast, does not sit still for five minutes, does 10 things at once, climbs everywhere without queuing, while the other is ready to wait for hours for an appointment with the authorities or sit by the fireplace, TV, computer, on the stove (underline the necessary) …
And yet we manage to somehow interact, find a common language, one way or another, but negotiate. We are forced to share the space of our cities, countries and continents among ourselves. Cursing and flaring up with conflicts from the smallest and petty to the universal scale, we, nevertheless, cannot do without each other. We are moving forward into the future as a single mega-flock of seven billion people!
All the variety of our characters is made up of only eight types (vectors), like the most complex symphonic work - of seven notes. Eight vectors are eight necessary and sufficient parts of a single whole. Each of the eight is special, in no way like the other seven.
Oh, and my friend's swanky son is a hurricane! The leader of the Redskins and the leader of the court mob. Always full of ideas and always at the head of his army. And surprisingly, everyone listens to him, although there are kids and older than him. He is not great in stature, since he will climb higher on a stone or a bench, but as he shows with his hand towards the horizon - well, a spitting image of a commander, no less! And then everyone broke off and rushed with whooping and hooting in the indicated direction - either jumping through garages, or playing war games.

A friend told me that they had a funny case when the "commander" was not even two years old. Their rather large dog pushed him a couple of times when he stomped along the corridor - you see, they did not disperse. The kid flopped to the floor, got up and walked on. But the third time, the plot changed. Having risen, the boy went straight to the insolent dog and described him, after which he approached the dog's "place" and consolidated his obvious advantage with the second stream. The question of who should give way to whom was thus decided once and for all - and, which is typical, without the intervention of third parties, that is, parents.
She is the very personification of the image of a "good hostess" - the house is clean and tidy, the linen is washed, the buttons are sewn on, the shirts are ironed, dinner is ready, everyone is full and happy. The tablecloth is bleached and starched, the pots are sparkling, not a speck, not a speck of dust, not a cobweb. All day long she vacuums, washes, wipes and wipes, and in the evenings, sitting in a comfortable armchair, she knits or embroiders.
Once a year she whitens the ceilings, absolutely. She cannot be persuaded that this is too often, and that some of the windows are not washed every year. No arguments work. And all because it was customary in the Ukrainian village, where her family lived a long time ago. Those "huts" really required annual whitewashing, such is the specificity of these houses plastered with clay. She remembered this even as a little girl and reproduces that tradition with unchanging persistence, although without any need for that.
She also takes offense when they laugh at her. Why, purity and whiteness are sacred! And who does not understand this - that asshole and dirty, like that! And the point.
An office in a class A + business center, fashionable design of a spacious office, super-duper equipment a la smart home, everything from a remote control, gadget devices - only the latest.
He speaks on two phones, signs documents, gives orders for booking air tickets and hotel reservations, manages to casually cast an appraising glance at the secretary's slender legs in new shoes, while looking at the news. All this at the same time.
He is fresh, cheerful, dressed with a needle - everything is expensive and very expensive. Tie, suit, perfume … And a watch - oh! clock! - this is generally a special song. He is assertive and ambitious. A minimum of time for sleep, a shower, a fresh shirt, a light breakfast, the day is scheduled by the minute, pace-tempo, calls, negotiations, travel-flights, quickly, rhythmically, without stopping. His vacation is not a relaxed posture on the couch, but alpine skiing, jet skis, whatever - just not to stop.
He is a very effective manager, a high-class manager, a super-manager. The main thing is that there is leadership above him - then everything is ok.
They were working on the dismantling of the old house - four tough guys. We worked harmoniously, beautifully, without unnecessary movements and unnecessary words. They did not need to be rushed - for a day of hard physical work, only a couple of short smoke breaks besides lunch. Lunch is sacred! Meaty, hearty, with a leisurely conversation. Then back to work - "from home to evening."
They did it in four days, as agreed. Three times faster and cheaper than other applicants promised. If the owner did not like something, they reworked and completed everything without disputes and bargaining. It must, it must be so!

I didn't even want to let go of such good workers and they were offered another task. The foreman looked at what the job was. He said that they are. How much it costs, he does not know. I consulted with the others for a long time, named the price and asked if it would suit. For the sake of order, the owner slightly reduced the figure, and the brigadier immediately agreed.
When we were saying goodbye, the owner said that he would call them again. It will be necessary to dig a trench, lay pipes. The foreman already shone - oh, we love digging the most! The rest nodded, we love, they say. Well, so no one doubted, you guys are our muscle, that you have to tinker with the earth only for joy! Mother earth, she is the mother of cheese earth. She also feeds your heroic strength, and gives peace to the peasant soul in our stone jungle, and she will rest her when the time comes - but how could it be without it. We build, we break, we live, we die …
Her huge eyes are full of enthusiastic tears. She attended the next theatrical premiere. Overwhelmed with emotions, she breathes her impressions. The voice breaks, the shoulders tremble, the feelings go wild.
She is present at almost all premiere performances of the best theaters of the cultural capital. And every time he goes there, as if down the aisle. Worries, worries, prepares his own special outfits, brooches, beads, scented lace handkerchiefs - wipe away your tears, and do not forget to put binoculars, binoculars in your reticule!
Two or three days before going to the theater are filled with anxious anticipation and pleasant excitement. She even ceases to feel sorry for herself, mourning the failed life that she so wants and is so afraid to change. His own, and never galloped on a white horse, the prince, and not dressed dress with a long train and a veil, never took place, accompanied by Mendelssohn's "Wedding March" with her in the title role.
She experiences the action on stage as if she had lived her whole life in one evening. Cleared with tears of sympathy for the heroes of the play, pacified and filled with a calmness rare for her, she returns, no, she carries herself silently and solemnly to her empty apartment. There, a light was left in the hallway in advance so that it would not be scary in the dark, her beloved cat Dulcinea is waiting there. And dreams, dreams, and tears … and the eternal premonition of love …
He grew up as a quiet child, never aspired to participate in violent games, or rather avoided them. I studied not badly and not well at school - there were not enough stars from the sky, but there were no particular complaints. He mastered the computer early and long before it came to computer science lessons at school, his grandmother had already taken him through half the city to programming classes at the Palace of Youth Creativity.
Thin, long, shaggy, looking inward more often than outward. He was lucky to be born in a rather calm family, no one yelled in the ears, did not swear, did not rattle dishes, parents did not quarrel. They didn't drive away from the monitor, but he was happy to spend the day and night there. The long-suffering "klava", full of cookie crumbs and a couple of times drenched in tea, creaked flawlessly under his fast fingers.
The school gradually changed to a university of the corresponding bias, and the young man, still as thin and even longer, continued to live his computer life, closed from the world. When he entered the third year, his mother began to feel uneasy. Time passes, and the boy still has not a single slightest romance. Being a tactful woman, she did not bother him with her doubts, but tried to sadly come to terms with the prospect of old age deprived by her grandchildren.
Time passed, the son hung out at home in the same position,

but during the day I did not go to college, but to work. Out of nowhere, She appeared in his life. Probably came straight out of the monitor. Then there was a real wedding, then children appeared from somewhere … I wonder where from?..
No one else on the course knew how to pour water like he did. 30-40 minutes on the exam to spread thoughts along the tree - but not a problem! It could have been longer if there had been listeners. It doesn't matter that he learned the name of the subject from the schedule a couple of days before delivery. The main thing is that the exam is oral.
It was a pleasure to watch the professors get hooked on him over and over again. The students did not lag behind them - they watched the performance, forgetting about everything, including their own exam tickets.
The rather meaningless verbal flow had a bewitching effect on those around him - there was something special in his slightly lisping speech, elusive, incomprehensible. Either the timbre of the voice, or the intonation, but certainly not the depth of thought.
Smelling replacement
An imperceptible gray moth, an inaudible shadow - without color, without emotion, without a smell - appeared imperceptibly, silently disappeared. How he did it, no one could understand. He was a rather unpleasant person, and for some especially impressionable girls, even "terrible." With his arrival in the "office" all sorts of "tricks" and intrigues stopped by themselves, office romances and love triangles wither away, the team concentrated on work, and the boss made peace with his wife and managed to get a serious order. The affairs of the "office" went up sharply, reliable partners appeared, salaries began to be paid regularly, the ballast was fired, and life improved. One thing was not clear: how does the boss put up with this incomprehensible nasty type around him ?!
We can be funny, we can be stupid and stubborn, mysterious and cutesy, scandalous, impudent or infinitely vulnerable … but let's not forget - our system palette has a gamut of eight vectors! In their mixtures, additions and contradictions, applied to the canvas of life with precise colors and shades, we get our entire human mess, an eight-dimensional picture of the world.