Non-reading child. How to motivate to read and is it necessary?
A modern child, being in a continuous and dense stream of information, quite naturally chooses an easier path for himself - visual content. The book, on the other hand, moves into another category of activities, more complex and energy-intensive, requiring appropriate conditions, skills and desires. How to get children interested in reading and is it worth it? What service can a book and love of reading serve?
The child does not want to read. He has no such desire. She says she is not interesting and boring, prefers other activities.
Some parents are worried about this state of affairs, others not very much. How to get children interested in reading and is it worth it? What service can a book and love of reading serve? To answer these questions, we will deal with all the components of the situation with the help of knowledge from the training of Yuri Burlan "System-vector psychology".
Why Children Don't Read Today
The age of information, technology, progress, speed and time pressure. Today, children are surrounded by ten times more information than their parents in childhood. There are a lot of sources: computers, tablets, phones, TVs, radio, creeping lines of advertisements, monitors in transport and the like. The consumption of information is massive, processing is labor-intensive, and the load is colossal.
In fact, children today read a lot more than their parents did. However, what is the quality of such reading?.. Menus on TV, tasks in computer games, messages on the phone, correspondence in instant messengers and social networks. All this was not in the childhood of their parents, who had a book as their main source of knowledge.
A modern child, being in a continuous and dense stream of information, quite naturally chooses an easier path for himself - visual content. The book, on the other hand, moves into another category of activities, more complex and energy-intensive, requiring appropriate conditions, skills and desires.
Literature today is a completely different story. Which one? We read on.

Why do we need books if there is Google?
Or maybe printed literature really is an echo of the past, like carriages, stoves and an airship? In the era of the Internet, the information printed in the book is considered hopelessly outdated. Should we really be concerned about our children's unwillingness to read?
Worth it. We are what we consume, especially when it comes to information.
Reading classical literature is the most effective and, in fact, the only way to develop a child's sensory sphere and imagination, expand vocabulary, stimulate the ability to think, process and organize the information received, and much more.
A good book is a tool that develops. Moreover, what can be developed through reading the classics cannot be developed in any other way. Nothing better has been created for the child yet.
Development of imagination.
When a child reads a text without pictures, he involuntarily creates images of characters in his imagination, draws a picture of what is happening, presents a storyline. This is the most effective stimulus for the development of imagination and imaginative thinking.
Forming in his head the image of the character of the work on the basis of a verbal description, the child draws every detail, creates his own hero himself, actively participates in the creative process, feels himself a participant in the plot.
Subsequently, the skill of developed imagination will help him become a successful inventor, designer or director. Whatever direction he chooses, a developed imagination will set him a high bar and provide an excellent basis for creative activity.
Educating the senses
Reading classical literature is not only about changing imaginary pictures. The emotions that a child feels when reading a literary work are of great importance.
It is through books that the little reader learns to distinguish the shades of experiences and feelings, learns to express them, to call them in words, experiences compassion and sympathy for other people. The point is that emotions like compassion are not innate, but can be developed in a child. The development of feelings is a process that takes place exclusively through reading classical, that is, verified in meaning, content and moral message, literature.
Plunging into the storyline, merging with his hero, living his life and adventures, joys and tragedies, feeling his suffering as his own, the child gains the ability to share his misfortune with another, sympathize with the grief of others, take a part of someone else's pain and thereby help. make it easier.
This is especially important for children with a visual vector, since their life purpose is to empathize, compassion, love. Through the manifestation of feelings, they feel the meaning of life.
However, the development of the sensory sphere is no less important for representatives of other vectors. Awareness of the value of life, attention to other people's feelings, the skills of compassion and caring attitude towards other people - all this becomes the basis of the cultural and moral education of a child. The happiest and most successful person in life is the person who knows how to reckon and get along with other people.

It is through reading that vocabulary expansion occurs most effectively. In the context, any new word is easier to remember, because immediately there are associations with the text, plot, speech of the hero and the like. Reading a word, the child immediately understands and remembers how it is spelled. Visual memory develops. The same applies to punctuation marks that are found in literature.
A large vocabulary provides a basis for the formation of thoughts, allows you to more accurately put your thoughts into words. We think in words, which means: the more words a person has, the more opportunities. Opportunities to explain your desires, convey something to another, agree, describe what is happening, be an interesting conversationalist.
The wider the range of words of the child, the easier it is for him to understand the speech addressed to him, the easier it is to learn, communicate, learn new things.
This is especially important for people with a sound vector, one of the main occupations in whose life is to think and accurately express their thoughts in words. Without the vocabulary they acquired in childhood, they experience difficulties in life, communication and professional realization.
Environment selection
Very often, we, parents, complain about the bad environment in which our child grows up. There are hooligans on the street, there are loafers and poor students at school, and so on. What impact can such an environment have on a growing personality? The most pernicious.
When we teach a child to read classics, we surround him with noble knights, brave captains, cheerful inventors and brave warriors. Great classical writers and thinkers become the environment that the child so lacks.
Often, only from books can a child learn what honor, conscience, courage, self-sacrifice, responsibility for others, devotion to one's idea, dedication, the ability to dream, believe and love with all his heart are.
Growing up among the Musketeers, Little Princes, children of Captain Grant and the Knights of the Round Table, the child will subconsciously gravitate towards the appropriate environment. He will be simply not interested next to intellectually poor people - they will speak with him in different languages. This does not mean that he will be an upstart or an arrogant, no, he will be able to get along with everyone, but he will always be drawn to the bigger, more perfect, creative, human.
The environment significantly affects the development of the child's psyche, therefore it can and should be formed through literature.
How to spark interest in reading
Interest in reading cannot arise from under a stick. Only through involvement. The child goes only for pleasure.
Doesn't want to read it yourself? Read to him. Make a family tradition, a good habit. Organize bedtime reading, cast, read with expression, convey emotion, intrigue. This creates interest, pushes you to read further, because on the following pages the pleasure of exciting events looms. The child will gradually become involved and want to read himself.
To teach young children to read, Yuri Burlan advises creating a shortage in the child when he is already involved in reading. Having started reading some interesting book, stop at the most interesting place with a promise to finish reading at another time. If the reading time is slightly postponed, maintaining interest in the plot, then the child will want to read the book himself and will ask to teach him how to read.
Read for yourself, let the child see that you are not parting with books. Show by example how fun it is. Make it clear that you like it, share your impressions. Read your favorite moments, retell the plot, describe a colorful character, use the catchphrases from books that have become catchphrases.
The principle of receiving pleasure through productive activity is the most correct direction for the development of a child. Passive consumption of information does not have this effect.
Book selection
It is important that the child does not just read something, but precisely verified classical literature, and reasonable censorship is necessary here. Build your home library wisely. The complete absence of frightening fairy tales, bloodthirsty monsters and eating koloboks and goats, if we are talking about little children! This is especially important for impressionable and fearful children with a visual vector, for whom reading such literature can turn into a real blow to the psyche and, for example, nightmares.
There should be no pornographic or violent books or videos within the reach of the child. Books for compassion, empathy for heroes with examples of self-sacrifice, hard work, courage and deeds are suitable for everyone. If beautifully illustrated books are ideal for involving the kid, then after, when he is already willing to read himself, choose works with minimal illustrations or no pictures at all. The smaller the child, the larger the letters. Good paper, thick binding, a wide selection of books are a guarantee that the child will be interested.

Family reading
Reading parents and children together forms an extremely important bond between family members - an emotional one. It occurs at a time when sisters and brothers or parents and children share the same emotions caused by the book. Taking pity on the Ugly Duckling or the Match Girl, sobbing over the loss of the Children of the Dungeon or the death of White Bim Black Ear, we share the same feelings with each other, learn to empathize, allow ourselves to open up, show tears, bare our hearts, and this unites us.
An emotional outburst of this level develops the child's sensory sphere, strengthens trust in parents, creates a connection with sisters and brothers and, definitely, generates a desire for reading.
Point involvement
This is the highest parental pilotage - involvement in reading through the individual interests of each particular child. The efficiency is approaching one hundred percent.
The understanding of the peculiarities of the child's psyche, which is provided by the knowledge of the training "System-vector psychology" by Yuri Burlan, allows us to offer books that correspond to the wishes and inclinations of the child.
A kid with a visual vector reads with pleasure something about good and evil ("Cinderella"), external and internal beauty ("Beauty and the Beast"), the power of true love ("The Snow Queen").
It will be more interesting for a child with a sound vector to read about the amazing worlds and capabilities of the human mind ("Alice in Wonderland"), discoveries in space and the adventures of astronauts ("The Secret of the Third Planet"), about superpowers ("Amphibian Man").
All the nuances of upbringing, education and development in each of the eight vectors are discussed in detail at the training "System-vector psychology" by Yuri Burlan.
Having become interested in reading once, having received pleasure from reading a book, a child will certainly reach out for such pleasure again. You just have to replenish the library in time.
Reading avidly is the best thing that can happen to your child as a child. Now you know how to give him this joy.