Will a psychologist help me with depression?
When you don't understand what else you can do to get out of the hole that is inside you. When you climb ridiculously, like a spider from the bottom of the bath, and again fall down. When there is nothing to cling to in this mortal life. When you want to be simply washed away by a wave into nothingness. Will a psychologist help with depression to regain the desire and ability to enjoy life?
In the center of the city, on a tall building made of glass and concrete, someone has drawn a graffiti “WHY?” In large letters. He seems to understand my emptiness inside better than a psychologist for depression.
To the one who has a pain in the soul, there is no need to get into it with a "scalpel". And without this it is painful. The surgeon will at least precisely remove the appendicitis, and the psychologist will open the wound of depression, and whether he can help or not is a big question.
There is psychological training for depression with a radically different principle of work. They do not fish out information from you in order to find a way to fight depression, do not psychologically pressure you. Here they give the skill to accurately understand the structure of the human psyche, and to your soul, with this "flashlight" of unique knowledge, you go yourself. The system-vector psychology of Yuri Burlan helps to consciously build a route to the unconscious.
Effective help of a psychologist for depression
When you don't understand what else you can do to get out of the hole that is inside you. When you climb ridiculously, like a spider from the bottom of the bath, and again fall down. When there is nothing to cling to in this mortal life. When you want to be simply washed away by a wave into nothingness. Will a psychologist help with depression to regain the desire and ability to enjoy life?
System-vector psychology of Yuri Burlan manages to pull thousands of people out of the meaninglessness of "vegetable" existence. What is the secret to the effectiveness of the training?
How does a psychologist help with depression?
Real depression, says system-vector psychology, is characteristic only of the owners of the sound vector.
Concentration is of the utmost value to the sound engineer. The main fear of the owner of the sound vector is to go crazy, that is, to lose control over the most dear one - his consciousness, which gives rise to thought forms.
That is why many sound specialists themselves are addicted to psychoanalysis and psychiatry, subconsciously trying to understand thoroughly the psyche and protect themselves from madness.
Sigmund Freud, Carl Jung, Sabine Spielrein and many other psychoanalysts-sound scientists chose this profession in order to get rid of their unconscious fear of going crazy and find answers to the main sound questions "who am I and why do I exist?" But if 100 years ago it was enough to dig a little deep into the psyche to fill the sound desires, then in our time this is not enough. Its increased volume prevails over the sound people, forcing them to look for new ways of understanding the unconscious.

The owner of the sound vector seeks to know the root cause, to understand the entire system as a whole and to find his place in it. Who am I? Where did you come from? And where am I going? Conscious or gurgling in an unformulated fountain of thoughts, these questions disturb the sound person the most in life. System-vector psychology of Yuri Burlan explains that it is precisely because of the inability to find an answer to them that the sound engineer falls into depression and seeks psychological help.
The psychology of depression
The sound vector is the dominant of psychic desires, conducts all other vectors that a person has. Have you heard how the orchestra plays if the conductor himself does not know the piece well? Systemic understanding allows you to first decompose this cacophony into notes, and then assemble it into a harmonious symphony. The psychology of depression becomes understandable along with the awareness of the desires of the sound vector.
When a person is seized with sound depression, his psyche suffers entirely. So, for example, the desires of the anal vector in it are also not fulfilled. Hence the indecision, resentment at the whole world and stupor. The visual vector is in such shortages that it is even afraid of communication and ceases to express feelings, although this is its main task. The cutaneous vector, psychologically crushed by the severity of suffering in sound, ceases to strive for achievements. As a result, a person has no results in any area, does not see the point in movement and development. Depression and apathy often come together.
The psychologist's first aid for depression should be to "wake up" the sound specialist. System-vector psychology of Yuri Burlan allows sound abstract intelligence to "wake up" and understand the whole picture of the human unconscious.
You know what a pleasure it is for a sound engineer to be in the thick of meanings, in the very epicenter of the mind! It was as if the rusted gears in my head had been oiled.
The training tips in Vector Systems Psychology have helped hundreds of people to overcome depression. This is how they talk about the new quality of their life:
Helping a psychologist for depression is a lifeline for yourself
You can only learn to swim in water. And to become a happy person is only among other people. After all, a person, as a social being, cannot grow and develop without society. It seems so simple, but in a state of depression it seems that you don't need anyone, you would have to deal with yourself.
This is the trap. When a sound engineer locks himself in the hold of indifference to other people, all his attempts to reach the general plan and the meaning of his own life are unsuccessful.
Only when every word of another person, every action, every thought becomes understandable and explainable for us, we begin to come closer to understanding the general algorithm. And only then, on the basis of differences from others, are they able for the first time to realize their own characteristics.

The psychological stone of depression falls from the soul. There is no longer the question: who is better for depression - a psychologist or a psychotherapist?
Why go to a depression counselor who doesn't have 20,000 results?
The psychologist for depression must be chosen wisely. Getting to a psychologist who suffers from depression himself is fraught with ineffective treatment at best. As in the movie "Psychoanalyst", when the doctor drowns in the abyss of internal contradictions deeper than his patients, while talking about happiness in his bestsellers, smoking marijuana. But in the end he admits: "I wrote this book to numb my own pain." Does such a psychologist help with depression?
The psychoanalyst asks a friend: “Did you have the feeling that there was nothing you could do for your clients? Nothing at all . With knowledge of systemic vector psychology, you will easily observe, without being a psychologist or psychiatrist, depression in the doctor himself.
Perhaps, in our time, a service is needed - the help of a psychologist for depression or lessons for a psychologist in depression. In Yuri Burlan's system-vector psychology, even a psychiatrist with depression finds answers to professional questions for himself, like many other specialists:
My own psychologist for depression
You no longer need to look for advice from a psychologist on the Internet for every question in order to get out of depression, or sign up for a consultation in any difficult situation. You do not need to listen to the dead-end recommendations of a psychologist for depression. Having acquired the skill of systems thinking, you are able to add the axioms of the work of the human psyche yourself.
Psychological assistance is provided at the training lucidly, comprehensively and massively. Depression and stress will not be able to reach the sound person, protected from these adversities by the ability to focus and build their life consciously. This is guaranteed by twenty thousand results:
Psychologist's help for depression when there is no love
Often, owners of the visual vector also turn to a psychologist for advice on how to get out of depression. The causes of their bad conditions are different from the sound ones.
The owners of the visual vector want a vivid feeling of love and suffer without receiving it. The main task of visual people is to create emotional connections. It is on this basis that good love relationships are built, and therefore visual happiness.
Do you know with whom this connection is established when you come to tell a psychologist about depression because of problems with your other half? With this very psychologist. About the right accents in creating emotional connections and the ways to psychologically accurately get rid of the so-called depression in the visual vector in the article: “Man and Woman. Sincere conversation as a way to create spiritual intimacy”.
Help of a psychologist for depression - how to find a way out?
Whether it is a psychologist or a psychiatrist with depression, without understanding the underlying causes of bad conditions, all their recommendations fall apart against the wall of meaninglessness. The only effective psychologist for depression is a systemic understanding of the mechanisms of the human psyche as a whole. What do we want? How do our desires arise? Why are they so different? Finding out your true aspirations and how to achieve them is the psychological help you need to get rid of depression.
At free online lectures on system-vector psychology by Yuri Burlan, a voluminous system of causes and effects of all our unconscious processes is formed. You no longer need to consult a psychologist for depression, you can explain everything to yourself and continue not to fall into serious conditions. Feel the versatility and depth of a conscious life, register for a free training here.