What To Listen To When Depressed? All About Treating Depression With Classical Music. Music For Depression Or Music For Depression? Classical Music Treatment For Depression

What To Listen To When Depressed? All About Treating Depression With Classical Music. Music For Depression Or Music For Depression? Classical Music Treatment For Depression
What To Listen To When Depressed? All About Treating Depression With Classical Music. Music For Depression Or Music For Depression? Classical Music Treatment For Depression

What to listen to when depression drowns?

Music and soul are felt by some people as subtly related categories. Who believes that listening to music for depression can cure this depression? Is it really?

Violin and cello sounds. Soothing, enveloping. As if they were given a breath of life-giving air, the hope of a way out. Music for depression or music for depression?

The soul wants to breathe, feeling a hint of salvation!

But no! Down again at breakneck speed. There, where the abyss of inner pain and the darkness of hopelessness do not allow breathing. How to get out? How to breathe? System-vector psychology of Yuri Burlan knows what to listen to when depression has overtaken, and how to make sure that it never recurs.

Treating depression with music - or trying to satisfy emotional hunger

Music and soul are felt by some people as subtly related categories. To whom and why does it seem that by listening to music for depression, this depression can be cured?

Music lover 1. This song sounded from a neighbor's window when he first kissed me. This sad melody on repeat cried with me when he left. These sounds, like hypnosis, carry me into the sensation of his hands on my shoulders. If only sounds remain from that happiness, then at least they do not end.

For the owners of the visual vector, music serves as a guide to this or that emotional state. In their columns - songs are invariably about love, happy and unhappy, mutually inspiring and painfully unrequited. Such music helps the visual to escape from stress and depression into the sensual world of images.

She turned on music charged with emotions - and it became not so sad and lonely. We create and listen to whole playlists of depression music. Music becomes an understanding friend for us, to whom we can turn to relieve mental anxiety. We believe that it heals - after all, the musician reproduces our pain so accurately. We know exactly what to listen to for depression, but we still continue to suffer.

And the greatest torment for a visual person is a life without love, a loss of relationships, a break in emotional ties. Parting with a loved one we can call depression, because in our scale of values love is in the first place. With the loss of love for the soul, one has to look for other ways of filling - for example, with such a depression, it can be sensual music.

Why visual people can listen to songs during depression and stress:

  • A wide range of feelings: you can suffer for yourself, remembering how it hurt, just like in this song, you can enthusiastically rejoice for the heroine of the song, soaring with love!
  • A fleeting release of tension and mental anxiety: you are not the only one who is sad, the whole world sings along to this track, wiping away tears.
  • Uniting on fears: the image and music communities of punk, goth, emo shock with their shocking outfits and theatrical performances. Their eternally minor motives are simply an indicator that they feel bad and scared, that they lack attention and emotions. A person with a visual vector in painful states is satisfied with such an illusion of happiness and fulfillment. He could bestow love on the entire planet and be filled with immeasurable happiness, and instead greedily asks for attention only to himself.

Fears, tantrums, melancholy are exhausting. In an attempt to drown out the lack of emotions, we fill the space of our player with either modern positive tracks, or classical music, or, for treatment and recovery, with Chinese music for relaxation, listen to online audio trainings for self-confidence and luck, and plunge into meditation.

While listening, it seems like it really becomes calmer when there is depression, but the healing effects of music, meditation practices and mantras to attract love are so short-lived! The birds have calmed down, and again I'm so sorry for myself, again my eyes are in a wet place …

what to listen to when depression
what to listen to when depression

System-vector psychology of Yuri Burlan shows how to achieve a stable emotional state, ceasing to chase new music from depression and to raise mood.

When the visual emotional rays are not directed inside themselves, but warm those around them with love and sympathy, then the soul itself sings. By the way, singing is a natural visual property that allows you to give other people positive emotions, reduces hostility in society, transforms something in the soul of the audience. An example of this is the excellent skin-visual Soviet singers: Lydia Ruslanova, Klavdia Shulzhenko, Anna German and others.

Learned to inspire and be inspired:

What kind of music to listen to for depression - or how to listen to your own soul?

Music lover 2. Everything creaks, yells, rattles. Turn it off! Shut up! And if not, then I'll turn you off myself by inserting the headphones directly into my skull. In order to close the path to the roar of reality in my head, I will drown it out with rock - my music in the battle against depression.

Music play runs along the nerve endings - this is just as pleasant for the sound engineer as stroking and massage for the skin.

The owner of the sound vector is endowed by nature with the most sensitive hearing. But if outside his sensitive ears only screams, the thunder of the metropolis and meaningless lectures, he would prefer to endlessly listen to music with depression to any contact with people.

Sound music for depression is special. In music, the sound engineer seeks shelter for the suffering soul. In a harmonious interweaving of sounds - a special attempt to touch the secrets hidden from the majority. In the sense of the texts - the comprehension of the laws of the universe, which, perhaps, were revealed to great musicians and poets. After all, they asked themselves the same questions in their work and suffered the same pain.

Systemic vector psychology divides sound desires into two levels:

  1. Sensual: This is the direct initiation of the erogenous zone - hearing. Therefore, sometimes calming, then rumbling, then classical, then meditative music with depression and neurosis becomes almost the only companion of the sound engineer for getting out of bad conditions.
  2. Conscious: searching for answers to questions about the meaning of life and your place on this earth. The filling of this layer of desires is just being worked out, it is this that brings the healing effect for the soul in case of depression to the sound specialists. Semantic music literally gives comfort to the intellect, painfully seeking answers to global questions.

When you listen to music, goosebumps rise from the fingertips to the very heart to wrap it in a pleasant shiver. It seems that in the combination of sounds is hidden the truth that you so want to comprehend, clothe in words, let into your life. I want more, I want more.

depression treatment with music
depression treatment with music

Having found at least some part of guaranteed pleasure in music, the sound engineer tries in vain to get the other half in the same place, delusional with the possibility of treating depression by just listening to music. And music against depression turns into music for depression, not giving a complete answer, not filling with meanings to the brim.

Let the texts be saturated with familiar pain, let it seem that the poet looked into your heart, understood it and wrote about it - the necessary satisfaction from their comprehension no longer occurs. In Russian, there was no answer in the songs - so, maybe in a foreign language all the secrets of life will be revealed? Sound people often hope for the power of foreign music to pull out of depression. But when depression - even the meanings hidden in the code of a foreign language are no longer enough.

Music for depression and stress for the sound engineer is another attempt to throw out their questions, sliding along the strings of neural connections, but never reaching the desired chord - understanding the essence of all that exists.

He vainly switches the playing device from song to song, experiments with new genres, tries to disconnect, penetrate deeply, go beyond, reach an altered state of consciousness with loudness, vibrations from speakers, special rhythm of music, hypnosis, abstract video sequences.

But sensual pleasure for the modern owner of sound intelligence is catastrophically small, this is not enough to fill the inner lack of infinity.

Classical music for depression

Music is an attempt to comprehend the world in the abstract language of sounds. The composers of classical music have achieved particular excellence in this. For them, writing music was the maximum realization of themselves for other people. And until now, the fruits of their creativity work for the benefit of humanity.

At the stage of childhood development, quietly playing classical music is the tuning of the baby's sound ear in the right way. It is a pleasant experience of listening outward, focusing on a subtly organized unknown, yet filled with something important, a calming wave. Mozart and Chopin can be the first steps towards developing the skill of listening to this world necessary for a sound professional.

But with the current volume of the psyche, music of even the highest standard does not save an adult sound engineer from depression, from often even an unconscious but such an acute desire to comprehend the meaning. While classical music plays a role in treating depression, it does not fully solve the problem.

What to listen to when depressed

The soundman was born to listen to the outside world. But he, as a rule, does not like it because of the unfavorable rumbling and screaming environment. And he turns off the channel through which he has to scoop tons of meanings.

He doesn't hear the world, he doesn't hear other people. Doesn't hear himself. So he strives for this, but he himself runs away from this, fencing himself off from communication, and at the same time from the possibility of knowing himself.

It becomes impossible to work with depression and neurosis. In the office, I would also listen to my collection of music at full power with depression, but they would be fired. Talking to people is torture. Paired relationships are no longer perceived as a source of happiness, but as another hated need to get out of their cocoon.

Until now, it seems that in this situation, treatment of depression with music, meditation and mantras will help?

Special music is needed here - the music of the soul, to which one can only listen with the help of Yuri Burlan's knowledge of system-vector psychology.

The aspiration of the sound engineer to comprehend life is limitless. No matter how much the sonic wolf is fed with sensual substitutes, it will still not stop craving food with a conscious filling. Music alone will not relieve depression and stress - the sound engineer needs more meaning.

Understanding the peculiarities of the psyche of other people, distinguishing them according to the exact mental characteristics, the sound engineer suddenly for the first time feels that people can be interesting without any accompaniment.

When an incomprehensible cacophony of human souls becomes a harmonious melody, then there is a desire to conduct his own life with dignity in harmonious fusion with the orchestra.

Do you remember that feeling at a concert when the whole hall lights the lights to your favorite song and picks up the wave from the musician? The polyphony merges into a single vibration. Something similar, only at a deeper level, happens when the skill of understanding other people comes. When you want to listen to them tirelessly, as the most beautiful and healing music from depression.

The sound people have long since learned themselves and taught all of humanity to unite to the rhythms of their favorite songs with a common wave of mood and one idea. This means that they can also receive tremendous pleasure from understanding the musical notation of the human soul and feel inspiring unity and belonging. Many sound professionals have already mastered this science and are deliberately enjoying life every day.

Not understanding ourselves and others, we suffer ourselves and torture others, kutse relieving stress with music from depression. It is possible to rejoice and delight only by accidentally feeling the key of happiness. And again we lost, and again we are fake, and everyone around us is guilty again. And again, depression and melancholy are turned on at full volume.

System-vector psychology of Yuri Burlan is a whole grand piano woven from the keys of happiness, which you can play to the delight of others and yourself, composing endless melodies of understanding the depths of the psyche. Become music lovers of the music of the human soul, register for free online lectures on Systemic Vector Psychology by Yuri Burlan by the link.
