Encyclopedia of the superstitious fool to find love
Masha was going on a date. She got up with her right foot, recited the mantra "I am the most beautiful" in front of the mirror with crazy eyes and a beam on her head. She believed, smiled. But, oh, horror! The knife fell at dinner - to a quarrel. I caught the fork - at least the gossip girl won't come!
What to do when a star falls, an airplane flies and leaves a white tail in the sky, a black Volga passed *, the last drop from a bottle of wine falls on your glass **, guess which eye the eyelash fell on, the clock has the same numbers, for example, 12.12, 13.13 (although it is better to skip it), 14.14?
"Of course, make a wish!" - Masha thought and relentlessly followed these life principles, paraphrasing this way and that, over and over again the same desire. But for some reason it didn’t come true …
Our natural desires are provided with the properties of the psyche for their exact implementation, says Yuri Burlan's System-Vector Psychology. They do not require rituals, spells and whispers, but only actions in the right direction.
But Masha found out about it later. Until then …
I brought you a parcel, but I won't give it to you
… Masha was happy to fantasize and teach everyone her "magic"! For example, not very well known to others, but taken from provincial childhood "recipes" for fulfilling desires, she enthusiastically introduced into the life of those around her. May all desires come true, may the whole world be happy!
As it turned out, daydreaming, heightened sensuality, immersion in fantasies, suggestibility are certain states of the supersensitive visual vector in the human psyche. According to the system-vector psychology of Yuri Burlan, only 5% of humanity has such properties.

About what exactly the Machine is unique, she so far guessed only by typing. I put together a whole "Encyclopedia of the Realization of Dreams" with points, sub-points and even footnotes.
- * I saw the black Volga. She whispered a cherished desire into her fist and hold it until you meet a bespectacled man. Here you can imperceptibly let go of desire, and the unknown chemistry between the crazy bespectacled man and the desire rammed into his palm will begin to do its job.
- ** In an empty bottle, you also need to whisper the innermost, stuff a cork or at least a napkin into the neck and give the desire to brew for three days. Never throw away the bottle with valuable contents.
Masha clearly followed all the folk instructions. Her main, innermost, heartfelt visual desire was already formulated automatically: "I want love, I want love, I want love!" And love all insisted somewhere far away from her.
Why the evil postman with the parcel of love did not deliver it in any way, Masha later found out at the training on system-vector psychology by Yuri Burlan. In the meantime, the unfortunate girl was either loudly indignant, or simply whining quietly into the pillow from loneliness, hugging a teddy bear.
Chamomile said "loves", but who and where?
Masha didn't even dream about Johnny Depp anymore. If only Vasya had a neighbor - to comb only his hair and a hat with a pompom to replace something more impressive. Although it will do. But even Vasya did not look at her, he watched TV.
Where are you men? Ooh, is there anyone in the huge metropolis who could give flowers on March 8, invite them to restaurants and movies, invite them to get married, give a ring and a car, and a vacation on the islands, and children? Give love to Masha! She needs her so much.
But no one responded to the huge announcement in the Machine Soul “looking for a prince with flowers for family life and islands”. Violets bloomed on the windowsill, and the yearning rose languished in anticipation.
System-vector psychology of Yuri Burlan clearly defines that the attractiveness of a woman for a man primarily depends on her inner emotional state. A man is drawn to a woman because he is good with her. Not only physically, but also mentally. In order to share a good emotional state with a man, that is, to be the most desirable company for him, a woman first of all needs to understand her inner hurricane of uncontrollable reactions “she will press her to her heart - she will send it to hell”.
Everything will be fine today
“Where are you narrow-minded? I need you a lot!
All are already married, husband, looking for a husband!"
Pah-pah-pah over the left shoulder and knock on wood three times. What if the tree is unnatural or spat through the right one by mistake? Oh, bad sign. Even thinking about it is scary!
Masha was going on a date. She got up with her right foot, recited the mantra "I am the most beautiful" in front of the mirror with crazy eyes and a beam on her head. She believed, smiled. But, oh, horror! The knife fell at dinner - to a quarrel. I caught the fork - at least the gossip girl won't come!
This did not save me from a disastrous evening, it was not in vain that my left eye itched. After a fifteen-minute meeting, Masha could not contain her irritation, and then a stream of tears. What an idiot! And they are all like that! I felt so sorry for myself and all the women in the country. Beautiful, smart, educated, intelligent, but doomed to loneliness and misfortune next to worthless worried about ….
I called a friend. I just wanted understanding and consolation. Katka arrived, listened for ten minutes and said that today there was some kind of introductory lecture on system-vector psychology by Yuri Burlan. She should definitely listen. And you, they say, join, she will be in the kitchen.
Masha flatly refused, hugged her beloved teddy bear to roar to her heart's content, but she heard out of her ear:
“Man is created as a principle of pleasure. If you don't enjoy, you are not making excuses for life. (Yu Burlan)
The bear was useless that night. Masha listened to the lecture and got to know herself for the first time. It turned out…
Who wants love so much and why is it scary without it?
System-vector psychology of Yuri Burlan accurately described the Sensation Machines of all life in a few hours.
The owners of the visual vector are the most unadapted to life in the sense of preserving themselves. Neither live nor die. Fearing for their lives, they treat any living creature with great value. And even the inanimate are able to animate in their visual fantasies and create an emotional connection with a teddy bear, a cozy blanket or a mug with a funny face.
It is emotional connections that give the visual person a feeling of happiness, fullness of life and a sense of security and safety, which superstitious spectators are so desperately looking for in horoscopes and omens. Here are just an adult, these connections should be created primarily with people. It doesn't work any other way. Teddy bears and potted flowers do not save you from fear.

Fear is an innate emotion in the visual vector. Ideally, with adequate development and further implementation of natural properties in society, this emotion is transferred from the plane of itself outward, transforming into sensitivity to other people, the ability to empathize, sympathize and help not oneself, but all those who are worse off. So, through empathy, emotional connections are created.
What to do with this spiritual wealth?
The larger and deeper the connection, the more stable and fearless the viewer feels among other people. But it often happens that the most quivering hearts are clogged in fear. Maybe in childhood they were only read cannibalistic fairy tales like "Kolobok", maybe a loving folder scared them from around the corner. Maybe my mother screamed and locked for pranks in a dark closet, or maybe just a common social pathological attitude to love oneself did its insidious thing …
The child has grown into an adult girl (or boy), but has not learned to endure his best qualities in society, that is, simply, to love.
System-vector psychology of Yuri Burlan says: “Man is a social form of life. The stronger I feel the connection with other people, the more I invest in the general, the better my own feeling in this world. In essence, this determines whether a person feels happy or unhappy.
Who believes in omens and why? Poor balance in the absence of love
Not being able to create emotional connections with people, not knowing how to give love, and therefore receive it, the visual sensitive rose places itself under a glass cover. There is no wind of possible disappointment in people, but there is no happiness either.
The visual impressionable girl tries to find at least some support in her fear for herself through numerous signs, superstitions, fortune-telling, rituals, horoscopes. When she receives a prediction that she wants to believe in, she gets inspired for a period. But it hurts if a good sign in real life does not turn out to be anything.
Superstition relieves stress from visual figurative thinking. And instead of consciously acting, realizing its natural strength, the visual heart spends its resources on beliefs and fantasies. Deliberately deprives himself of the possibility of full-fledged happiness.
Figurative intelligence and a loving heart
Through our eyes, we receive 99% of information about the world. The owners of the visual vector have the most sensitive receptors for visual perception. Brain researchers note that some people have more brain lobes responsible for interpreting visual information than others.
System-vector psychology of Yuri Burlan explains the reasons for this. The owners of the visual vector with their especially seeing eyes - from nature, the potential for the development of imaginative intelligence. Hypersensitivity of visual perception gives them the opportunity to capture not only external, but also internal features, connections, states, emotions.
Developed and realized owners of the visual vector have presented humanity with the ideas of humanism, the unconditional value of human life. But you don't have to be Hugo or Montaigne to fulfill your specific visual role - to reduce hostility in society and create emotional connections, to give people love and compassion.
You can start with your beloved
For a woman, a man provides a sense of security and safety. In order for him to want to do this for a specific person, her task is to become his inspiring muse that gives him unique warmth.
Throughout the ages, the visual woman has taught this to all of humanity. With knowledge of the system-vector psychology of Yuri Burlan, the visual ability to love wakes up with special force. Masha learned more about the ability to create emotional connections from the article: Emotional swing - from "I love everyone" to "everything is lost."
“Such a woman is waiting for me at home! I won't even look at another! I go and sing with happiness from every moment with my beloved. I love you, darling! I love you, life!"
Masha reread the lecture notes on systemic vector psychology by Yuri Burlan. And suddenly a new desire was so clearly formulated inside, although no star fell. Masha wanted with all her heart that her beloved would soar above the sky thanks to her.
The phone rang. The girl broke into a smile.
- I missed you so much! Welcome back, dear! To the park today? Is your voice alarming, or did it seem to me? Run Run!
To soar happily through life, you need to make room in your soul for real emotions! It's time to replace the encyclopedia of a superstitious fool with the happy life of a discerning, sensitive and loving woman.
In order not to be afraid to live and accumulate happiness for two, register for a free online training on system-vector psychology by Yuri Burlan using the link.