How To Return Love When Love Seems To Be Gone? Uncover All The Secrets Of Love And Learn How To Return Love To Your Life

How To Return Love When Love Seems To Be Gone? Uncover All The Secrets Of Love And Learn How To Return Love To Your Life
How To Return Love When Love Seems To Be Gone? Uncover All The Secrets Of Love And Learn How To Return Love To Your Life

How to return love: the secrets of family happiness

Love and attraction are not the same thing. System-vector psychology of Yuri Burlan explains that love is an emotional connection between two people. This kind of intimacy is formed over time and is a more solid foundation for a long, happy relationship than even the strongest attraction.

When you have already experienced a lot together, your feelings suddenly cooled down. Every day you move more and more away from your beloved. In the gray stream of monotonous everyday life, you are divided by different interests and routine concerns. The thrill of the first meetings and the tenderness that shone through in every glance, unrestrained passion and ringing joy from intimacy have gone somewhere. You miss this. You sit and ponder how to return love, how to return happiness and delight. But once I wanted to sing and fly, when even a cloudy day was beautiful and bright.

Love flares up suddenly and fills life with incredible experiences. Everything else recedes into the background. It seems that there are only two of you in the whole world. And there is nothing else. He is the only one who has embodied the ideal of a man. And you, next to him, seem to start living anew. It’s as if all the past had died and the future hadn’t come yet. And all that is is insane happiness to be around.

But time passes and the stormy delight goes away. And more and more often you begin to think about how to return that ease of the beginning of a relationship, when every glance brought joy and you looked at his smile as if enchanted.

Is there no more love? And even if so, how to return love to a cooled relationship?

Love or loneliness together?

The question of how to return love and bring a spark to an established relationship can be answered by Yuri Burlan's System-Vector Psychology. It turns out that at the very beginning of the relationship of partners, attraction keeps nearby. It is this that gives additional strength to live when it seems that you can handle everything and you can handle everything. It is this that creates the mutual attraction between a man and a woman. When everything connected with it is interesting, and you see absolutely no shortcomings in it.

However, the attraction gradually goes away. You begin to see all the flaws of your partner, as if under a magnifying glass. And what used to make you smile is now annoying. More and more often I want to tell him everything that has accumulated.

Quarrels, resentments, tantrums arise. And even if you don't show dissatisfaction, still this man from time to time pisses you off so much that you don't even have to think about love. In fact, your relationship turns into loneliness together. You are bored and insipid together.

In fact, love and attraction are not the same thing. System-vector psychology of Yuri Burlan explains that love is an emotional connection between two people. This kind of intimacy is formed over time and is a more solid foundation for a long, happy relationship than even the strongest attraction.

And if passion flares up suddenly and it is almost impossible to control it, then an emotional connection is created for a long time, consciously and requires certain efforts.

how to return love
how to return love

Love is trust

It's never too late to return love and start building an emotional connection with a man. The initiative must come from the woman. She is the first to start sharing with a man some of her personal experiences, guesses, thoughts. She creates an atmosphere of trust, in which a man begins to feel comfortable and in return shares his feelings, memories, something very personal, which only you two will know about.

So gradually you become closer and closer to each other and you can no longer imagine a day without confidential conversations. Every new thought, every random association, every interesting observation I want to tell him right away. You start to think the same way and you can even say the same words at the same time. This is emotional involvement in the life of another person, true interpenetration of feelings, true mutual love. This is the most amazing thing that can happen to a person in life.

Such a close emotional connection can no longer be broken, because there is unanimity and like-mindedness between you. You merge not only with your body, but also with your soul. This connection does not weaken over time, but only gets stronger and stronger. She is a good foundation for happy family relationships.

I open my soul to you

Even if now it seems that your relationship has reached an impasse and it is impossible to return love, it is not. As long as you are alive, nothing is irreversible in life. Knowledge of the system-vector psychology of Yuri Burlan, which distinguishes a person not by external qualities, but by internal properties and desires, gives us the opportunity to see the deep motives of actions, to talk with a partner in the same language. They will help not only return love and save relationships, but also raise them to a new level and start getting much more pleasure in a couple, both from intimate and emotional intimacy.

You can start building an emotional connection at any stage of the relationship. Of course, it can be scary at first to talk about your innermost thoughts. But by opening your heart, you risk nothing. Moreover, opening your soul to your beloved man is the only way to know what true intimacy and true love are. When there are no longer any boundaries between you and you are one.

Many people have already got rid of disagreements in a couple and were able to bring to a new level even such relationships, which, at first glance, did not have any chance. Here are just a few of the amazing results of the training:

Already at free online lectures on systemic vector psychology by Yuri Burlan, you will receive your own answer to the question of how to return love. Register here.
