"Someone Else's Land", Or There Was A Village Here Part 1: Mysterious Russian Soul

"Someone Else's Land", Or There Was A Village Here Part 1: Mysterious Russian Soul
"Someone Else's Land", Or There Was A Village Here Part 1: Mysterious Russian Soul

"Someone else's land", or There was a village here … Part 1: Mysterious Russian soul

Nikita Sergeevich has repeatedly addressed the topic of the peculiarities of the Russian mentality, probably not even fully guessing about its significance. And his turn in creativity to the problems of the Russian countryside once again proves how systemically Mikhalkov understands the true collectivist meaning of the existence of the peoples of Russia, the meaning on which this mentality is based.

With such a land, we are doomed to feed the world.

It would be more correct: "This land is doomed to feed."

But who will call ourselves "we" - this is the next question.

Commentary on the film "Foreign Land" by Nikita Mikhalkov

At the end of last year on the TV channel "Russia-1" was shown a new documentary film by Nikita Mikhalkov "Foreign land". Nikita Sergeevich shot his film in real "scenery", the plot about the death of a Russian village is shown without embellishment and inventions. At the same time, the director is looking for answers to the questions: "Why is the Russian village dying?", "What happened, why did the intensively developing Soviet agriculture cease to exist in just a few years?"

Where was the border that separated the world of the village from the city, not by a conventional border, but by a powerful blank wall of incomprehension? Why are agricultural professions so unpopular today, where did the rejection of the rural worker arise, if he wants to work on his land, then does not have any prerequisites and support for this from outside?


With this film, Nikita Sergeevich "rehabilitated" himself in the eyes of a huge number of viewers who did not accept his work, and at the same time the director himself, for various reasons, including from personal antipathy towards him and the entire Mikhalkov clan.

Judging by the comments that appeared after the release of the painting "Alien Land", very few are indifferent to what is happening with the Russian countryside. Even those who were annoyed by Mikhalkov's mentoring, moralizing, according to them, manner of expressing his thoughts in numerous interviews, threw away hostility and hostility towards the director and finally begin to perceive the meaning of what he is talking about and what he is trying to convey to the viewer.

Nikita Sergeevich has repeatedly addressed the topic of the peculiarities of the Russian mentality, probably not even fully guessing about its significance. In his acting and directing works, he showed people of different vectors with a full range of qualities inherent only to Russians. And his turn in creativity to the problems of the Russian countryside (to its people with their natural communal thinking) once again proves how systemically Mikhalkov understands the true collectivist meaning of the existence of the peoples of Russia, the meaning on which this mentality is based.

Fake project "Mysterious Russian Soul"

In recent decades, in our and foreign art, “a very eternal theme of the mysterious Russian soul” has been actively discussed, and more than one generation of artists, writers, cinematographers, philosophers and simply clever people has “stumbled” on its solution. This mystery does not give peace to the East, it does not give it to the West, which for the second millennium has been trying to understand Russia with the mind and measure it with a skin standardized yardstick.

The project "The Mysterious Russian Soul" promoted by the philosophers of the 19th century, in today's conditions, sounds like pitiful speculation and a desire to justify one's own inconsistency and inaction. This philosophical, whether incompetence, or cunning, extracted in the midst of perestroika in the light of day, gave reason to write off everything, including the negative manifestations of any rogue from Russia, to the peculiarities of the Russian character. All the darkest and most criminal: corruption, theft, alcoholism, aggressiveness - the West hangs the label "mysterious Russian soul", which at the suggestion of overseas publicists is more like a diagnosis or a sentence.


The West has no clue, and lately there has been less desire to find it. The West has a common yardstick for Russians, Ukrainians, Belarusians and other peoples of the former USSR. His perception of us has always been one-sided and does not go beyond the concept of "barbarians". The events of recent months, taking place on the territory of Ukraine under the friendly overseas leadership, have become a new confirmation of the old postulate.

It may be good that the foreign countries are not able to understand our souls, but only demonstrates their blinkeredness, using standard psychological cliches and templates for coups that have already been tested on other peoples. But it is vitally important for us to understand ourselves, especially since everything about Russia and its national peculiarities is already well known and laid out on the shelves at the training “System-vector psychology” by Yuri Burlan.

From the time of perestroika to the present day, the special services, with the help of the mass media, have been intensively influencing the consciousness of Russians. Trustingly heeding the persuasive slanderous slander skilfully given by Western propaganda, Russians even began to take pride in the definition of "mysterious Russian soul", feeling in it a certain mystical flavor.

Through all information sources, the Russian people, so that they do not delve into the essence of the problem, are persistently taught that this "mystery" can cover up all their blunders: the apathy of society, laziness and indifference to themselves and to the country accumulated over the past decades, based on vast internal voids. With these pretty shabby words about the mysteriousness of the Russians, they are trying to impose habits and alien way of thinking that are not peculiar to them.

Any actions of the Russians that differ from the Western template, especially negatively colored ones, immediately fall into the category of inexplicable phenomena of the “mysterious Russian soul” in the most dismissive sense: they say that you can take drunkards, prostitutes, barbarians and cattle from them.

Foreign analysts of the “mysterious Russian soul” do not fully understand it and judge it through their skin-stencil perception. The stronger is their shock from the unexpected consolidation of Russians in the best urethral traditions (so close to most residents of the former USSR) on the day of the Crimean referendum.

March 16, 2014 showed the highest rise of national self-awareness and patriotic spirit of the whole people, drove into a stupor and shock foreign "well-wishers" and showed the peoples of the whole world the deceit and venality of the media that form "independent public" opinion. In addition, the glee and joy of the Crimeans and the rest of the Russians from the action of voluntary reunification was a powerful contrast to the brown action of the anal-sound “revolutionaries” - swindlers and their accomplices.

He is Russian - that explains a lot.

Rustem Ibragimbekov. "Siberian Barber"


And that's true. Where can a foreigner understand this crazy fusion of urethral selflessness and muscular obedience, combined with a heightened sense of justice and unprecedented willpower - so typical of a Russian and completely hidden from a stranger? How can you measure that irrepressible desire to sacrifice life for the sake of the pack, to give from oneself out of shortages to those who are in need, who are weaker, poorer, who have been offended and robbed?

It is the natural urethral property of altruism, which has developed over the centuries in a Russian person in conditions of survival on the harsh landscape of forest-steppe vast expanses and sublimated into one of his character traits, for the last twenty years they have been trying their best to etch all available means and burn them out with a hot iron using the media whose task is to lead Russia to a coup d'etat and disintegration.

The country was swept by a wave of propaganda of the western idea of individualism, alien to it, and contrary to the Russian collectivist mentality. Altruistic urethral pleasure, received from the return on shortages, is perceived and presented by skin Russophobes as some kind of "unhealthy state" and inappropriate behavior of the majority of Russians. For the West, with its standardized mass culture and admiration for the letter of the law, the Russian freemen really looks uncontrollable and intimidating.

Continue reading:

Part 2: Internal political optimization as a method of fragmentation of the state

Part 3: "Symbiosis" of the working class and the peasantry
