Frozen Senses In A Capsule Of A Living Person

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Frozen Senses In A Capsule Of A Living Person
Frozen Senses In A Capsule Of A Living Person

Video: Frozen Senses In A Capsule Of A Living Person

Video: Frozen Senses In A Capsule Of A Living Person
Video: Where people go to wake up in the future: Inside a cryonics facility 2025, January

Frozen senses in a capsule of a living person

How to find your place in this life? What's the point in it? Why nothing brings me joy? What's wrong with me?

How does it happen - to lose yourself in this life? Imperceptibly. Suddenly. Painfully. At some point, you just realize that you have lost your bearings in life. The circumstances of the outside world cease to evoke any feelings. Material benefits, with which they usually try to evoke at least some kind of emotion, do not bring joy.

If you decide to go on a journey to change the situation, then again you find yourself hostage to your own loneliness and complete emotional disconnection from life and other people. Fascinating excursions to historical sites are of no interest to you. And other people seem boring and even petty with all their routine earthly bustle. If earlier career ambitions mattered, now they have completely lost their positions in the wish list.

On the advice of “smart” books, friends and psychologists, you try to change your field of activity, find new activities, but nothing has the desired effect. Then, numerous spiritual practices and personal growth trainings come to the rescue. For a while, there is pseudo-relief, but it quickly evaporates. You are left alone with yourself and the feeling that your feelings and emotions are covered with ice, that nothing in this world is able to please you or force you to move on in life, to make some achievements.

In my head, more and more often and persistently, thoughts are spinning that everything in this world is perishable and there is no point in fussing in it. You feel that you are sitting inside yourself as in a capsule, cut off from people and the world, and your emotions and feelings are covered with ice. With the remainder of a sober mind, you guess that this should not be so, because some fragmentary memories of the colors of life loom in your memory.

For some, such a perception of things will seem eccentric. Psychologists will diagnose "depression", and the neighbor will insert his comment: "you are fooling about idleness." Only all attempts to "cure" depression do not give a sustainable result. There is still a void inside of unanswered questions.

How to find your place in this life? What's the point in it? Why nothing brings me joy? What's wrong with me?

Different psyche - different desires

Not everyone is inclined to feel the meaninglessness of their existence, their separation from life and other people. At Yuri Burlan's training "System-Vector Psychology" we learn that there are not many such people, only 5% of the total. These are the owners of the sound vector.

Each person from birth has his own mental characteristics, properties and desires. Groups of these properties and desires in "System-Vector Psychology" are called vectors. A total of eight vectors are distinguished. In the modern world, a person can have, as a rule, from three to five vectors.

The vector determines the priorities of a person and gives them the ability to realize desires. So, a person with a skin vector has a desire for success and the accumulation of material wealth, and therefore the ability to be flexible and navigate in the constantly changing conditions of the surrounding world.

The visual vector gives a person a special emotionality and sensitivity for the realization of his desire to create emotional connections.

The volume of innate desires in the sound vector is greater than in the other seven. Desires also correspond to higher abilities that distinguish the carrier of the sound vector from the general mass. The realization of such a volume of desires gives their owner colossal pleasure, incomparable with pleasure in other vectors. However, finding this path is not so easy.

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Abstract dream

Seven of the eight vectors have very specific material desires. And desires in the sound vector are not associated with the physical world. People with a sound vector seem strange to those around them, out of this world. Others are preoccupied with promotions, accumulating wealth, or finding the love of their lives, while the sound person sometimes even forgets to eat. He hangs in his thoughts about the meaning of life, about the structure of the universe, about the search for the root cause.

He is the possessor of abstract intelligence. Only the bearer of the sound vector is able to think in isolation from the physical world, in complete abstraction. He tries to understand why everything was created, where we came from and where we are going. These inner desires, not always conscious, push him into those areas where at least somehow it is possible to reveal the mystery of life. Such people become scientists, brilliant artists, writers, theologians, philosophers.

In their quest to understand the world and themselves in it, the owners of the sound vector fly into the sky, becoming pilots and cosmonauts, plunge into the depths of the sea, discover untapped lands, the Arctic. They are drawn outside our physical world. And not only in action, but also in consciousness.

It is people with a sound vector that crave states of altered consciousness. In an effort to get this, they are fond of meditation, various techniques for changing consciousness, they can smoke intoxicating herbs and try drugs. But the impact on the physical shell is unable to qualitatively change the state of our mind, the apparent effect turns out to be short-lived and does not lead anywhere.

And people are not interesting and loneliness is pain

The sound vector is dominant. If a person has other vectors, the desires in the sound vector are the strongest. And when they are not filled, a person experiences a huge emptiness, which does not allow him to live, requiring filling. This emptiness grows like a black hole, increasing suffering. If the bearer of the sound vector fails to fill his abstract desires, he slides into the most difficult conditions.

The reason for the severe, inexplicable, seemingly unreasonable suffering of such people is the failure to realize the properties of the sound vector. At the same time, all desires of other vectors are suppressed, and the person does not feel a single clue for this life. Not realizing his nature, he moves through life in false ways and cannot find his real realization. Then unfulfilled desires create a huge internal tension, which eventually turns into melancholy, apathy, depression.

Due to the suppression of all desires of other vectors by sound suffering, a person ceases to feel the world. He loses his life guidelines, cannot find himself in this life, he feels all physical actions meaningless. An ice wall rises between him and reality.

If, in addition to the sound vector, a person also has a visual vector that longs for emotions, wants to love, be impressed, enjoy beauty, then with a suffering sound vector a person becomes incapable of emotional experiences, his feelings seem to be frozen. He seems to want to love, but he is not capable of experiencing emotions, since they are suppressed by unfilled desire in the sound vector.

What innate properties should the carrier of the sound vector realize? Such a person is by nature endowed with the ability to maximally concentrate the brain and give birth to thoughts and new ideas, to penetrate the very essence of the phenomenon. This is its important role. And for this he needs silence. Often not knowing where to direct his potential, he still looks for silence and falls into loneliness. Outwardly, he feels that he wants to be alone, but in fact, whether he realizes it or not, he experiences great suffering from loneliness.

And not only him. The peculiarity of a person as a social being is to realize his innate abilities among other people. This is the only way to keep the system in balance. Contribution to the development of this system feels like something nice. Any carrier of the sound vector probably knows this sensation in part. When your words help someone to realize something important, when your idea meets with approval and transforms the world, when your poem or article comes out, when you are heard and understood - all this brings inner satisfaction from the fact that you are fulfilling your role …

But it is precisely for the carrier of the sound vector that the realization among others has its own obstacles. First, there is a tendency towards silence and solitude. Secondly, sound egocentrism. A person with a sound vector can become hostage to false ideas about their own exclusivity. He feels his natural potential and thinks that he is smarter than anyone in the world. And even if this idea of himself is not confirmed in practice, he is internally convinced of his own genius. And thirdly, a lack of understanding of their role. After all, to create a connection with other people, it is not necessary to go to discos and drink beer with friends. There is another way, which fully corresponds to the innate desires and properties of the representative of the sound vector.

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From loneliness to brilliant discoveries

Man's desires live on. Any natural human desire is provided with properties for its realization. But we do not always understand our real desires, and therefore we do not realize that we have all the properties for their realization.

Since the desires of the sound vector are outside the physical world, it is not possible to fill them with material means. Earlier, sound desires were expressed through classical literature, philosophy, music. Modern carriers of the sound vector can realize their nature in the field of programming, in science, technology. But even this is no longer enough, since the collective volume of the psyche has grown significantly.

The sound vector by its nature is directed towards cognition of oneself, disclosure of what is hidden in the depths of the psyche. And only the disclosure of these hidden meanings will help the modern sound engineer to feel the meaning of life.

However, a huge internal egocentrism creates a false sense of his own uniqueness in the owner of the sound vector. And knowing yourself is impossible without other people. Only by interacting with other people, with the world outside, he becomes able to understand himself, give birth to new brilliant thoughts. Such work of one's own mind can fill the sound engineer with good states and get rid of unbearable inner suffering.

With the help of knowledge about the innate characteristics and desires of people, one can understand how to interact with pleasure with other people, without fencing off from them, how to become a full-fledged part of this world and give meaning to every second of your life. Awareness of the hidden mechanisms of our psyche makes it possible to know exactly what should be done to resolve your life and mental problems.

When the sound vector is realized, then the road opens to all other desires, including material ones. The person again wants to live and enjoy, achieve career goals, create relationships. Hitherto frozen emotions come to life and allow you to see the world in a wider range, allow you to experience the joy of simple things.

You can get guidelines, in which direction to move, how to stop suffering and get rid of the sense of meaninglessness of your existence, at the free online lectures "System-Vector Psychology" by Yuri Burlan. Register here:
