Do you know why a person lives and why
I have everything: family - children and husband, healthy parents, favorite job, hobby. Things are good. However, the joy of this ends exactly at the moment when I start thinking: “Why? What's the point? I will reach heights in my career, raise children and grandchildren, travel around the world, and then what? After all, everything will pass, be forgotten. Everything will end someday …
The question, which at first confuses everyone. As if no one had thought about it before. And then everyone responds based on their own beliefs and values. Why does a person live:
- to love and be loved;
- give birth and raise children, continue their family;
- for yourself;
- to be happy.
What if none of the items on this list fit?
I have everything: family - children and husband, healthy parents, favorite job, hobby. Things are good. However, the joy of this ends exactly at the moment when I start thinking: “Why? What's the point? I will reach heights in my career, raise children and grandchildren, travel around the world, and then what? After all, everything will pass, be forgotten. It will all end someday.
A generation is already being born, living and dying, but no one still knows what the essence of the process is. Is it really necessary to just pass the time to death?
Why does a person live on earth
The question is not why exactly here, and not on Mars. Wherever a person goes to live, he cannot escape from himself and his nature. And its nature is a variety of desires: from purely biological to spiritual.

"Will live!" - joyfully exclaims a nurse when a serious patient asks her for a glass of water. The tiniest desire is the one that keeps a person alive, now on Earth and on Alpha Centauri in the future. And he lives in order to realize his "want".
Desires for each person are individual and determined by a set of mental properties. Therefore, the answers that you hear to the question - why does a person live, are so different.
"The meaning of life is only in love!" - will instill in you the most emotional and sensual natures. Not because they are hopeless romantics and love to act out of the whole show only on a whim. It is their natural desire to express their feelings, the most powerful of which is love. People want love and feel its highest value because they are assigned certain mental properties. At the training "System-vector psychology" by Yuri Burlan, these properties are called in one word - a vector. So, people with a visual vector will confidently tell you about love as the meaning and great goal of life.
"The main thing in life is family and children." If you heard this answer, then it is better not to argue. People who say that will not lie. Nature has entrusted the preservation of the social unit to the reliable hands of the best wives and husbands, fathers and mothers. Only they want to have a house - a full cup, and only they have the necessary properties to translate such a desire into reality. To pass on experience, teach - the natural abilities of these people, due to a special psyche, their own vector. They can teach you how and for what to live, so that later there will be something to remember. However, not everyone will find such lessons useful.
For example, those who have a skin vector in their psychic do not set themselves the goal of life to build a house, plant a tree and raise a son. Only if it gives them a sense of success, social and material superiority over others. Yes, such people strive to be the first in their careers, in personal relationships. They know how to save up for a prosperous old age in order to spend it traveling and not complaining about their health. From the outside it may seem that such a person lives only for himself.
Is this even possible?
Why do people live if they die anyway
The question is fair if we imagine life in this light: a person is born, grows, studies, then works, receives some kind of pleasure, pleasure, grows old and dies. End of the story. It may even seem that the whole point in this "end" is in counting on my deathbed how much I managed to take from life. The only problem is that you can't take anything with you. Why then?
If you ask realized, happy, successful individuals why a person lives, they will answer: "For other people." Why? Like a lake filled with water from numerous streams, a person receives benefits for his existence outside. However, if the water in the lake stagnates and does not flow out in new streams, then over time the lake will turn into a musty puddle. Likewise, a person, only receiving for himself and not giving, gets sick. He lives the life of a shallow puddle, instead of taking place in the volume of a full-flowing lake.
Can a man live for himself? Yes and no. He realizes his desires when he does work outside, gives to society his skills, receiving a reward in return. Leaves its mark. And then he feels happiness.

Goals Achieved, But No Meaning Found
So, a person lives to accomplish what he wants. By doing what he knows best for the benefit of others, he knows himself. Each in his own way: in love and the creation of good, in creating a strong happy family, in achieving victories. And for some, self-knowledge lies in a different plane, immaterial.
Spiritual search begins when the knowledge of the material ends: everything is there, but something is missing. If you feel this way, then you have additional properties and desires. They give rise to the question "why" in the head and at the same time contribute to the disclosure, finding the answer. The desire to comprehend the plan, the reason for everything, speaks of the presence of a sound vector, the largest in terms of psyche.
The owner of the sound vector is not filled with the values of other vectors. Love, family, success may ultimately make no sense. The sound person feels that everything is transitory. The most desirable thing in life for a sound engineer is
- understand who he is;
- determine your purpose;
- reveal the idea of everything that surrounds him.
However, these aspirations are not easy to achieve. And money can't buy it, and it's not clear where to look.
The desire for more could be traced back to childhood. A child with a sound vector wants to know all the time what is beyond the edge of the universe. How is that nothing? Everything cannot come from nowhere, just like that. Likewise, as adults, seekers are interested in what will happen after death. What remains, or perhaps only begins, when everything ends for the observer? Is it really nothing again? This outcome is denied by the sound engineer: then why?
The owner of the sound vector begins to look for the answer in the works of philosophers and esoteric books. It seems that in order to understand who I am, you need to look, dive into yourself. But inside there is a dead end, but there is still no sense. Somewhere deep down there is a feeling how it would be easier. If you are aware of the other as well as yourself. But solid walls of misunderstanding separate the sound engineer from other people every moment of his life. And what to do to remove the barrier? Pull out brick by brick, demolish everything at once? Or throw the rope and cross to the other side?
According to the logic of the nature of meaning - the main desire of a person with a sound vector - it cannot but be, otherwise he would not be looking for it. It just turns out that you cannot open eternity alone. The body and consciousness of one person do not have such power; more resources are needed to comprehend infinity:
What's next
Material pleasures are not all that life has to offer you. It is much more pleasant to feel the meaning, to know the world and yourself in the process of communication and interaction with others.
To throw the rope over the other side of the wall, you need to twist it. Of what? From the knowledge about the soul of everyone. Since ancient times, the same climbers have been looking for meaning, the answer: they twisted harnesses, connected them in knots, trying to climb higher. But they fell and shook the Earth with wars. Today, a strong rope is ready, which will pull the most desperate seeker from the bottom and withstand the most difficult wanderer from the voids. When the goal is clear, the path does not seem difficult and empty.
The universe contributes to the fulfillment of real desire. You just need to determine what you want and do not stop looking.
You have already asked the question: "What's next?" And then - the answer.