Resume Life Secrets from a System Recruiter
I'll tell you about the search for specialists for the vacancy of an analyst in an IT company. My acquaintance with candidates begins with a look at the resume. It turns out that if we analyze the resume systematically, a lot of things are revealed that my non-systematic colleagues cannot determine, even after meeting with the candidate …
I took my first training in Yuri Burlan's System-Vector Psychology in 2011, since then I have been using systemic knowledge in my work as a recruiter constantly. Each person I come across is interesting in their own way.
I'll tell you about the search for specialists for the vacancy of an analyst in an IT company. My acquaintance with candidates begins with a look at the resume. It turns out that if we analyze the resume systematically, a lot of things are revealed that my non-systematic colleagues cannot determine, even after meeting with the candidate.
Each person talks about himself, performing any action. The words he uses, how he constructs phrases, what mistakes or negligence he makes, how a person talks about his work - all this gives us valuable information.
Important formal features
For example, what can we tell from the point of view of system-vector psychology about people on such a formal basis as the size of a resume? We look:
Lyudmila, 59 years old - 12 sheets.
Sergey, 54 years old - 13 sheets.
Dmitry, 43 years old - 15 resume sheets, 19 attachments and an explanation on 6 sheets. In a letter Dmitry writes:
Hello Tatiana!
This letter is General and Brief Information on my Project Experience, since not always a candidate in a short time of Negotiations can fully reveal himself from a Professional point of view.
The additions set out in this letter will help Company Executives and IT Executives of Business Units to understand my Professional Competencies, and how my Experience can be useful for your Company.
It is desirable that this letter reaches in its original form and content
to the interested Heads of the Company and IT Heads of Business Units.
Thank you for your interest in my candidacy and for the job offer:
Often in the HR environment, such detailed resumes are not considered and remain unanswered. Managers need an effective and quick result, there is no time to read, to delve into what is written, moreover, the age of candidates is not considered promising.
It's a shame when they don't recognize
But such specialists are a valuable find for a company, where they attach importance to the quality of work. Where it is necessary to bring any complex project to the end, where perseverance, attention to detail, thorough testing and error correction are required. Where customers are dissatisfied with service, good-quality completion of projects, where the cost of error is high, just such people are required.
To make sure by the resume that we have a Professional in front of us, we examine what has been written. These traits are characteristic of people with the same mental properties.
DETAILS - God is in the details! Sentences are long, detailed, complex, with an indication of GOSTs, types of systems, version numbers, listing the stages, etc. It is important to keep the thought while reading a sentence of 16 lines.
ACCURACY is an indicator of a person's condition. If it is not written neatly and harmoniously, we understand that a person is under stress for a long time, negligence will manifest itself in work and positive properties can result in their opposite - for example, instead of completing the work, it will endlessly drag on time, never bringing it to the end.

COMPLETION is a special important part of the work, the pride of a specialist. Even when everyone gave up on the project, to bring it to the end, to the last point is a matter of honor, otherwise it is impossible to take on another matter and sleep peacefully. Another screenshot from the resume:
Just a statement of facts:
- I do not have a single "abandoned" or incomplete project.
- All my implementation projects - Successful and performed with high quality.
The clients were very pleased with my work and the results of the projects.
STUDY - I studied a lot and often. Several higher educations, refresher courses, exams, tests. If there are not too many crusts yet, the diplomas and certificates have been photographed and posted in the portfolio section. Regularity - honors degrees.
EXPERIENCE - the first experience is extremely important, therefore, we observe, as a rule, the indication of the first place of work, even if it was more than 30 years ago and now does not in any way relate to the desired job. In the screenshot above, we see that the word Experience is written with a capital letter - this is a special respect and respect for the past and for our Professional Competencies.
As a rule, in the resume, we see a description of all the responsibilities that was done at each place of work. So much invaluable experience has been accumulated, every professional step is important! Sleepless nights of mastering new things, years of painstaking and conscientious work - to take and delete something from your life? It looks like a narrative, in contrast to a resume, where we see only dates, positions and achievements in numbers - short success stories of managers, company leaders, marketing and sales geniuses.
GRATITUDE is an important stimulus in life. We look at the portfolio section and recommendations - we carefully collected and exhibited awards and warm words of gratitude for the conscientious work. It is not awards and promotions that are important, but recognition and honor. Otherwise, the insult, which we will always hear at a personal meeting.
CONSISTENCY - mastered the profession throughout the entire working path, without giving up anything at will and without radically changing the direction. I would like to say that I worked in one place for a long time, but the modern world does not always provide such an opportunity - unstable Russian business opens and closes projects, changes directions, reduces and recruits new employees. But there would be an opportunity to work for decades in one place.
ROLE in the company - may work in different positions, but we will definitely notice the role of a mentor, teacher, analyst, expert. I enjoy analyzing and passing on experience to others so much that she can do it in addition to his duties. We can notice that often such people have published teaching aids, scientific papers, someone has their own blog or is engaged in literary creation.
All secrets are revealed
This is how each resume immerses me in a person's life. Dmitry, who wrote to me that “it is not always possible for a candidate to fully reveal himself from a Professional point of view in a short time of Negotiations,” may not worry. In addition to all of the above, I can still tell a lot about people who write such detailed resumes: about honesty, loyalty, about their attitude towards family and friends, about rest, nutrition, intimate pleasures, interests and fears, about the pace of life, about typical illnesses, habits and problems. I understand how to talk to them, having deep respect and pleasure in advance from the upcoming recognition when meeting what I considered in advance on the resume.