Thought is constructive and destructive. Thinking constructs from birdhouse to skyscraper
What is a thought? Why is it needed? Thought is primarily a tool for providing additional mental desires of a person with pleasure. Therefore, the question in the subtitle of this article is quite pertinent, and was asked clearly by a person with a skin vector …
What is a thought? Why is it needed? Thought is, first of all, a tool for providing additional mental desires of a person with pleasure. Therefore, the question in the subtitle of this article is quite pertinent, and was asked clearly by a person with a skin vector. After all, it is skin people who have an additional desire for wealth, financial independence and great luck. Although, on the other hand, a person needs money to satisfy many other desires and needs. For example, for people with an anal vector - buying a big house for the whole family.
In general, of course, happiness is not in money, but in the balanced biochemistry of the brain, which is achieved when vectors are implemented. Let's put the question differently, so that it can be attributed to any vector: "If you are so smart, why are you so unhappy?" Why do some of the smartest people, capable of big and wonderful thoughts, turn out to be unhappy in this life? Are thoughts alone not enough to fill your desire?

For various reasons, during development, our psychic, which is formed in the most accurate way to fill desire with pleasure, receives various injuries, anchors, damage in the period before and during puberty, which prevent many of us from fully applying our abilities and taking place in a future life.
Parents must understand that in order for a sound child to have the ability to form healthy abstract ideas about the world around him for the formation of future brilliant thoughts in his mind, this world should not be traumatic for him, i.e. without harsh noise, abuse. Because the erogenous zone through which the sound child has the greatest connection with the world around him is a particularly sensitive ear, for which a raised voice is like the noise of a jackhammer. Silence and a certain amount of sound comfort are necessary for the normal development of such a child.
Visual children need to be given the opportunity to develop their assigned sensuality, creating with them the emotional connection that they need to get out of the state of fear. Help to form adequate imaginative ideas about the world around with the help of books and encyclopedias, and not scary tales about Baba Yaga.

Oral children need … What do oral children need? Nothing special. Any child must learn to think. Let the oral child talk - let him think like all normal oral people - by speaking. After all, if you do not learn how to talk about what the audience needs, then in his speech he will add fictional stories about others, in vain attracting the attention of other people.
At the same time, the thoughts that are created do not disappear anywhere. They are repressed into the unconscious, or they are realized and rotate non-constructively, having no way out, not expressing themselves from outside by action, but creating negative shades in our life scenario.
Suppose a visual girl, sensual and capable of compassion, failing to realize these desires in society, finds herself in a relationship with a lame and sick man or an alcoholic who, not only is not able to provide for her family, but is also a burden himself, or even does harm. But then he needs to be pitied, and she needs to pity someone.
Skin people, looking to save now and get tangible benefits faster, are losing big in the future. Having cheapened, they come across a low-quality product. And when they experience an unconscious craving for beatings and humiliation - hidden masochism, and they do not realize it, for example, in intimate relationships, then instead of promotion at work they get a reprimand, instead of success in business - failure. This is an unconscious life scenario for failure.
Anal people, all their lives striving for honor and respect, focusing on the demand for honor and respect for themselves, turn out to be eternally dissatisfied, or even slide into grave resentments - refusal of the desire to live and enjoy, after all, they won't give and deceive. Or they, being devoted to historical truth and traditions all their lives, meeting changes, push them away, depriving themselves of the opportunity to adapt to the newest conditions of society.

Sound people have a strong desire to comprehend the root cause of their existence, the meaning of life and the separation of truth from delusions. And they make a mistake in their thoughts, declaring themselves to be the only root cause, and their body as something disgusting, bringing suffering, and therefore fit only for destruction. This is suicidology.
When two thoughts from two different vectors are mixed, they create a single volumetric thought. For example, an anal sound engineer, who is focused on details in an anal way and on abstractions in a sound way, creates a theory that can be passed on to future generations. Or, as an example, a skin-visual woman, developed in prohibitions and restrictions and possessing vivid emotionality, will discipline a group of children, instilling in them ethics and norms of behavior.
These voluminous thoughts serve a life scenario, of which there can be several in one multi-vector person. They can be contradictory, cause internal contradictions, and complementary - move everything private to the whole.
I wish all those who are suffering to fill their inner needs and emptiness, using all the thoughts in the arsenal. And if you don't have enough thoughts, come to Yuri Burlan's training for volumetric systemic thinking.