Obsessive Negative Thoughts: How To Free Energy For Life

Obsessive Negative Thoughts: How To Free Energy For Life
Obsessive Negative Thoughts: How To Free Energy For Life

Obsessive negative thoughts: how to free energy for life

Thoughts are constantly spinning in my head - meaningless, suicidal, alarming, returning to unpleasant moments in the past. Unanswered questions and no chance to end this torture. They cause headaches, prevent sleep at night, and lead to nervous breakdowns. Their source is unknown …

Obsessive negative thoughts cannot be controlled. Their source is unknown. They completely capture a person, depriving him of life energy, the opportunity to be in the moment and feel joy.

Thoughts are constantly spinning in my head - meaningless, suicidal, alarming, returning to unpleasant moments in the past. Unanswered questions and no chance to end this torture. They cause headaches, prevent sleep at night, and lead to nervous breakdowns.

“Mental“chewing gum”is an obsession with states, emotions that a person experienced before, obsession with problems, even while trying to relax and do what he likes. Apathy, a bad mood on a sunny day are other ways to describe this exhaustion by problems that do not seem to exist. Dialogue with oneself and attempts to explain to oneself that everything is in order, does not work, only makes it worse "- this is how Alexander, a student of Yuri Burlan's training" System-Vector Psychology ", describes this problem.

Creative abilities and relationships suffer from constant internal dialogue, because a person is not, as it were, present in reality, cannot fully participate in what is happening. His attention is always partially or completely captured by internal itchy questions. He seems to be in prostration. Memory and imagination work poorly, partly due to a loss of interest in life, a lack of vitality.

Yuri Burlan's training "System Vector Psychology" helps to understand the nature of obsessive thoughts.

Where do thoughts come from?

Human life is a constant stream of desires. A desire arises - thoughts arise how to realize it. If there are many thoughts in the head that revolve around the same object, then there are desires that are looking for a way out, but do not find it. For various reasons: a person does not know what he wants, does not know how to realize his desire, does not have the skills to realize his desires. You need to figure out what is asking out.

Obsessive negative thoughts photo
Obsessive negative thoughts photo

Obsessive thoughts are different. They sometimes dwell on traumatic situations of the past in an attempt to redefine what can no longer be changed.

For example, a person remembers how he was offended - in all details, getting angry just as at the moment when it happened, clenching his fists, simultaneously scrolling through options for revenge and feeling helpless.

The questions are spinning: “Why did he do this to me? Why didn't I answer him? Why did I contact him at all?"

Such obsessive thoughts are characteristic of people with attachment to the past and excellent memory. They have a desire to preserve experience and traditions, to study history. The desire to replay past painful situations is caused in them by the wrong application of this desire and properties. Nature endowed them with phenomenal memory not for dwelling on the past, but for learning, memorizing large amounts of information and teaching other people, transferring experience, being an expert, an analyst.

Incessant self-talk is a particularly traumatic state for people with abstract intelligence when their abilities are not fully realized. The process of thinking gives them pleasure, but when it has no point of application, it becomes meaningless, dead-end.

Most often, obsessive internal dialogue is associated with depression, thoughts about the meaninglessness of life, and suicidal thoughts. These may be unanswered questions: “Why all this? Why am I? What do I need in life? Why can't I live like everyone else? Why is everyone happy, but I can't?"

This is how Catherine describes this exhausting state:

It is difficult for such people to understand what they want, because their desires are not connected with ordinary human desires - to start a family, make a career, love. They are looking for knowledge - of themselves and the world around them, but they do not always realize this. They are created to think, create ideas. Potentially, these are creative personalities, writers, poets, musicians, linguists, programmers, talented inventors, psychiatrists, scientists. Failure to realize the destination creates a stream of thoughts much larger than that of people with other forms of psyche, because the volume of their psyche and the power of desire are greater. Therefore, suffering is felt many times stronger, up to the desire to end this life. So the soul hurts.

What training can give

Obsessive negative thoughts come from different people on different topics. But there is only one psychological principle. To get rid of the annoying "mental gum", you need to understand your desires.

Yuri Burlan's training "System-Vector Psychology" helps each person to determine the structure of his psyche, to see true desires, shows the ways of their correct implementation - not a minus, but a plus.

When the stream of thoughts rushes along the right channel and leads to the embodiment of true desires, then the exhausting internal dialogue stops.

Good brainstorming in solving problems, set by life itself, attunement to the needs of other people, the desire to hear them and understand, in an amicable way emasculates the head and frees up energy for life. The person begins to be completely in the moment and feels the joy of participating in it.

This is said by people who had obsessive negative thoughts and completely got rid of them at the training:
