How to understand if your wife is cheating
It happens that obsessive pictures just spin in her head, how she spends time with another. This makes you look for forgotten cigarette butts in the ashtray and other foreign things in the house. How to determine if the wife is cheating? Today, it is possible to recognize behavior, as well as understand the thoughts and feelings of another person, with mathematical precision …
Does she come home late from work? Going on vacation without you? Staying alone for a long time while you are on a business trip? There are various reasons for suspicion. The main thing is that doubts settled in my soul as to whether the legal half is true to you. I don't want to be a blind husband who is the last to know about everything!
How to determine if the wife is cheating? Today, it is possible to recognize behavior, as well as understand the thoughts and feelings of another person, with mathematical precision. Such knowledge about the psychology of women is provided by the training "System-vector psychology".
I am not jealous, but I will burn a hut …
Suspicion of female infidelity almost always causes a storm in the soul of a man. It developed evolutionarily. A man unconsciously wants to be sure that it is his, and not someone else's, gene pool that will continue in children. Hence the questions arise, how to check the wife for treason.
It happens that obsessive pictures just spin in her head, how she spends time with another. This makes you look for forgotten cigarette butts in the ashtray and other foreign things in the house. Look closely at how the wife began to dress. Even listen to new words or intonations in her speech.
However, attempts to understand outwardly how to convict a wife of treason are often mistaken. To the question: "Why did she change her haircut and is she in high spirits?" - may be quite a banal answer. In order not to break the wood in the heat of the moment, we will analyze the psychological reasons for various female behavior.
Good news: nature is on the side of female fidelity
The fact is that by nature man and woman have completely different taboos. A woman is limited precisely in her behavior: evolutionarily society as a whole does not approve of her promiscuity, promiscuity in relationships, and the like. In this sense, nature is entirely on your side.
A man has no such taboo - having seduced a whole harem, he can be known as a "real hussar." Because a man is limited only in his inclinations: nature forbids him that which does not lead to procreation (same-sex and closely related relationships, relationships with children, etc.). Does this mean that only men can cheat in marriage? Unfortunately no.
What might raise suspicion
There are women (about 5%) who by nature do not have a taboo on behavior. They are emotional, flirtatious and skillful in shooting their eyes. Yuri Burlan's training defines them as carriers of the cutaneous-visual ligament of vectors. This "provocative" behavior can be completely involuntary. Even with a sullen conductor, such a girl speaks kindly, with a breath, as if flirting. How to recognize the betrayal of a wife in this case, because many men look at her?
The absence of a taboo does not mean that she will be unfaithful to her husband. The visual woman has a large sensory range. She wants strong feelings, vivid emotions. The guarantee of marital fidelity (in this case especially) is a deep spiritual connection with the wife. The ability to share her feelings, experiences.
When the intensity of emotions that occurs at the beginning of a relationship subsides, such a woman may experience a lack of sensory experiences. It seems to her that sex has become "mechanical", that there are no old feelings in it, and the man simply satisfies the physical need for sex in a relationship with her.
Don't dismiss it if a woman makes such accusations. To give her what she wants is not difficult. A bouquet for no reason, a romantic candlelight dinner, a joint viewing of a good dramatic film or performance. The main thing is that you are united by common experiences, emotions. Otherwise, the risk of losing this woman will really be - and not because she is a walker, but simply because she … will fall in love with someone who can give her strong feelings.

There are also monogamous women who are limited by taboos, but under certain conditions they can change. For example, you pair up with a leisurely, thorough homebody. Needlewoman, wonderful housewife and mother. Potentially the most loyal woman in the world. But she expects the same loyalty from her partner, and having caught a man in treason, she experiences deep resentment and an involuntary desire to take revenge. And it is the same way - to cheat on her husband.
If you suspect that this is your case, then how to determine if your wife is cheating? In this case, female infidelity is usually one-time in nature - as revenge, in order to "give justice", "pay back in kind." To be a "walker" is abhorrent to the nature of such women.
There are special, "out of this world" women - sound players. A man may be alarmed that such a partner does not want sex, that she is weighed down by his desire for her. And at the beginning of a relationship, on the rise of feelings, everything could turn out fine for you. What happened? Maybe a rival has appeared?
The fact is that the owners of the sound vector can experience real depression. Then it seems to a woman that no one understands her, that the interests of people around are rude, mundane, narrow-minded. Life seems meaningless, suicidal thoughts may arise. Against this background, a woman may be disgusted with sex, lose her appetite, and her sleep is disturbed.
Unlike the visual woman, the sound person withdraws into herself, fencing herself off from attempts to sort out the relationship, for example, she sits at the computer for hours.
Doesn't she want … a change?
It often happens that the signs of betrayal of a wife exist only in a man's head. First of all, it concerns men who are active, purposeful, ambitious and mobile. The fact is that their psyche does not tolerate stagnation - including in intimate relationships.
In a pair, such a man is the first to initiate "novelties" in bed. I would like to try both in a new position and in a new setting. Diversify intimate leisure. But the partner does not always respond to this initiative. Then a man may look for signs of a girl's betrayal: it cannot be that she has enough of what she has! But it may not be a matter of treason at all. For example, the reason for this behavior may be the woman's conservatism, her love for constancy. For such a wife, the novelty factor is sheer stress.
Maybe this is her "ex" again?
There are other men for whom the events of the past are very important. If this is your case, then you were probably always worried about your wife's former partner, thinking about what kind of relationship they had. And often suspicions of treason can be directed precisely at this person. But a wife may have completely different psychological properties from yours. If she is active, mobile and loves change, for her the past connection does not matter at all.
But the reasoning doesn't work. After all, the purity of a woman and her decent behavior are of great value. It's scary that she might embarrass you in front of friends or colleagues. Can betray and thus destroy the family.

How to know for sure if a wife is cheating or not
As long as you are possessed by jealousy, fear of being disgraced and other similar feelings, you cannot objectively judge the situation. Maybe you are looking for how to find out about your wife's betrayal, but she does not think about her at all? And her “coldness” or “tightness” in bed is a consequence of false shame, lack of ability to relax, open up to you.
How to know for sure whether your wife is cheating or not? There is only one way: to understand her psyche - what drives her actions. What she thinks about, what she wants, and what she fears or is ashamed of.
The training "System Vector Psychology" will help you solve the problem on all fronts:
- Learn the psyche of the spouse, understand exactly what thoughts and desires are driving her.
- Understand yourself, get rid of obsessive thoughts of cheating, if they really do not have a foundation.
- To become a husband “out of competition”, that is, to understand that it is generally capable of provoking your wife to cheat, and simply not to allow it. Always remain the one and the best for her.
Yuri Burlan's training on thousands of results proves that a psychologically savvy husband will never have a “cold” or “walking” wife. On the contrary, many couples who have completed the training are experiencing a new honeymoon, which gives an indescribable feeling of intimacy. Many times brighter than even at the very beginning of your relationship.
You no longer have to wonder how to know if your wife is cheating. You can understand the thoughts and feelings of any person deeply and accurately.