Why A Married Man Is Cheating - The Reasons For Cheating And How To Change The Situation

Why A Married Man Is Cheating - The Reasons For Cheating And How To Change The Situation
Why A Married Man Is Cheating - The Reasons For Cheating And How To Change The Situation

Why is a married man cheating and how to fix the situation?

By starting a family, the couple is in euphoria. Hormones rip your head off, and it seems that complete mutual understanding reigns between you. But several years or even months pass, and recently a loved one suddenly seems like a stranger. For some reason, the status of a married man changes a man so much …

The husband is constantly delayed, does not look into the eyes, avoids joint affairs, composes excuses, has cooled down. A worm of doubt has crawled into your brain and haunts. Not a mistress! Why is a married man cheating? Indeed, at the beginning of a relationship, you doted on each other. Are all men cheating on their wives? What if this really happened in your family? A swarm of questions attacks a woman who has ceased to feel most desirable. You can answer yourself to them by reading this article.

For some reason, the status of a married man changes a man so much. To reveal what is going on in a man's head, to understand the husband and herself, to know exactly how strong relationships are built means to be sure that SUCH a woman like you is not in danger of treason. System-vector psychology of Yuri Burlan will clarify the possible causes of betrayal and prevent the disintegration of the family.

Husband Cheats - Wife Doesn't Understand

By starting a family, the couple is in euphoria. Hormones rip your head off, and it seems that complete mutual understanding reigns between you. But several years or even months pass, and recently a loved one suddenly seems like a stranger. Irritating scattered shirts, constant calls at work, his stinginess on gentle words. He is always in business, and the family is on the sidelines. So you already want to spend your free evenings with light conversations with your friends, and not pull out monosyllabic answers from him. For some reason, married people are getting so far away.

But even if you miss something in your marriage, how could you change? Never! Why is a man cheating, betraying his family, forgetting confessions and promises?

Yuri Burlan at the training "System-vector psychology" explains that usually people are attracted with completely different unconscious desires. Two people try to understand each other, but proceed only from their own, given by vectors, priorities. And then it seems that the husband is somehow wrong in comparison with an exemplary wife. And he, it turns out, is simply different.

The training "System-vector psychology" by Yuri Burlan will help to find out the thoughts of her husband without admixing his own guesses and erroneous conclusions about him. By understanding why you are so different and how to coexist without conflict, you will learn to build strong relationships. The stereotype that a man likes to cheat will be replaced by an accurate understanding of the male psyche.

Man changes reality, not his wife

He is fit, agile, cannot sit still, is constantly busy in various projects. Quickly picks up, like a ball in a game, the idea of a new income. Such are the owners of the skin vector - flexible in mind and body. Cutting the path, saving money, constructing something useful out of nothing - the rationalization abilities of skin men do not take. A person always unconsciously seeks to realize these properties from birth in business.

If upbringing promoted development in the right direction, talented engineers, military men, middle managers, businessmen, athletes grow out of leather workers. In these areas, such a person can change the external environment every day thanks to the dexterity of his body and the speed of his thought. This gives him real pleasure. And if for some reason it is not possible to get enough pleasure from realization in society, a married man will look for other options for filling his natural desire.

Man changes the picture
Man changes the picture

Why a married man cheats - craving for novelty

Any routine for a person with a cutaneous death vector is similar. But what about marriage with its stability and monotony? Your man can quickly get bored with such a home nest. Who is to blame for this? No one. Indeed, without training, the wife has no idea what her husband really wants. A reliable, loyal, caring, homely wife with an anal vector will try to give her husband in the family what she appreciates herself - comfort and tranquility. This distorted mirror is the main reason why married people run to the side for novelty.

Why other women are attracted to a married leatherman:

  1. due to insufficient implementation of their aspirations to change the environment at work;
  2. because of the monotony of sexual life with his wife;
  3. due to the lack of joy in communicating with the family.

If you want to save your marriage, then it is in your power to radically change the situation on all counts. Firstly, a woman who understands the psychology of her man will be able to gently push him to implement in those areas that will require maximum exhaust from him. Maybe he has withered away at a monotonous job? At any age, it is not too late to get a profession that perfectly suits your character. In this case, the man will not need to compensate for the lack of excitement at work by changing sexual partners.

Secondly, in sexual relations, a woman can give her beloved man a little variety, knowing how desirable it is for him. In anticipation of surprises from his wife, a man will rush home for new adventures, completely forgetting about the existence of all other women. One more step towards rapprochement will help to consolidate the effect, it is also the main one.

Why married but not faithful - emotional shortages

Why married - not with a wife? For some reason, he is better off somewhere than at home - at work, in a bar, on a run, or whatever. There is an opinion that the polygamy of men is a reality that sooner or later every woman will have to face and come to terms with. Yuri Burlan at the training "System-vector psychology" debunks this myth. Only 5% of men are naturally polygamous (owners of the urethral vector). Others can experience the greatest happiness from stable monogamous relationships.

Where, then, are there so many divorces, betrayals and mutual claims? Why are married people unhappy? The reason for a bleak relationship is the inability to interact.

How not to be jealous and not wait for a trick, but to create happiness for two? I want his attention and vivid feelings. And he is cold. I want understanding, but he does not listen. What can you do here? The way out is not to wait for warmth from his side, but to start sharing him.

A couple of systemic secrets of a woman who is loved and not betrayed:

  • She herself loves and understands her husband. Knowing the state of his vectors, his desires and lacks, it will not be difficult for her to please him. And when a man is really good, he knows how to thank his beloved.
  • She creates a sensual field in the family, from which a man does not want to go to another. An emotional bond in a couple is the best remedy for all family troubles.
Men cheat on their wives image
Men cheat on their wives image

Emotional closeness is built with words, special themes - only for two. Remember how you shared your thoughts, feelings, life stories? And how exciting was it for the first time to hear a declaration of love and respond to it with trepidation? How warm and close it became after that!

Human relations develop and require an increase in the degree of trust. This path is paved by a woman, sharing her feelings, thoughts, and aspirations with her beloved husband. When a woman recognizes herself at the training "System-Vector Psychology" by Yuri Burlan, it becomes easy for her to put into words her innermost dreams and even sexual preferences. A man cannot help but reciprocate such revelations. He, too, will begin to share with you the most dear from the depths of his soul.

At this stage, the most important thing is not to become a spy in your own family. Make it a rule not to share the secrets of your family life with your friends, mom, psychologist. This will inspire both the feeling that there are only you two, only your world of mutual penetration. And then neither the imaginary midlife crisis, nor charming colleagues, nor temporary setbacks at work will be terrible for your couple. You will be looking for a way out of any situation together.

Why are they married? For what?

We want happiness, but we are afraid of betrayal. We are on the alert even in our own family. We do not rely on our loved ones, and we ourselves are not very reliable in our feelings. But we are not to blame for our own misfortune until we realize the inner nature of ourselves and our loved ones. Now there is an opportunity to turn towards the sun. Forget about doubts and mutual reproaches, create trusting relationships, not be afraid of external temptations and internal crises, but be a support and an oasis of understanding and love for each other. After all, a man and a woman are created to fill each other's life with sensual meaning.

See how it happens:

And register for the free online training "System-vector psychology" by Yuri Burlan.
