Online dating
How realistic is it to find your person, love, happiness, family using the Internet? What you need to know when registering on a dating site? How to protect yourself from people who want to use, offend or offend you, how to immediately understand who is who? How to find your person thanks to the Internet and start a relationship correctly?
Coming back from a morning run with my beloved husband, I thought about what happiness it is to find absolutely my own person, a soul mate with whom you feel as one, a like-minded person who shares your views and hobbies. Our story began with an acquaintance on the Internet.
We did not have mutual acquaintances, we lived in different cities, and we had no other chance to get to know each other, but we met on the Internet.
We are considered the perfect couple. Nevertheless, our friends also have an ambiguous attitude towards dating sites - from mild ironic to categorically negative.
“On dating sites, there are all married men looking for mistresses. There are a lot of sexual perverts and inadequate assholes,”some women say.
“Girls on dating sites are looking for sponsors who will support them, rent apartments and give gifts. You should not look for a serious relationship there. But finding a girlfriend for the evening is quite possible,”some men argue.
Many consider our acquaintance to be an exception to the rule, a fluke.
And in fact? How realistic is it to find your person, love, happiness, family using the Internet? What you need to know when registering on a dating site? How to protect yourself from people who want to use, offend or offend you, how to immediately understand who is who? How to find your person thanks to the Internet and start a relationship correctly?
Do not be afraid of the wolf, go to the forest
Dating sites are the fastest and most modern way to find anyone and anything. Yes, there are lonely hearts looking for their love. And in the same place, sexual perverts are looking for their like-minded people, prostitutes are looking for clients there, and beautiful idlers are looking for rich "daddies", wanting to sell themselves at a higher price. That is why, with a timid hope, registering on a dating site and having received a stack of "tempting offers" or even insults, many men and women in horror delete their profiles, generalizing and making a disappointing conclusion - this is a garbage dump.
However, finding your friend thanks to the Internet is not just luck. This is the result of a deep understanding of other people: the ability to identify them from the very first phrases, to understand with whom you are communicating, what this person needs, what can be expected from him, and whether it is necessary to start communicating with him at all.

I got this invaluable skill six years ago, having completed the training in Systemic Vector Psychology by Yuri Burlan. Therefore, when registering on a dating site, I well understood who I might face there, what kind of person I needed and how to make a choice.
System-vector psychology is a very practical knowledge about the human psyche. In short: everyone is born with their own set of desires and mental properties - vectors. Everyone is developed at their own level, and everyone's states are also different, this determines the values and aspirations of a person. Having learned to distinguish between these features, you will immediately understand which person is right for you in order to share your dreams with you, and which one is definitely not.
For example, there are several bright types who love online dating.
Online dating for sex
They are not looking for relationships, only sex, most often carriers of the skin vector. They are created by nature to be ambitious, striving for change. They become businessmen, talented engineers, realizing their innate desires. With insufficient social realization, the owner of the skin vector tries to get the desired changes in sexual life. The main thing for them is the factor of novelty. The unrealized skinner is in constant search of a new sexual object. Sometimes the attraction is only enough for 1-2 times! And again I want something new.
How to recognize a sexual user from the first messages:
- he will immediately insist on a meeting, not wasting time on correspondence;
he is not interested in the inner world of the interlocutor, his attention is focused on the outside. He will give compliments about the unearthly appearance and amazing sexuality, flirt. She will try to get him to bed as soon as possible.
Dating to create a family - is it happy?
Another type: looking for a serious relationship to create a family, offended by the entire female sex. The message of such men: “I send all the women … I know you, I had one. But I'm looking for a normal one, I hope it's you."
These are men with an anal vector. His bad conditions from sexual or social unfulfillment result in constant criticism of everyone and everything. Often he is offended not only by women, but also by the whole world, country, politicians, employers.
What will happen if meeting such a man leads to a relationship? He will definitely marry, because family and children are his values. But marriage with such a person is unlikely to be happy - be careful, with prolonged frustrations, such a man is prone to sadism in relationships, both verbal and physical. It can be extremely difficult to divorce someone with an anal vector.

By the way, if they call you a fat cow or a complete fool who will never marry on a dating site, these are also frustrated owners of the anal vector. They constantly relieve internal stress through Internet trolling. I wrote nasty things - and it became easier.
This way you can identify and weed out all unhealthy people who want to meet people, acquaintance with whom will not bring you anything good. One has only to understand the internal structure of a person with the help of system-vector psychology, and people, even on the Internet, will be visible at a glance.
How to start a relationship on the Internet
It is through the Internet that you can find a kindred spirit, a person who will not be with you by chance, with whom you can create a deep relationship, with whom it will always be interesting, who is also now looking for you.
Having found an interesting person you like, do not rush to meet him or call him. After all, the Internet provides an incredible opportunity to create an emotional connection without seeing each other and without forcing events. It is this connection that will become the strongest foundation for your future relationship.
And one more piece of advice that I received during the trainings: communication on the Internet with a person you like should not be superficial. By opening your soul, sharing your views on important things, your experiences and memories, you thereby provoke a person to reciprocity. This is how the modern "love stories" on the Internet begin.
PS The success of this event directly depends on your ability to distinguish and understand people, so be sure to register for free online trainings on systemic vector psychology by Yuri Burlan and get new opportunities: