No maternal instinct
Problems with raising children, inability to establish contact with the child, hatred or indifference to him, unhappy motherhood, unhappy childhood … Sometimes this can be explained by the lack of maternal instinct, sometimes childhood traumas of the mother herself, her frustrations or insufficient realization of her innate properties, problems with the child's father … Be that as it may, any problems can be solved when you understand how and where they came from.
- Have you ever wanted to be a mother?
- Well, as she wanted … Mom wanted …
- Did you want to?
- Never …
Yes, I must admit that the priority of a child in my friend's life is completely absent. My grandmother is like that too. It happens - there is no maternal instinct. Only the reasons are different and the consequences for the children of such mothers too. System-vector psychology of Yuri Burlan reveals them completely.
Take my girlfriend, for example. A sophisticated, well-groomed, beautiful woman who receives signs of attention at work, in cafes and even on public transport. In general, everywhere. She also provokes this with catchy makeup, revealing outfits and a crazy scent of perfume.
As you know, skin-visual women do this in a state of "war". Nature has arranged that they are women of the seductress, but not women of the mother. Such a woman prefers men's collectives, and puts the specific role - career - in the first place. And there is no place for a child.
With all her soul, with all the fibers of her psyche, a skin-visual woman is not ready for childbirth. She does not dream about it, considers abortion to be a natural thing, and she perceives the baby as a burden. It happens that he is afraid to take care of children.
The body of such a woman, often fragile and thin, with narrow hips and long legs, is not prone to gestation and childbirth. And she does not save herself for this, preferring light shorts to warm pants in winter. Men are attracted to her outfit, but other women are outraged.
In ancient times, such women did not give birth. Only in recent centuries did they have the ability to conceive, but problems with bearing remained. It was they who often died during childbirth. Today, not without medical assistance in the form of preservation, cesarean section, etc., such women finally give birth. Under pressure from others, my friend surrendered too. To the delight of her husband and family, but not immediately - to myself.
Maternal instinct in women
Such is she - skin-visual "anti-woman". Her role, as Yuri Burlan's system-vector psychology explains, differs from the role of other women. The role of the skin-visual woman is to bring culture, love to the world, she taught us to create emotional connections. In a peaceful state, she brings up other people's children and instills a culture in them, she teaches a person to value each individual life and love. This is her task.

Whereas women with other vectors find themselves in the continuation of the human race and thus fulfill their natural role. The desire to become a mother determines the life scenario and happiness of a woman. She finds herself in the child, and the baby's life becomes more important for her than her own. And everything is given to her for this.
Nature intended that any girl is naturally brought up with a certain measure of modesty. She is monogamous, since she gives birth from one man, passing only his gene pool. A skin-visual girl does not feel such bashfulness - she is nulliparous, and therefore is not taboo on behavior, like all other women. All the others reproach her for it. But this does not affect her behavior, although it happens that it does affect her fate. And for a woman giving birth, the accusation of sexual licentiousness causes shame of such force that a woman is able to impulsively lay hands on herself. Each has its own taboos and tasks.
That is why little girls in childhood play with the family, rolling toy "lyalek" in strollers, bring up and feed them from the nipples. Boys, on the other hand, with a desperate visual skin spy among them, play war and compete. Everyone is acting out their innate mental tasks that they will live with in adulthood.
Who do you want? Boy, girl or … nobody?
It's great when childhood dreams come true. I dreamed of being a doctor - and I became. I wanted a big family - and created it. But this is not always the case. On the way between children's desires and the ability to develop for their embodiment, obstacles arise.
The circumstances are such that while we grow, we are exposed to stress. Most often this is associated with domestic violence, with the suppression of the innate properties of the child, with the loss of a sense of security and safety, which is necessary for the harmonious development of any person. And when the unconscious receives stress of great force, then there is a halt in psychosexual development. This is painful and dangerous, because the human body grows, but inside, mentally, he remains a child who is not able to take responsibility, who is not able to make decisions on his own, is not able to be an adult.
If this happens, then the man is not able to realize himself, to be a self-sufficient member of society. He does not achieve what he wants and does not know how to do it. So, a man with an anal vector toils, but does not transfer knowledge and skills. The skin leader chokes on failure and possibly alcohol. Almost the same thing happens with a woman. When psychosexual development stops, she does not form a maternal instinct.
The sacrifice of the maternal instinct
For a woman, naturally created for childbirth, not to feel the joy of motherhood is a great tragedy. After all, a child is the peak of her sense of life. This is something important and big, which is above and more important. Even when a small heart in the womb begins to beat perceptibly, a woman experiences incomparable delight. This is the anticipation of great happiness.
And after childbirth, the whole world fits into one warm lump, the smell of which is especially sweet for the mother. The child is forever embedded in her unconscious. The rest becomes secondary.
Of course, in different life situations it is not always possible to fully experience the delight of motherhood. Material difficulties, family problems, deprivation of alimony by a man can temporarily dampen the desire to have a child. After all, a woman who is more adaptive and rational by nature clearly feels the desire to give birth only in suitable conditions. Her business before God and people is to give birth and feed. The latter takes effort.
But very often, even the most varied problems do not diminish the importance of the child in the mother's life, if she has a maternal instinct. She agrees to give her life for him. The mother gives the child the best, tearing it away from herself (physiologically, this happens already during gestation). He saves him, sacrificing himself, and if necessary, covers him with his body. The mother is capable of this for the rest of her days, no matter how old the child is. This is not the case for women who experienced severe psychological stress in childhood.
Life without maternal instinct
The body is ready, but the psyche is not. This happens, for example, during teenage pregnancy - when she gave birth with her body, but did not feel it with her soul. She is capable of throwing the "fruit" into the bucket without a twinge of conscience. Because I have not yet matured to feel like a mother.
So, if a woman with a delay in psychosexual development, with a maternal instinct that has not been formed on this basis, gives birth, then motherhood will become a duty. And usually heavy. Such women are not worried about the child much, and caring for him is formal. The children of such mothers usually receive less attention and love. Such mothers are not engaged in upbringing, because they are mentally unable to take responsibility for the life of the baby. The first steps, words, calls at school - all this happens, but does not cause any response. The form is there, but it is empty.
Such women are easier than others to lose their maternal rights, leaving children the fate of orphans with a living mother.
In skin-visual women, the absence of a maternal instinct is natural and expressed differently. Such a woman, as a rule, consciously resists, looking for any reason not to give birth - psychologically she simply does not have such a need. If she gives birth, then for the sake of preserving herself in old age.
But even without having a maternal instinct, a developed skin-visual woman is nevertheless able to become a significant person in the life of her child. It is difficult for her with a baby under three years old: she does not know what to do with him, she is afraid to pick him up, crush him in her sleep, she is afraid to bathe. But after three years, when the child's perception of the world already includes the world around him, the skin-visual woman begins to establish an emotional connection with him. And this love covers even the absence of maternal instinct, children love such mothers very much in return. It is these mothers who become their children, like girlfriends, share experiences, stories from life. Education for a skin-visual woman becomes a great emotional happiness, although deep down she can be sure that she is a bad mother.

How to make motherhood happy?
Problems with raising children, inability to establish contact with the child, hatred or indifference to him, unhappy motherhood, unhappy childhood … Sometimes this can be explained by the lack of maternal instinct, sometimes childhood traumas of the mother herself, her frustrations or insufficient realization of her innate properties, problems with the child's father … Be that as it may, any problems can be solved when you understand how and where they came from.
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